TOTW: Calling the Cops

  • Posted on: 30 April 2019
  • By: thecollective
For cops, please dial extension 1312

Recently I was having a conversation with a non-anarchist friend who is white and female-identifying* she told me about a situation she found herself in where she considered calling the cops. She was alone alone and was threatened by a person of color who came at her in an explicitly threatening way. I responded with some boiler plate questions and anarchist hostility to the idea of calling the cops at all. Though she isn’t an anarchist, she hates the cops as much as I, or most anarchists I know do, maybe more.

Anarchy Radio 04-30-2019

  • Posted on: 2 May 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)


What is the spirit - or dispirit - of the times? Fear, anxiety, grief...dominant zeitgeist vibe? Fredy Perlman on racism and nationalism. Eco-disaster of the week, suicide watch. Getting dumber in the techno-world. Ableism discussion. Modern Madness by Ed Lord. Birds, measles. Action news. Zuckerberg: "The future is private." One call.

Warzone Distro's List of New Zines

  • Posted on: 2 May 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Greetings all!

Below are the newest zines released including the looong awaited (my bad) compilation zine "INSURGENCY: An Anarchist Journal of Total Destruction". I personally would like to thank everyone who contributed writing to that. I apologize for the delay with it. I wanted to make sure everyone had plenty of unpressured time to finish writing their contributions.

These zines below including many others will be available at the Warzone Distro table at the upcoming Green Scare Anarchist Bookfair May 11th-12.

Newest zines:

Primal Anarchy Podcast 18: Book Recommendations, Part 3

  • Posted on: 30 April 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Primal Anarchy by Kevin Tucker

The trilogy of book recommendations finally concludes. Wild Resistance no 6 is finally out now, plus information on issue no 7 and call for papers. The heavily revised and expanded second edition of For Wildness and Anarchy is nearly done, hopefully will be printer bound within the next few months. Fiction book recommendations, and a reason for the lack thereof. Reader requests: US history recommendations and kid’s book. A plug for Gathered Remains and Cull of Personality. History recommendations. Thoughts on a couple key (or not) anarchist books. And then a quick run through of the massive world of anthropological book recommendations: cultural anthropology, overviews, ethnographies, ethnohistory, and anthropological looks at war.

From extinction rebellion to desirous rebellion

  • Posted on: 29 April 2019
  • By: thecollective

There is something overwhelmingly simple about the Extinction Rebellion (and sister movements: the student school strikes for the climate, earth strike, climate offensive), its idealism; an idealism that in part explains its resonance in the rapid multiplication and expansion of protests.

Careful comrade, your class is showing. XR has some problems.

  • Posted on: 29 April 2019
  • By: thecollective

I’m not going to ramble on to much about the tactics, the validity of a road block or the fetish for a celebrity voice, We shouldn’t expect XR to uphold the value sets of revolutionary organisations.
I want to talk about a few other things… I want to talk about the things that changed a friendly “this is how to get the Anarchists onboard” opinion piece into one – just a few days and questions later – set on position that even the briefest of critical assessments should light up anyone’s red flags and tho some fantastic people are involved, there are also some deeply concerning issue that people are turning a blind eye too.

From Embers: New Content in April 2019

  • Posted on: 27 April 2019
  • By: thecollective

From North Shore Counter-Info

From Embers is a regular anarchist podcast produced in Kingston, Ontario. We produce a few episodes each month about actions and projects going on in so-called Canada that inspire us, or about topics that we think will be relevant to anarchists living north of the border. We are a proud member of the Channel Zero Anarchist Podcast Network.

Anarchy Bang - Is there a way to change the world that isn’t activism?

  • Posted on: 26 April 2019
  • By: anarchybang

From Anarchy Bang for Sunday April 28

It is a fair point to say that most pessimists were at one time optimists and perhaps failed at that. Activism is nothing if not a kind of optimism. The world, especially the political world, is dark and full of terrors and hopeful activist people are some of the few that charge into that maw with flaming swords and a belief they'll get to the other side. Many of us pessimists have!
