
E18: Anti-Zionism in Israel, part 2

E18: Anti-Zionism in Israel, part 2.

Concluding part of our two-part episode on a people’s history of Zionism and opposition to it within Israel, in conversation with former members of socialist group Matzpen: Moshe Machover, Haim and Udi.

E17: Anti-Zionism in Israel, part 1

Anti-Zionism in Israel.

First of a two-part episode on a people's history of Zionism and opposition to it within Israel, in conversation with former members of Israeli socialist group Matzpen, Moshe Machover, Haim and Udi.

The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

Dead bodies in the aftermath of the Deir Yassin massacre, 1948.

In-depth article looking at the systematic preparations that were made for the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians from what would become Israel in 1948. The article highlights, among other things, the 'Village Files' project between 1940-47, which involved the systematic compilation of maps and intelligence on Arab villages and a series of military plans culminating in Plan Dalet, according to which the 1948 war was fought.

Up Against the Wall - Anonymous

A short communique from 2003 about the construction of a wall to expand Israeli occupation and how anarchists can respond to this and other attempts to erect borders between peoples.

Palestinian Workers Continue to Die for a Capitalist State

They no longer hit the headlines but the Palestinian “Great Return Marches” along the Gaza border with Israel continue. Since March 22 the world has been witnessing yet more horrific scenes in the long conflict between the Israeli state and the dispossessed Palestinians on whose land that state was built. By June 2 the continual shooting of Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza by an Israeli Defence Force (IDF), safely bunkered inside its own border, had produced 124 dead and at least 13,000 wounded. In all that time only one Israeli soldier has been injured.

Anti-Semitism – rooting out oppression or ruling class hypocrisy?

Those who see the need to eliminate anti-Semitism should involve themselves in the struggle for a classless and nationless world. The current media circus about Parliamentary factions is totally removed from the necessary struggle to root out anti-Semitism through the struggle to destroy capitalism.

Letter on anti-Zionism (2014)

Critique of anti-Zionism by the Italian communist journal Il Lato Cattivo.

Zionism against Jews - Jews Against Zionism

Text by 'Jews Against Zionism'.

Various statements and leaflets - Jewish Anarchist Committee

Miscellaneous statements and leaflets by the Jewish Anarchist Committee. Primarily covering the early 1980s period of the Lebanese Civil War, Israeli and Syrian excursions into Lebanon. The JAC aim was to promote an anarcho-syndicalist, anti-zionist, and non-national libertarian point of view on matters pertaining to the Israeli invasion and within the broader political scene in New York and elsewhere on these and other matters. The JAC was heavily supported by the New York / New Jersey based Libertarian Workers Group (LWG).

We want freedom for all: a Jewish anarchist statement - Libertarian Workers Group

This early 1980s statement was published by a number of youthful, 20-something, mostly Jewish born members of the New York and New Jersey based Libertarian Workers Group (LWG). The LWG was a very active group of young anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and libertarian communists.

The goal was to proffer a libertarian worker anti-zionist, anti-nationalist point of view.