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Security Education Companion
A free resource for digital security educators

Welcome to the Security Education Companion! SEC is a resource for people teaching digital security to their friends and neighbors.

If you are new to digital security, want tutorials for privacy-protecting tools, or want translated guides in 11 languages, head to Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD).


Putting together a lesson plan for a digital security workshop? Check out our beginner-friendly lesson modules.

Locking Down Social Media

Duration: 1 hour

End-to-End Encrypted Communications: Phone Apps

Duration: 1 hour - 2 hours

Security News

Want to stay up-to-date with security news? Check out our curated posts from EFF's Deeplinks blog.

Facebook Got Caught Phishing For Friends

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Once again, Facebook is in the news for bad security practices, dark design patterns, and secretly reappropriating sensitive data meant for “authentication” to its own ends. Incredibly, this time, the company managed to accomplish all three in one fell swoop.

What happened?

Last weekend, news broke that Facebook has been demanding some new users enter their email passwords in order to sign up for an account on the site. First publicized by cybersecurity specialist e-sushi on...

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Facebook Doubles Down On Misusing Your Phone Number

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When we publicly demanded that Facebook stop messing with users’ phone numbers last week, we weren’t expecting the social network to double down quite like this: By default, anyone can use the phone number that a user provides for two-factor authentication (2FA) to find that user’s profile. For people who need 2FA to protect their account and stay safe, Facebook is forcing them into unnecessarily choosing between security and privacy.

While settings are available to choose...

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Fix It Already: Nine Steps That Companies Should Take To Protect You

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Today we are announcing Fix It Already, a new way to show companies we're serious about the big security and privacy issues they need to fix. We are demanding fixes for different issues from nine tech companies and platforms, targeting social media companies, operating systems, and enterprise platforms on issues ranging from encryption design to retention policies.

Some of these issues stem from business decisions. Some are security holes. Some are design choices. The common...

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