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Bipartisan Cafe 7901 SE Stark st.
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4.24 - 4.28 11-Apr-2019 15:32

Legendary Civil Rights Leader James Lawson Assembles Institute on Nonviolent Civil Resist

From the open publishing newswire: "Building an Escalating Intergenerational U.S. Nonviolent Movement"

Portland, Ore., will be the site of a sixth assembly of a uniquely acclaimed program that prepares social justice advocates for effective civil resistance campaigns on a host of socio-political crises and predicaments across the nation. The Institute meets for portions of five days, starting Wednesday, April 24, 6-9 p.m. with a public talk by, Legendary Civil Rights Leader Dr. Lawson, Native American Center, Portland State University, to which the public is invited.



corporate dominance | youth 21-Mar-2019 10:14

Global Climate Strike-Eugene Oregon

From the open publishing newswire: Video clip from the Global Climate Strike in Eugene Oregon on March 15, 2019. Video features three youths who are part of the youth climate lawsuit, suing the government for failing to protect their future. This has been ongoing since before the Trump administration, who has been fighting it in court and so far managing to keep the trial from taking place.

These high school students bring the gathering up to date on the status of the lawsuit, asking people to go to www.joinjuliana.org and add their name in support of the Amicus Brief.  https://youtu.be/DomQ1UxlTww


anti-racism | political theory 21-Mar-2019 10:12

Challenging the Both Sides Narrative

From the open publishing newswire: Challenging the Both Sides Narrative: Difference Between Fascist & Antifa Movements in the Trump Era with Dr. Stanislav Vysotsky

Apr 4th 7pm
Cider Riot!
807 NE Couch

His research on the militant antifascist movement and the relationship between threat, space, subculture, and social movement activism has been published in journals such as Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, Critical Criminology, and the book Inside Antifa: The Tactics, Culture, and Practice of Militant Antifascism (forthcoming, Routledge).


actions & protests | imperialism & war 08-Feb-2019 13:01

HANDS OFF VENEZUELA! ** Portland Rally Friday 2/8/19 Terry Shrunk Plaza 5PM

From the open publishing newswire: Join your community members at Terry Schrunk Plaza Portland this Friday at 5:00 pm to tell the US government HANDS OFF VENEZUELA!

No more military intervention in Latin America!

We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people.

Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chosen twice by the people as part of an internationally observed electoral process. Since the 1998 election of Hugo Chávez, the United States has been relentless in its pursuit of regime change in Venezuela. With Donald Trump in the White House, these efforts have escalated to threats of all-out military violence, the plundering of billions of dollars in wealth from the Venezuelan people and pushing a multitude of outrageous lies in the global media.


actions & protests | imperialism & war 26-Jan-2019 08:29

VIDEO: CLOSE GITMO 17 YEARS protest in Portland Oregon

From the open publishing newswire: January 11, 2019 marks 17 years since the opening of the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Local human rights, peace and justice organizations had a visibility action, rally and march on Friday, January 11 to mark the occasion with the message "Close Guantanamo: Still America's Shame."

In Portland Oregon, over a dozen people stood with signs and information regarding the 17 years of GITMO's operation in Cuba, demanding it be closed down.

 https://youtu.be/yORvfaNO8zI (video 14 min)


community building | homelessness 05-Jan-2019 15:51

We all get it. Houselessness is a crisis in Portland.

From the open publishing newswire: There is a better way!

A wide community coalition led by Right 2 Survive asks the CEIC to adopt an innovative Compassionate Change District model that tackles the shared root problems of all neighbors—housed and unhoused.

This New Year, Portland's Central Eastside stands at a crossroads. Much has happened, and all will be decided in THE NEXT THREE WEEKS.

The Team from Onward Oregon


community building | homelessness 25-Dec-2018 13:38

Christmas Dinner 12 noon to 3 pm

From the open publishing newswire: Free Christmas dinner noon to 3pm
Hosted by Potluck in the Park
Location: 1119 SW Park Ave Portland
At the Portland Art Museum


imperialism & war | media criticism 17-Dec-2018 11:15

The Shortwave Report 12/14/18 Listen Globally!

shortwave report From the open publishing newswire: A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

Dear Radio Friend,
This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.



actions & protests | imperialism & war 21-Nov-2018 08:33

Video: Armistice Day 2018 - 11 AM in Portland Oregon

From the open publishing newswire: Around a couple dozen people met at 11 AM on Nov 11th in Directors park to recognize the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day at 11:11 AM.

[Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compičgne, France at 5:45 am, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I, which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918]

11 11 18 ARMISTICE DAY - Portland Oregon Directors Park - aka Veterans day
 https://youtu.be/ZCkvdVL_BrM (YouTube video 42 minutes)


actions & protests 16-Nov-2018 07:34

Protect Mueller: No One Is Above the Law

From the open publishing newswire: Rally in Eugene Oregon in response to Trump appointing Matt Whitaker as US Attorney General after forcing Jeff Sessions to resign the day after Republicans were defeated in a Democrat ripple which took back the House and elected several governors throughout the Country.

Rally features David Fidanque, former Executive Director of Oregon ACLU and several volunteer speakers who speak to their past, present and ongoing problems with the Trump administration.



actions & protests | environment 02-Nov-2018 07:54

[Video] Youth Climate Lawsuit Rally

From the open publishing newswire: Rally in Eugene to support the 21 young plaintiffs, ages 11-22, who are suing the U.S. over government failure to address the issue of climate change.

 https://youtu.be/shE60j9b36k (34 min video)


11/3/18 - 8PM 02-Nov-2018 07:51

Free em All: Political Prisoner & Abolition Panel 11/3/18

From the open publishing newswire: Millions of adults and youth are incarcerated and detained in by the u.s. prison industrial complex, court system, house arrest, parole and juvenile system while the ruling elite capitalist class make gross profit on the oppression of others. This also includes political repression on those who speak out and and fight back. Hear about ongoing international and national political work to free Political Prisoners and smash the prison industrial complex.

Saturday, November 3rd 2018 8:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. @ Social Justice Action Center: 400 SE 12th Avenue


human & civil rights 08-Sep-2018 10:36

Fouad Kaady Remembered

Fouad Kaady From the open publishing newswire: We have not forgotten.

We remember Fouad Kaady. Thirteen years ago on september 8, Fouad was murdered by a cop from Sandy Oregon & a deputy from Clackamas County, in a disgusting display of cruelty. I remember especially Fouad's wonderful parents, sisters, & other relatives, who in their grief showed much care for us who simply vigiled with them. Peace & blessings to you, Kaady family. We'll not forget Fouad or you.



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