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Explore Kashmir

Umar Lateef Misgar reports on an alleged victim of the policing crackdown in Kashmir: a school teacher who...

A photo story by Faisal Magray explores the psychological toll of Kashmir’s decades-long conflict.

A photo story by Faisal Magray explores the psychological toll of Kashmir’s decades-long conflict.

This article is more than one year old.

Rahila Gupta reports on this week’s pro and anti-Modi protests in London.

This article is more than two years old.

Machine manufacturing of Pashmina scarves has saturated the market, leaving artisans without hope of a secure future, writes...

This article is more than two years old.

Police in Kashmir are taking hundreds of protesters in administrative custody using the Public Safety Act, report ...

This article is almost three years old.

As the country mourns its loss there is a proliferation of mindless patriotism, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara...

This article is almost three years old.

Will opportunities to move society forward be lost? Mari Marcel Thekaekara asks.

This article is more than three years old.

Uzma Falak questions police tactics in Kashmir.

This article is more than three years old.

Nine-year-old Aamir is the latest victim of state violence and denial, reports Uzma Falak.

This article is almost four years old.

Are new generations of armed youth challenging India’s dominance? Uzma Falak reports from the region.

This article is almost four years old.

Uzma Falak reports on state violence within the India-controlled region.

This article is almost four years old.

With India touting Kashmir as a dream tourist destination, Uzma Falak reports on the reality – and the...

This article is almost four years old.

Uzma Falak reports on a problem of powerlessness and the struggle against it.

This article is more than four years old.

Rather than Pandit ‘ghettos’, what we need is proper integration, argues Uzma Falak.

This article is more than four years old.

Uzma Falak on the aftermath of the deaths of two teenagers shot by the Indian army.

This article is more than four years old.

In the face of state inertia, Kashmiris have taken matters into their own hands. Uzma Falak reports.


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