Thursday, May 02, 2019

Into Space!

I know I often sound like a bit of a Luddite - and fair enough - but the idea that we are going to colonize Mars is bugshit crazy. Maybe there should be manned trips there. A bit above my pay grade to know. But no we are not going to settle a new planet. It's a bit cold and lacks, well, most things we need to exist.

The United States’ eyes — and our unified commitment — should focus on opening the door, in our time, to the great migration of humankind to Mars. Books aplenty have been written about how to do this, and they have inspired government and non-government leaders to make lofty plans. But plans without a detailed architecture, and without that “next step” into the future, are just fantasy.

We can't even build a supertrain.

What To Do

I don't know, really. I am dumb. But "Trump is uniquely bad and also we, the House Democrats, are powerless" is not an especially winning message. "We'll fix it when we win the next election" is not a compelling message just won an election.

At some point they're going to have to fight. They're gonna have to threaten someone with jail. Maybe they will lose that fight, but...

Morning, Morning

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Late Night

Rock on.

Does Anybody Remember Laughter?

I am humorless now, apparently, but I just witnessed a discussion on the internet about who should play Barr on SNL and... no. Stop it.

Wednesday Evening



I admit I don't entirely understand these prosecutions, but every black kid in higher ed who had a peer or professor think he/she get in because of some sort of affirmative action lol.

LOS ANGELES — Federal prosecutors are pursuing a new set of parents in the college admissions fraud scandal, sending ripples of fear through elite circles in Southern California and stirring speculation about which well-heeled executive or celebrity might be the next to be charged.

We Are All Pundits Now

Watching Joe Biden, a man who was already too out-of-step with the party and the country to win the nomination 12 years ago, claim the “electability” mantle only strengthens that feeling. No one really wants President Biden. It’s just that the “better things aren’t possible” caucus accidentally managed to convince some large portion of the Democratic electorate that they must hold their noses and vote for actively worse things.

Expecting voters to behave like pundits—asking people to vote for what expensive consultants and Sunday show guests imagine people like them might want instead of what they actually want—would be perverse even if it worked. But unless and until the Democratic electorate can be given license to support what it supports, each failure of the “electability” paradigm will only be taken as proof of the need to retreat further into learned helplessness.

If you’re not that excited to vote for Joe Biden, I promise you, your neighbor isn’t, either.

Crimes Are Good

I get why the first round of people went to work for Trump. They figured they could control him. Dumbass president, needs some smart responsible people to take care of him. Not that all these people were smart, but they thought they were because they are people.

I don't think the first round were a bunch of dedicated public servants or anything, but maybe they didn't precisely go in it for the crimes. Now why are you there? There's no other reason.

Morning Thread

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday Night

Rock on.

Tuesday Evening


The Climate... It Is Changing

I am sometimes wrong (you all point and laugh and say usually) and probably one of my bad wrong things was being a bit of climate change skeptic. Not skeptical that it was happening, but slightly skeptical that it would be catastrophic. If it is a 50 year thing instead of a 20 year thing...big difference!

I have probably been on the wrong side of that.

The End Of Society

Facebook is embracing dating and wow this is going to ruin the world. Horny boomers are all gonna get divorced now.

This is not going to end well.

Infrastructure Week

Sometimes I think I'm too hard on team D (and many of you get mad it me) and then they do something like have big bipartisan moment with Trump for a thing that will never actually happen.

Who Is "we"

Objective journalism never is.

I Think The President Is Bad

Maybe this is controversial?

How To Live Now

When you are 22 or so you are supposed to have borrowed about 100 hundred grand for college, started saving for retirement, starting saving for a down payment, started saving for your future child's college education, ...

I think this does not work so well.

Only Losers Ride The Bus

I love the bus.

Morning Thread

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Evening

Tomorrow is Tuesday!
