Monthly Archives: July 2014

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The Dance of Reality

TheDanceofReality1,740 words

Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Dance of Reality is an extraordinary film. Born in Chile in 1929 to a Jewish family originally from Ukraine, Jodorowsky began his career on the stage as an actor and director, then moved into film. His earlier films are Fando y Lis (1968), El Topo (The Mole, 1970), The Holy Mountain (1973), Tusk (1978), Santa Sangre (1989), and The Rainbow Thief (1990). In the mid-1970s he also worked on an abortive adaptation of Frank Herbert’s science fiction classic Dune.

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The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky

spiritualjourney7,465 words

Alejandro Jodorowsky
The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky
Rochester Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2008

1. Introduction

Alejandro Jodorowsky is known to English-speaking audiences as the director and star of the cult film El Topo (1970). His other films (of which there are only a few) are lesser known, and his work outside of film is hardly known at all in America. Read more …

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Ce bon vieux libéralisme

eugenics_poster11,228 words

English original here

Quand les Nationalistes Blancs soulignent le fait indéniable que dans tout le monde blanc, les Eglises chrétiennes aident activement au remplacement de la race blanche au moyen de l’immigration et de la colonisation non-blanches – ou, au mieux, ne s’y opposent pas –, la réponse habituelle des apologistes chrétiens est que nous ne devrions pas critiquer les Eglises aujourd’hui parce que, des siècles auparavant, l’Eglise combattit l’invasion musulmane de l’Europe et lança les Croisades pour reprendre la Terre Sainte.  Read more …

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Religion civile raciale

civilreligion1,697 words

English original here

Pour ma démonstration, je définirai une religion comme la pratique communautaire d’honorer le sacré. Read more …

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Waking Up From the American Dream 
Obama’s Racial Socialism

new-democrats2,150 words

The Broken Social Contract

Taxes are no longer the price you pay for civilization. They are the subsidy you provide towards its destruction.  Read more …

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Turn Left, New Right!

Léon Frédéric, "The Ages of the Worker"

Léon Frédéric, “The Ages of the Worker”

2,960 words

Czech translation here

The New Right must not be afraid to pick up the banner of formerly “Left-wing” causes. It should be clear that Left and Right are irrelevant to the post-Cold War political situation. Fighting the Reds is no longer a convincing argument when it is America that leads the world into an abyss of atomized consumerist society devoid of higher spiritual values.

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Notes on Moses the Egyptian, Part 3

Ralph Cudworth, 1617–1688

Ralph Cudworth, 1617–1688

2,547 words

Translations: FrenchSpanish

Author’s Note:

The following text completes my notes on chapter 3 of Jan Assmann’s Moses the Egyptian.

Although chapter 3 of Moses the Egyptian is entitled “Before the Law: John Spencer as Egyptologist,” the last quarter of the chapter is devoted to Ralph Cudworth (1617–1688), one of Spencer’s colleagues at Cambridge and a leading member of the Cambridge Platonists.

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Notes sur Moïse l’Egyptien

Jan Assmann

Jan Assmann

2,857 words

English original here

Note de l’auteur :

Le texte suivant est une expérience. C’est la première d’une série de « notes » sur des chapitres choisis du livre de Jan Assmann, Moïse l’Egyptien. Mes principaux buts sont d’encourager plus de gens à lire le livre et de les préparer à le lire.  Read more …

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La haine née sur le Sinaï :
Moïse l’Egyptien, par Jan Assmann

AssmannFrench2,775 words

English original here

Jan Assmann
Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997

[Tr. fr.: Jan Assmann, Moïse l’Egyptien, Paris, Flammarion, coll. Champs, 2003.]

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The Gaza Crisis:
What do Israel & Hamas Want?

gazamother1,822 words

Following the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagers on a Jews-only road in the West Bank, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza has heated up. The West Bank is administered by Fatah, an old-style secular, socialist, Arab nationalist party. Gaza is run by the Islamist group Hamas. Hamas transitioned from a minor militant/charitable group to the most popular group following the withdrawal of settlers and the simultaneous targeted killing of the cleric who founded Hamas. Read more …

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Ask a Eugenicist

advice974 words

Editor’s Note

Because of the very positive responses to Marian Van Court’s recent essays on eugenics, we are running a multi-part series called “Ask a Eugenicist.” If you have other questions for Marian, please post them as comments below or email me at [email protected].   Read more …

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Co nevíme o malajském letadle MH17…


Proruský separatista údajně držící hračku mrtvého dítěte jako „trofej“

1,395 words

English original here

… nás může všechny zabít.

Je s podivem, co všechno víme o letu 17 malajských aerolinek, který se v pátek zřítil na východě Ukrajiny. Víme, že všech 298 lidí na palubě – a čtyři holubi, dva psi a pět dalších ptáků, z nichž je přinejmenším jeden páv a jedno kuře – zahynulo.

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The Antifa Avenger Rides Again

Jack Hunter1,820 words

The way some conservatives talk about the border children is racist and revolting.” Is it a headline from Or from the parody twitter account banned for too closely resembling the original?

Nope. It’s everyone’s favorite left-libertarian race cuck, Jack Hunter, the Antifa Avenger, serving up a microwaved bowl of moralpreening vomit seasoned with lies and clichés that could have been copy and pasted from the comments section at The Huffington Post. 
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Money Talks:
“No Nation for Whites”

2,967 words

Billionaire oligarch Sheldon Adelson wants open borders for America, secure borders for Israel.

Billionaire oligarch Sheldon Adelson wants open borders for America, secure borders for Israel.

Billionaire conglomerator and former hedge fund manager Warren Buffett, owner and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, recently joined fellow billionaires Sheldon Adelson (Las Vegas Sands Corp.) and Microsoft founder William H. “Bill” Gates III to publish a joint editorial in America’s most influential newspaper, the New York Times (“Break the Immigration Impasse,” July 10, 2014), Read more …

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The Case for Eugenics in a Nutshell

Abbot Handerson Thayer, Experience

Abbot Handerson Thayer, 1849–1921, Experience

4,593 words

The Encyclopedia Britannica defines eugenics as “the organic betterment of the race through wise application of the laws of heredity.” Yet most people draw a blank when they hear the word, or else it conjures up images of swastikas and jack‑booted Nazis. Contrary to this warped image, eugenics has had a long history, extending back to ancient Rome and beyond.

Eugenics is concerned with the current direction of human evolution. Read more …

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White Victory in Latin America

Germany's World Cup victors. Clothes by Hugo Boss.

Germany’s World Cup victors. Clothes by Hugo Boss.

3,136 words

The World Cup in Brazil is over, and Germany — with its predominantly white squad — is the first European team in history to win in Latin America. And, in the views of football experts and neutral fans around the world, it was a well-deserved victory.  Read more …

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Apes, Together, STRONG!

dawn-of-planet-of-apes_138691831400-630x472866 words

I’m a big fan of the seventh art, so the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes premiere was mandatory for me.

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Now Available in Hardcover & Paperback 
Western Civilization Bites Back

Bowden-West-Cover-medium746 words

Jonathan Bowden
Western Civilization Bites Back
Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2014
228 pages

Hardcover: $35 

Paperback: $18 

Printed editions will ship by Friday, August 8th.  Read more …

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What About the Palestinians?

APTOPIX Mideast Israel Palestinians2,778 words

“I sympathize with the Palestinians, because I too live under Zionist occupation.” — Greg Johnson

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The Color Revolution Cook Book, Part 4:
The Identitarians’ Fight against Halal Slaughter in France

Against Kosher and Halal Slaughter Marianne Thieme, Dutch MP        Party for the Animals

Against Kosher and Halal Slaughter Marianne Thieme, Dutch MP Party for the Animals

3,268 words

Part 4 of 4

This final installment of my review of From Dictatorship to DemocracyGene Sharp’s seminal work on nonviolent strategy and tactics for regime change, also looks at how the opposition to Halal and Kosher slaughter that began with tiny groups of Identitarians and Animal Rights activists whose combined strengths became a transnational issue throughout Europe. The final three chapters of From Dictatorship to Democracy focus on Sharp’s three phases of nonviolent revolution: Selective Resistance, Mass Defiance, and Consolidation.  Read more …

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Clickbait Country

926 words

clickbaitYou may or may not be old enough to remember when the Internet was a new thing, but for a long time, web pages were not considered “credible” sources. If you were a serious person trying to make a serious point, you cited books, academic journals, established magazines and venerable old newspapers.  Read more …

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

apes11,237 words

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the second movie in the rebooted Planet of the Apes series, establishes this as a superior franchise inviting comparisons with Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.

The movie begins exactly where Rise of the Planet of the Apes left off, with a tracker plotting flights around the globe showing the spread of “simian flu.” Read more …

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What We Don’t Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 . . .


Russian separatist in Ukraine holding stuffed toy of one of the 80 children killed on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17

1,608 words

Czech translation here

. . . could kill us all.

It is astonishing what we do know about Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which crashed in eastern Ukraine on Friday. We know that that all 298 humans on board — plus 2 dogs, 4 pigeons, and 5 other birds including at least 1 peacock and at least 1 chicken — were killed.

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Evolution, Eugenics, & God’s Will

2,691 words

Michelangelo,_Creation_of_Adam_04This famous scene from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel has recently been interpreted in a startling new way. After it was cleaned and restored, the original details were revealed. The vehicle in which God is traveling, along with God himself, all the angels, the sashes, etc., conform remarkably well to the structures of a human brain (turned sideways, facing Adam).  Read more …

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False Flags & Dull Facts


The shooting down/crash of a Malaysia Airlines (yes, them again) plane over the disputed Eastern Ukraine has got the conspiracy theory bandwagons rolling again. Read more …

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Now in Stock! 
Generation Identity:
A Declaration of War Against the ’68ers

generation_identity_front_1527 words

Markus Willinger
Generation Identity: A Declaration of War Against the ’68ers
London: Arktos, 2013
104 pages

paperback only: $17

Read Gregory Hood’s review here.

The denial of the European peoples’ right to their own heritage, history and even their physical homelands has become part of the cultural fundament of the modern West. Read more …

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From the Editor 
Slavoj Žižek Does Not Write for Counter-Currents as Gregory Hood

Slavoj Žižek at his home in Lubljana.580 words

In response to hypothetical questions based on the following list of ten incredible quotes that Slavoj Žižek didn’t actually write, I wish to deny that Slavoj Žižek writes for Counter-Currents as Gregory Hood. Read more …

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America: Imagine a World Without Her

The huckster D’Souza

The huckster D’Souza

2,879 words

There’s no easier way to make a living than as a non-white activist in the American conservative movement. Simply offer well-meaning whites the nectar of racial absolution and say you care about their country, and they will throw money at you no matter what else you tell them.  Read more …

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Now in Stock! 
Convergence of Catastrophes

convergence702 words

Guillaume Faye
Convergence of Catastrophes
Foreword by Jared Taylor
Translated by E. Christian Kopff
London: Arktos, 2012
216 pages

paperback only: $27

The thesis of this book is a terrifying one: our present global civilisation will collapse within twenty years, and it is too late to stop it. Read more …

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Agoraposter091,636 words

Slovak translation here

Agora (2009) should simply be called Hypatia, for it tells the story of Hypatia of Alexandria, the philosopher and mathematician who was murdered by a Christian mob in 415 CE. Hypatia’s life coincides with the destruction of ancient paganism by Christianity, thus her murder symbolizes the death of a whole civilization.  Read more …

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