Monthly Archives: September 2010

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Theory & Practice

1,455 words

Translations: French, Polish

The aim of Counter-Currents Publishing and our journal North American New Right is to create an intellectual movement in North America that is analogous to the European New Right. We aspire to learn from the European New Right’s strengths and limitations and to tailor its approach to the unique situation of European people in North America. Our aim is to lay the intellectual groundwork for a white ethnostate in North America.

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Commenting Guidelines

Caravaggio's "The Incredulity of Saint Thomas," c. 1601

381 words

1. Moderation is necessary in order to maintain civility, quality, and focus of comments. All comments are moderated. So do not expect your comment to appear immediately. And when it does not appear immediately, please do not fire off an angry email denouncing me for “censoring” you.

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Interview with Jean Thiriart, Part 4

Europa Abducted, EU Parliament Building

Europa Abducted, EU Parliament Building

4,585 words

Questions by Gene H. Hogberg

Translated by Dr. David Wainwright

Part 4 of 6. (For the rest of the interview, click here.)

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A Contemporary Evaluation of Francis Parker Yockey, Part 2

2,623 words

Part 2 of 3, Part 1 here

Yockey and Huxley on “Soft” Totalitarianism

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A Contemporary Evaluation of Francis Parker Yockey, Part 1

2,356 words

Part 1 of 3

“Thus, the Liberation Front now states to Europe its two great tasks: (1) the complete expulsion of everything alien from the soul and from the soil of Europe, the cleansing of the European soul of the dross of 19th century materialism and rationalism Read more …

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Interview with Jean Thiriart, Part 3

Jean Thiriart, 1922–1992, in Red Square

1,858 words

Questions by Gene H. Hogberg

Translated by Dr. David Wainwright

Part 3 of 6. (For the rest of the interview, click here.)

Question 4: The Soviet Union is no longer only a land power. “The Bear has learned to swim,” having developed an ocean-going navy, thanks to Admiral Gorshkov. What is the significance of Soviet naval power should Europe and the Soviet Union become more closely allied in the future? Read more …

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Why I Write

penandsword1,908 words

I once naively believed that everyone thought more or less as I did and shared my basic values. Today I wonder if anyone does.

A threshold reason why I write is simply that the Good Lord granted me facility with the written word. Not with video or motion picture production, or music, or broadcasting, or entertainment, or even the spoken word, but simply with writing. Read more …

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The Dark Knight

3,650 words

Translations: CzechFrench

In my review of Christoper Nolan’s Batman Begins, I argued that the movie generates a dramatic conflict around the highest of stakes: the destruction of the modern world (epitomized by Gotham City) by the Traditionalist “League of Shadows” versus its preservation and “progressive” improvement by Batman.

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Jonathan Bowden’s A Ballet of Wasps

1,078 words

Jonathan Bowden
A Ballet of Wasps
London: The Spinning Top Club, 2008

A Ballet of Wasps is a collection of four short stories and a play.  Read more …

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Interview with Jean Thiriart, Part 2

Jean Thiriart, 1922–1992

4,023 words

Questions by Gene H. Hogberg

Translated by Dr. David Wainwright

Part 2 of 6. (For the rest of the interview, click here.)

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Interview with Jean Thiriart, Part 1

4,002 words

Questions by Gene H. Hogberg

Translated by Dr. David Wainwright

Part 1 of 6. (For the rest of the interview, click here.)

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1,727 words

In the 20 years I have identified with the cause of American white nationalism and revolutionary Euronationalism, I’ve never felt that European Americans had much chance of freeing themselves from the System threatening their existence. Their best hope, I always thought, was that the System would eventually collapse from its own internal contradictions or that Europeans would show us the way.

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Atlantis, Kush, & Turan:
Prehistoric Matrices of Ancient Civilizations in the Posthumous Work of Spengler, Part 2

1,180 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

Part 2 of 2, Part 1 here

The War Chariot

Spengler reserved his sympathy for the culture-amoeba of Turan, whose bearers were characterized by the love of adventure, implacable will power, a taste for violence, and freedom from vain sentimentality. Read more …

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Toward a White Transhumanism of Power

Ahhnold1,733 words

French translation here

Judaism — A Transhumanistic Religion of Power

How Judaism is like getting jumped into a gang:

The ritual of getting jumped into a gang goes like this: the group beats the crap out of you, then if they decide you took it well, then they are all your “gang brothers” or whatever. Read more …

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Atlantis, Kush, & Turan:
Prehistoric Matrices of Ancient Civilizations in the Posthumous Work of Spengler, Part 1

Nicholas Roerich, “The Destruction of Atlantis,” 1928–29

1,323 words

Part 1 of 2

Translated by Greg Johnson

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Yukio Mishima


Yukio Mishima, 1925–1970

3,420 words

Yukio Mishima was born into an upper middle class family in 1925. Author of a hundred books, playwright, and actor, he has been described as the “Leonardo da Vinci of contemporary Japan,” and is one of the few Japanese writers to have become widely known and translated in the West. Read more …

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The One True Way

773 words

German translation here

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Join the Dance!

dance11,432 words

Russian translation here

A TOQ comment drew my attention to a 3-minute Internet video entitled “Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy” [YouTube clip] by Derek Sivers. There are some brilliant lessons packed into its short compass, culminating in this counterintuitive bit of advice: Read more …

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Battle for a Place in the Sun

aton1,397 words

French translation here

I want people to understand the elemental nature of our struggle. It is, in the end, not a war of words. It is a Mind-War, but not one that is decided by winning arguments. The Mind-War is decided by collective consciousness that leads to the needed individual and collective action.

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The Cause of the Peoples?

1,236 words

Translated by Michael O’Meara

Editor’s Note:

The idea of the “cause of the peoples” is associated primarily with Alain de Benoist. It is an attempt to fuse European ethnonationalism with a kind of liberal universalism by asserting that European ethnonationalists are not merely fighting for their own cause, but for the cause of all peoples to preserve their distinctness Read more …

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On the Secret of Degeneration

Julius Evola, 1898–1974

2,093 words

Anyone who has come to reject the rationalist myth of “progress” and the interpretation of history as an unbroken positive development of mankind will find himself gradually drawn towards the world-view that was common to all the great traditional cultures, and which had at its center the memory of a process of degeneration, slow obscuration, or collapse of a higher preceding world. Read more …

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Batman Begins

1,222 words

French translation here

After being blown away by director Christopher Nolan’s Inception, I decided to give his Batman Begins (2005) another chance. The first time I saw this film, I did not like it. Not one bit. I must have been distracted, because this time I loved it. Nolan breaks with the campy style of earlier Batman films, focusing on character development and motivations, which makes Batman Begins and its sequel The Dark Knight both psychologically dark and intellectually and emotionally compelling.

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Southern California Book Signing to be Rescheduled

We regret that we will have to reschedule the Southern California book signing of Counter-Currents authors Michael O’Meara and Michael J. Polignano. When a new date is set, we will announce it here.

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Interview with Robert Steuckers

4,404 words

Troy Southgate: When and why did you decide to become involved in politics?

Robert Steuckers: I was never actually involved in politics, as I was never a member of a political party. Nevertheless I am a citizen interested in political questions but of course not in the usual plain and trivial way, as I have no intention to become a candidate, council deputy or Member of Parliament.

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Ludovici on Feminism & Emasculation

Cristofano Allori. "Judith with the Head of Holofernes," 1613

1,470 words

Each sex has the instincts, emotions and mental powers related to the kind of life that it will have to lead, and the corresponding limitation in selecting and rejecting. For instance, the male as the active par­ticipator in coition is the wooer and initiator; he has to awaken desire for himself in the female, and finds his pleasure in these roles. The fe­male finds pleasure in being captivated, in surrendering herself, in yielding to initiation, provided that she approves of the male.

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The Myth of Our Rebirth

2,691 words

Editor’s Note:

In this talk, Michael O’Meara defines one of the crucial elements of the metapolitical project of Counter-Currents Publishing and North American New Right. This is the second essay in Dr. O’Meara’s new book Toward the White Republic, available here.

“J’attends les Cosaques et le Saint-Esprit.”
—Léon Bloy

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D. H. Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence, 1885–1930

2,004 words

French translation here

“My great religion is a belief in the blood.”
–D. H. Lawrence

D. H. Lawrence 1885–1930 is acknowledged as one of the most influential novelists of the twentieth century. He wrote novels and poetry as acts of polemic and prophecy. Read more …

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Evola & Spengler

Julius Evola

1,040 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

Czech translation here

“I translated from German, at the request of the publisher Longanesi . . . Oswald Spengler’s vast and celebrated work The Decline of the West. That gave me the opportunity to specify, in an introduction, the meaning and the limits of this work which, in its time, had been world-famous.” Read more …

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Jean Thiriart, the Machiavelli of United Europe

Jean Thiriart, 1922–1992

2,165 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

Translations: Czech, Ukrainian

A diligent reader of Hobbes, Machiavelli, and Pareto, the Belgian Jean Thiriart (1922–1992), founder of the pan-European Jeune Europe (Young Europe), is the theorist of a Greater Europe from Galway to Vladivostok.

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Louis-Ferdinand Céline—An Anarcho-Nationalist

1,766 words

In his imaginary self-portrayal, the French novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894–1961) would be the first one to reject the assigned label of anarcho-nationalism. For that matter he would reject any outsider’s label whatsoever regarding his prose and his personality. He was an anticommunist, but also an anti-liberal. He was an anti-Semite but also an anti-Christian. He despised the Left and the Right. He rejected all dogmas and all beliefs, and worse, he submitted all academic standards and value systems to brutal derision. Read more …

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  • Our Titles

    The Alternative Right

    My Nationalist Pony

    The White Nationalist Manifesto

    Dark Right: Batman Viewed From the Right

    The Philatelist

    Novel Folklore

    Confessions of an Anti-Feminist

    East and West

    Though We Be Dead, Yet Our Day Will Come

    White Like You

    The Homo and the Negro, Second Edition

    Numinous Machines

    The World in Flames

    Venus and Her Thugs


    North American New Right, vol. 2

    You Asked For It

    More Artists of the Right

    Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics


    The Importance of James Bond

    In Defense of Prejudice

    Confessions of a Reluctant Hater (2nd ed.)

    The Hypocrisies of Heaven

    Waking Up from the American Dream

    Green Nazis in Space!

    Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country

    Heidegger in Chicago

    The End of an Era

    Sexual Utopia in Power

    What is a Rune? & Other Essays

    Son of Trevor Lynch's White Nationalist Guide to the Movies

    The Lightning & the Sun

    The Eldritch Evola

    Western Civilization Bites Back

    New Right vs. Old Right

    Lost Violent Souls

    Journey Late at Night: Poems and Translations

    The Non-Hindu Indians & Indian Unity

    Baader Meinhof ceramic pistol, Charles Kraaft 2013

    Jonathan Bowden as Dirty Harry

    The Lost Philosopher, Second Expanded Edition

    Trevor Lynch's A White Nationalist Guide to the Movies

    And Time Rolls On

    The Homo & the Negro

    Artists of the Right

    North American New Right, Vol. 1

    Forever and Ever

    Some Thoughts on Hitler

    Tikkun Olam and Other Poems

    Under the Nihil

    Summoning the Gods

    Hold Back This Day

    The Columbine Pilgrim

    Confessions of a Reluctant Hater

    Taking Our Own Side

    Toward the White Republic

    Distributed Titles


    The Node

    A Sky Without Eagles

    The Way of Men

    The New Austerities

    Morning Crafts

    The Passing of a Profit & Other Forgotten Stories

    Asatru: A Native European Spirituality

    The Lost Philosopher

    Impeachment of Man

    Gold in the Furnace
