Author Archives: Saint-Loup


Saint-Loup (1908–1990), is the pen name of French author and adventurer Marc Augier, who was the author of more than 30 books. Saint-Loup’s books on World War II include Les volontaires (The Volunteers) (on the French Volunteer Legion), Les hérétiques (The Heretics), Les nostalgiques (The Nostalgics) (post-War stories of the volunteers), Les SS de la toison d'or (The SS of the Golden Fleece) (on Leon Degrelle and the Flemish and Walloon volunteers), La Division Azul (The Blue Division) (on the Spanish legion), and Götterdämmerung, ou rencontre avec la bête (Témoignage 1944–1945) (Götterdämmerung, or Encounter with the Beast [Experiences 1944–1945]). His novels include La nuit commence au Cap Horn (Nightfall on Cape Horn), on the destruction of South American Indians by Christian missionaries. Saint-Loup also wrote histories, travel and adventure books, and books on automobiles.
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Toward a Europe of Carnal Fatherlands?

charnelles1,502 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

Racism is merely an awareness of racial differences. By no means does it imply the desire to oppress or destroy another race merely because it is different from our own. Quite the contrary! We are racist for the blacks as well as for Aryans and Jews. To revisit and slightly tweak a well-known phrase, “We are all Israelis!” Read more …

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Hitler or Judah?
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal, Chapter 6, Part 1

Albrecht Dürer, "Portrait of Oswald Krell," 1499

6,114 words

Chapter 6

Fourth Session

Part 1 of 3

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Hitler or Judah?
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal, Chapter 5

Albrecht Dürer, "Christ Among the Doctors," circa 1506

6,065 words

Previous installment here

Chapter 5

Third Session

I made my way to the auditorium, accompanied by some English and German journalists who were following the debate discreetly. Read more …

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Hitler or Judah?
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal, Chapter 4

Albrecht Dürer, "Wing of a Blue Roller," 1512, watercolor and gouache on vellum

8,599 words

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Chapter 4

Second Session

The following day, the snow had stopped falling over Nuremberg, Read more …

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Hitler or Judah?
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal, Chapter 3

Albrecht Dürer, Rhinoceros, ink on paper

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Chapter 3

First Session

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Quotations from Saint-Loup

4,563 words

Ed. Arjuna, trans. R. G. Fowler

Translator’s Note:

The French writer Saint-Loup (Marc Augier) embodied the rarest of combinations: excellence in action as well as in reflection. He was a warrior, sportsman, adventurer, and political activist—as well as a novelist, essayist, philosopher, initiate, and myth-maker. Read more …

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Hitler or Judah?
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal, Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The Tribunal

There were seventeen of us Read more …

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Hitler or Judah?
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal, Chapter 1

3,722 words

Editor’s Note:

Hitler or Judah? A Second Nuremberg Tribunal is a novel by French author and adventurer Marc Augier, better known as Saint-Loup (1908–1990). After completing the novel in 1975 or 1976, Saint-Loup decided that it was too controversial to publish under his own name. Read more …

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