Advertise With Us

For all advertising queries or to request a copy of the New Matilda site overview, you can contact Gaala Watson here.

New Matilda is an independent website of news, analysis and satire.

We publish thought-provoking content daily on our free-to-access website, offering readers a vibrant mix of fresh, intelligent perspectives.

New Matilda has over 18,000 registered users who receive notification about new content on the site three times a week through our news digest.

Eighty per cent of New Matilda’s registered users are professionals who work in: media, education, health, science and political advisory roles. A further 10 per cent are in senior business or management positions.

By choosing to advertise with New Matilda your business or not-for-profit is gaining direct access to a loyal, discerning and affluent audience who want to make a positive difference to the world around them.

Advertising specifications

Graphic Ads: Our ads are all in accordance with IAB sizes.

468×60 (Full Banner)
728×90 (Leaderboard)
300×250 (Medium Rectangle)
300×100 (3:1 Rectangle)

Text Ads: Are also variable ranging from up to 50 words.

Bi-weekly email digests: Reach over 18,000 users through a Banner Ad (468 x 60).

Site sponsorship: Provide your organisation with the unique opportunity to sponsor the website or sections of our site. You will receive exclusive space to promote your campaign. Please contact us for more information.

For all advertising queries or to request a copy of the New Matilda site overview, you can contact Gaala Watson here.

New Matilda advertising policy
New Matilda will not accept advertising that is misleading or encourages discrimination, exploitation, financial over-commitment, militarism, waste or pollution.

Advertising revenue assists New Matilda in achieving our aim to provide a viable media alternative for Australia.

We encourage users to support the advertisers who support us.