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9.8.18 @ 7PM 24-Aug-2018 14:47

History & Strategy of German Antifascism

From the open publishing newswire: Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 7-9pm
Cider Riot! 807 NE Couch St Portland, Oregon 97232

German antifascist activists, with over 10 years experience, present the major strategies, struggles, and theories of the „Antifaschistische Aktion" from 1932 to the present.
History & Strategy of German Antifascism

The latest rise of fascist movements and parties has once again made it clear: organized antifascist resistance is necessary. In order to successfully intervene and stop fascism from spreading, it is useful to take a look at the different experiences built from movements in other countries. Particularly the history of the Antifa movement in Germany has to offer a lot of different approaches and experiences.


legacies | technology 20-Jul-2015 11:04

The end of capitalism

From the open publishing newswire: Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era. At the heart of further change to come is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy. The old ways will take a long while to disappear, but it's time to be utopian.
www.openculture.com gives us 700 free movies, 700 free E-books and 450 free audio books. The information economy is an economy of abundance that challenges the past economy of scarcity.
to read Paul Mason's "The end of capitalism" published on July 16, 2015 in The Guardian, click on


Why should we not form a picture of the ideal life, built out of abundant information, non-hierarchical work and the dissociation of work from wages\?


legacies | media criticism 23-Jul-2013 21:11

The Betrayal of Helen Thomas - Fearlessness in Pursuit of the Truth

From the open publishing newswire: When the news spread through Washington this weekend that the unwavering, pioneering journalist Helen Thomas had died, there must have been a collective sigh of relief throughout the halls of Washington.

News articles and obituaries are obligatorily mentioning her retirement over political remarks about Palestine and Israel. They all will and should celebrate her trail -blazing career as a journalist and author. And now that she has died, it has become politically correct to re-embrace her, because now Helen is safe. She will not be asking the uncomfortable questions anymore, questions that made lying politicians squirm, as they stared dumbfounded back at her, always surprised at freedom of the press in action, at a woman who did not know her place.

But in Helen's final years, there was little celebration of her career and her courage, as former friends, coworkers and many in Washington jumped on the bandwagon resolutely condemning her for comments made in a hit piece that took brief comments out of context. Perhaps most appallingly, President Obama took time from spying on one half of the world and bombing the other half to state that her resignation was "the right decision."

In a world where politicians like George Bush, Dick Cheney and Rahm Emmanuel are celebrated for their reputations for expletive laden tirades, can we really pretend that Helen's comments were so shocking or offensive that they were worthy of forced retirement? In a world where we hear the daily drivel from presidents promoting wars of madness with lies and straight faces, how did we let such vitriol rain down on her?


legacies 04-Jun-2012 15:47

Portland Veterans for Peace gather on Memorial Day

veterans for peace From the open publishing newswire: Portland Chapter 72 of Veterans for Peace gathered at Peace Memorial Park to honor those who died whilst serving in the Armed Forces. Peace was written in chalk in the languages of countries where U.S. Led conflict has occurred. Portland, OR, 05/28/2012.

homepage:  http://alexmilantracy.com


actions & protests | bikes/transportation | legacies 21-May-2012 06:45

Video: Brian Willson - Speaks at Occupy Portland - May 9 2012 Blood on the Tracks

Brian Willson - Occupy Portland May 9 2012 From the open publishing newswire: Brian spoke in the St Francis church dinning hall for Occupy Portland on May 9, 2012. The discussion was about a variety of topics, from "occupy movement, war, protesting, obedience, imperialism, anarchism and community" The video covers experiences from a vast array of different actions and insights into making change from Brians opinion.

The topic of "Vertical Power Structures' is explained and encouraged by Brian, and he shares with the group why and how it correlates with the movement. There is also a Q and A in the last half of the video with the audiance.

More Information on Brians book [Blood On The Tracks]

(video 1 hour 40 minutes)

homepage: www.joeanybody.com


actions & protests | legacies 16-Mar-2012 09:32

High Noon, & Occupy at the West Coast Docks

From the open publishing newswire: "We can expect cold weather and cops"
by Daniel Borgström

HIGH NOON is a 1952 morality play about people deciding whether or not to stand up to the forces of corruption and criminality. Scenes from it often come to mind, since I've repeatedly seen people around me facing up to analogous situations here in Oakland, at the docks and also in the plaza.

I stood there, thinking at the time how much this resembled a scene from HIGH NOON, and was moved to see a substantial show of hands. Five weeks after the attack, on May 12, 2003, several hundred people marched back into the Port of Oakland and set up a picket line at the terminal where people had been attacked and injured. Thus the First Amendment rights of the community were reaffirmed; it was an amazing experience, an amazing day to be alive. [...]

"We can expect cold weather and cops," Barucha Peller told a meeting in Oakland on the eve of our expected departure. Snow was reportedly on the ground in Longview. People shivered visibly at the very thought of going north to do battle in snow, slush and freezing rain, but nobody seemed to be backing out either. 150 from the Bay Area had so far signed up for the caravan, and the list was growing. Then, came the news: EGT, the shipping company, had given in and signed a contract that the dockworkers of Local 21 found acceptable.


imperialism & war | legacies 06-Aug-2011 14:01

Veterans for Peace National Convention PUBLIC events Aug. 3-7 in Portland, OR

Veterans for Peace National Convention 2011 From the open publishing newswire: Free public events including films, an art exhibit and rally and presentation are part of Veterans for Peace National Convention being held at Portland State University Wed. Aug. 3rd- Sun. Aug. 7th.
2011 Veterans for Peace National Convention

As part of the Veterans for Peace and concurrent Iraq Veterans Against the War National Conventions being held in Portland from August 3rd through 7th, there are public events that are open to the public. Events and films listed below are free except were noted. Donations welcome.

For more information go to www.veteransforpeace.org and look under convention public events.

video coverage info at:  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2011/08/409645.shtml


legacies 07-Jun-2011 09:45

Film Screening: The People Speak

From the open publishing newswire: ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday, June 8th at 7pm. Hollywood Theater, NE 42nd and Sandy. $5 Suggest Donation, $10 Solidarity

Democracy is not a spectator sport. Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries and speeches of everyday Americans, THE PEOPLE SPEAK gives voice to those who spoke up for social change throughout U.S. history, forging a nation from the bottom up with their insistence on equality and justice. Narrated by Howard Zinn and based on his best-selling books, A People's History of the United States and Voices of a People's History of the United States, THE PEOPLE SPEAK illustrates the relevance of these passionate historical moments to our society today and reminds us never to take liberty for granted.

This is a fundraiser for the International Socialist Organization- Portland District, to help us get to the Socialism 2011 in Chicago!  link to www.socialismconference.org


corporate dominance | legacies 02-Apr-2011 07:58

The Challenge to the Rule of Money

From the open publishing newswire: How do we escape a system that's tearing up the world? We say `no', and do things differently

"These are days of rage. Rage in the Arab world, of course, but also on the streets of Athens, Dublin, Rome, Paris, Madrid, and now a loud clamourous rage on the streets of London.

An age of crisis is an age of frustrated hopes, frustrated life. We want to go to university but it is too expensive. We need good healthcare, but we cannot pay for it. We need homes, and we can see homes standing empty, but they are not for us. Or, for the millions of people who are starving: we want to eat, we can see that there is plenty of food for everyone, but something stands between us and the food - money, or the lack of it.

And so we rage. We rage all the more because we do not know what to do with our rage, and how to use our rage to make the world a different place..."

to read John Holloway's article "Today's march is a challenge to the rule of money" published in: The Guardian UK, March 26, 2011, click on


alternative media | legacies | prisons & prisoners 27-Apr-2010 01:17

Audio of Ashanti Alston @ PSU

From the open publishing newswire: Ashanti gave one of the most inspiring talks at PSU today. For those that could not make it, BURN got permission from Ashanti to put this out there.


legacies | prisons & prisoners 14-Apr-2010 08:34

April 21st; Freedom of Speech Now! "Political Prisoners, Political Repression and the PIC"

From the open publishing newswire: "Freedom of Speech Now!" will feature several internationally recognized political prisoners & the movements they were and are apart of. From black liberation in the 60's, the American Indian Movement of the 70's and the environmental movement of today, they have all faced government repression as they confronted an oppressive status quo. In the end their struggles created lasting positive changes and inspiration for a continued struggle.


faith & spirituality | legacies 30-Mar-2010 21:45

Police Brutality: Passover/ Easter celebrate transcending oppressionfear for liberation

From the open publishing newswire: One individual's right thinking and revolutionary morally courageous action can profoundly change events and has changed history.

Misfit Moses with the speech impediment, a fugitive wanted for murder, member of a slave colony, a lonely shepherd, almost murdered in infancy, distrusted or resented by all sides, boldly faced his greatest fears and demanded freedom to worship his God, and after a lot of plagues, finally, the thousands of intimidated, self-centered slaves moved in mass from all they found comfortable and familiar for the scary and hard unknown wilderness. After forty years the survivors outgrew the slave mentality. The most powerful military empire, wealthiest global trading center, most advanced technology, most sophisticated culture and enforced religion was not strong enough to defeat this one man and those he led to freedom.


actions & protests | alternative media | corporate dominance | economic justice | environment | legacies 08-Dec-2009 15:59

Seattle Inter-praxis

From the open publishing newswire: In the back of a truck on a rainy winter day we pull off I-5 into Seattle. High in the distance a banner hangs from a crane building condos. WTO this way, Democracy that. A guy holding incense flashes a victory sign greets cars as they go into downtown. We find our friends, the house we would be staying in for the week of the convention. This house near downtown became our trenches. We ate from cans of beans with pocket knives.
I was here to take pictures. I had been part of demonstrations in the months leading up to the WTO. I had captured images on film with an old Nikon-F that my father had given me. On our first night, we plastered a Starbucks with political posters. These protest posters were tokens of the revolution. This was before 9-11 so things felt hopeful. Environmental activists and Union activists coming together in unity, in solidarity.


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