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Case No.



Date Filed

INSTRUCTIONS: File an original and 2 copies .of this charge with the IELRB Executive Director at the IELRB
Office in Chicago or Springfield.
a. Name
b. Union Representative to Contact
Chicago Teachers Union, Local No.'1, American Federation of
Robert E. Bloch
Teachers, AFL-CIO
d. Address (street, city,.state.andZIP code)
o d, Bloch;Bennett,'Ceervvone, Auerbach & Yokich, 8 S. Michigan, 19 ~ ' Fl., Chicago,
(312) 372-1361
e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (bane) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor practices
within the meaning of section 14(b), subsectios(s) (3) and Section 13(b) of the Illinois
c. Telephone No.

(tut subsections)
Educational Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices within the meaning of the
2. Basis of the Charge (Be ,specific as to facts, names, addresses, dates, places, etc.)
On or about March 23, 2016, the governing body of the Chicago Teachers Union, Local No. 1, American
Federation of Teachers, AFL-4CIO, authorized .a one-day strike that is scheduled to take place on or about
April 1, 2016. Any strike, regardless of the reason, that occurs prior to the completion of all of the Section
13(b) requirements is illegal and violates Sections 13(b) and 14(b)(3) of the Illinois Educational Labor
Relations Act, 115 ILLS 5/1.
See Position Statement:in..Support of+Charge for further explanation of basis of the Charge.


3. Relief Sought
Cease and Desist Order.
Preliminary Relief.
ft N /S
All damages incurred by CPS as a consequence of the CTU's illegal acts.
The Board's legal fees.
Fines and sanctions.
Injunctive relief pursuant to Section 16(d) of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, 115 ILCS 5/1.
Affirmative order prohibiting all future strikes from occurring prior to completing the process required by
Section 13(b) of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, 115 ILCS 5/1.
Any and All Relief the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board deems appropriate.

4. Name of Employer

5. Telephone No.

Board of Education of the City- of Chicago

6. Location Involved (street, city, state and ZIP code)

(773) 553 1641

7. Employer Representative
to Contact

One North Dearborn Street; Suite 900, Chicago, iL 60602

Joseph T. Moriar ty


q ~ q~ A

8. Full Name of Party Filing-Charge

J oseph T. Moriar
9. Address of Party Filing Charge (street, siy, state and.ZIP code)
Board of Education of the City of Chicago;:1One.21

10. Telephone No.

h Dearborn Street,

(773) 553-1641

Suite 900, Chicago, IL. 60602

I declare

ave read
d belief

box c


ndthatthe statements therein are true to the best of my


ative rper n;making cha.

arb rn t.. Suite'900 , Chicago , IL.. 60602

Labor Relations Officer

(title or office,if any)
(312) 786-6585
(Telephone No.







14 tiN O



T: 312.986.0300 I F: 312.986.9192 I W W W.FRANCZEK.COM


April 1, 2016
Mr. Victor Blackwell
Executive Director
Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board
160 North LaSalle Street
Suite N400
Chicago, IL 60601

Re: Board of Education of the City of Chicago v. Chicago Teachers Union ,

Dear Mr. Blackwell:

A. CTU's Act of Lawlessness

In an act of conspicuous lawlessness, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is defiantly
shutting down over 500 district-run schools in the City of Chicago and depriving nearly 340,000
children of a day of education simply because it can. The CTU has no legal justification for such
blatantly illegal conduct, and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board must immediately
invoke the clear statutory process to make absolutely sure the CTU never again arrogates unto itself
the decision as to when education will be provided to the children of the City of Chicago.
The Board of Education seeks injunctive relief to prevent future illegal strikes and
compensation for the cost to taxpayers of this one. Unless an injunction issues and the CTU's
conduct is prohibited, there is no guarantee that they will not do the same thing again short strikes
that are difficult, if not impossible, to enjoin.
The Board also requests that the IELRB impose appropriate sanctions on the CTU for their
illegal conduct including imposing fines and ordering the CTU to pay the Board's legal fees.' The
CTU's illegal actions have resulted in significant losses to the Chicago Public Schools and have
caused CPS to spend considerable sums of money at a time when it can least afford it. Accordingly,
the Board submits that as a further and independent remedy, it is entitled to make whole relief in the

' When asked if she would comply with an injunction, CTU President Karen Lewis said, "No, probably not."
She has also repeatedly said that no court would put 23,000 teachers in jail.
http: / / /2016/03 /24 /ctu-president-karen-lewis-explains-1 -day-teachers-strike


Mr. Victor Blackwell

April 1, 2016

form of compensation for economic losses that are a direct and proximate consequence of the
Union's illegal conduct.

B. The Law Is Clear: The April Strike Is Illegal

Strikes by teachers are illegal unless explicitly authorized by the General Assembly. Section
13(b) of the IELRA specifically and unequivocally states that employees of CPS "...shall not engage
in a strike except..." under very specific conditions set forth in the Act. There is no dispute that the
CTU failed to meet the statutory prerequisites for a strike. For these reasons, the April 1, 2016 strike
violates Section 13(b) and Section 14(b)(3) of the Act.
The Board requests the Executive Director immediately issue a complaint on its unfair labor
practice charge, an expedited briefing schedule regarding its request for injunctive relief, and that the
matter be transferred directly to the IELRB for a decision on the merits and its request for
injunctive relief.


The Parties

The Board is statutorily charged with the governance, maintenance and financial oversight of
CPS, the third largest school district in the nation serving nearly 400,000 students in over 600
district-run and charter schools and employing approximately 37,000 employees. 2 The CTU is the
exclusive bargaining representative of CPS's approximately 27,000 teachers, paraprofessional and
school-related personnel. The Board and the CTU were parties to a collective bargaining agreement
effective July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015. Exhibit A.


April 1, 2016 Strike

On March 23, 2016, the CTU's House of Delegates voted to authorize a one-day strike to
take place on April 1, 2016.3 Exhibit B. In its public comments, the CTU has repeatedly changed its
reason for this strike. Some days the CTU states that it is not about CPS at all, but about the State
and its lack of funding for social services and higher education. Other days it claims the strike is
about CPS funding, but not about the "contract." Then there are days where the CTU characterizes
this one-day strike as an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike over the payment of steps and lanes, even
though the IELRB has already said that the CTU is unlikely to prevail on its charge Although the
stated reasons for the strike continue to change, it seems abundantly clear that the strike is primarily
(or at least in good part) about the contract being negotiated, as Ms. Lewis has indicated that the

Charter schools will remain open during the April 1St strike; the approximately 60,000 students who attend
charter schools will not be deprived of the day of education.
To the best knowledge of the Board, this is the first time in CTU history that a strike was not authorized by the

The CTU claims the Board's denial of step and lanes after the expiration of the 2012-15 contract somehow
legally justifies the strike. The IELRB denied the CTU's request for an injunction on this issue and specifically
found that there was not a significant likelihood of the CTU prevailing on the merits. The IELRB's decision
issued on the same date as the vote by the House of Delegates.



Mr. Victor Blackwell

April 1, 2016
Page 3

contract cannot settle until the State comes up with more funds. Exhibit B, C, D, E and F;



In processing an unfair labor practice charge, the IELRB "must decide whether its
investigation establishes a prima fade issue of law or fact sufficient to warrant a hearing of the
charge." Lake Zurich Sch. Dist. No. 95, 1 PERI 1031 (IELRB 1984). For a complaint to issue, "the
investigation must disclose adequate credible statements, facts or documents which, if substantiated
and not rebutted in a hearing, would constitute sufficient evidence to support a finding of a violation
of the Act." Id. The charging party must offer these facts in support of a facially plausible legal
theory or argument, reasonably based on the Act. West Chicago Sch. Dist. 33, 3 PERI 1088, at fn. 4
(IELRB 1987).
Rarely, if ever, has the IELRB had a case which is so clear. There can be no factual dispute
that the CTU called and instituted a strike for April 1 S`; nor can there be any legal dispute that the
strike is illegal and violates Sections 13(b) and 14(b)(3) of the IELRA.
Accordingly, a complaint for hearing should issue with respect to the CTU's unlawful
conduct, the matter should be transferred immediately to the IELRB for a hearing, and the Board's
request for injunctive relief and damages should be granted.


The CTU's April 1 Strike is Unlawful

1. A Lawful Strike Under the IELRA May Occur Only After The
Statutory Prerequisites Are Completed

Section 13(b) of the IELRA requires the performance of certain steps in a clear and defined
order prior to a lawful strike by the CTU:
(b) Notwithstanding the existence of any other provision in this Act or
any other law, educational employees other than those employed in a school
district organized under Article 34 of the School Code and, after the expiration
of the 18 month period that commences on the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1995, educational employees in a school district organized
under Article 34 of the School Code shall not engage in a strike except

under the following conditions:

(1) they are represented by an exclusive bargaining representative;
(2) mediation has been used without success ...;
(2.5) if fact-finding was invoked pursuant to subsection (a-10) of Section
12 of this Act, at least 30 days have elapsed after a fact-fmding report has
been released for public information;
(2.10) for educational employees employed in a school district organized
under Article 34 of the School Code, at least three-fourths of all bargaining



Mr. Victor Blackwell

April 1, 2016
Page 4

unit employees who are members of the exclusive bargaining representative

have affirmatively voted to authorize the strike; provided, however, that all
members of the exclusive bargaining representative at the time of a strike
authorization vote shall be eligible to vote;
(3) at least 10 days have elapsed after a notice of intent to strike has been
given by the exclusive bargaining representative to the educational employer,
the regional superintendent and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations
(4) the collective bargaining agreement between the educational employer
and educational employees, if any, has expired or been terminated; and
(5) the employer and the exclusive bargaining representative have not
mutually submitted the unresolved issues to arbitration.
115 ILCS 5/13(b) (emphasis added).
The IELRA does not recognize a strike for any reason, including unfair labor practices,
unless the statutory prerequisites have been met. It is undisputed that the parties remain engaged in
the fact-finding process and that the statutory prerequisite has not yet been satisfied. In fact, the
parties just finished their presentations of evidence to the Neutral Fact-Finder on March 24, 2016
one day after the CTU's House of Delegates voted to authorize the April 1 strike. The parties now
await the issuance of the fact-finding report, which is due at some point in April. It is not until this
report issues and a minimum of 30 days elapse before the CTU can even provide the Board with its
notice to strike.
Further, even the CTU acknowledges that it has not met the statutory prerequisites for a
strike. CTU President Lewis told Chicago Tonight, "[i]f it were a contract strike, it would be illegal."
Exhibit D. The CTU admits that it has not satisfied these statutory requirements and, by doing so,
concedes that its April 1 strike violates Section 13(b) and Section 14(b)(3) of the IELRA. See Niles
Tivp. High Sch. Dist. 219 v. Niles Twp. Fed. of Teachers, Local 1274, IFT AFT, 15 PERI 1048 (IELRB
1998)(holding that strike sanctioned by a union that does not satisfy Section 13's conditions
constitutes a failure to bargain in good faith and violates Section 14(b)(3) of the IELRA).

2. The IELRA Does Not Recognize or Permit Unfair Labor Practice

Conceding, as it must, that the April 1 strike is not sanctioned under Section 13, the Union
falls back on the claim that it possesses a right to engage in an "unfair labor practice" strike. Even
assuming that an unfair labor practice is truly the trigger for its rogue behavior, which is doubtful at
best, this rendering of Illinois law is wholly unsupported for several reasons. First, nothing in Illinois
law, before or after the enactment of the IELRA, supports the proposition that public employees
(unlike private sector employees) have some inherent, common law right to strike; rather, they have
the ability to strike only where the strike is explicitly permitted by statute. 5 Board of Ed. of Kankakee
This is the exact opposite of the situation in the private sector, where the NLRA's regulation of labor
disputes has to take into consideration the long-acknowledged common law right to strike. Section 13 of the



Mr. Victor Blackwell

April 1, 2016
Page 5

School Dist. No. 111 v. Kankakee Federation of Teachers Local No. 886, 46 Ill.2d 439 (1970); City of Pana v.
Crowe, 57 Ill. 2d 547, 549 (1974). Illinois public educational employees, like those represented by the
CTU, are granted a limited right to strike under the IELRA. Any strike that does not satisfy the
conditions set forth in Section 13 of the IELRA is unlawful. Niles Tivp. High Sch. Dist. 219, supra; see
also, Board of Trustees of Joliet Junior College, Commty. College Dist. No. 525 and Joliet Junior College Faculty
Un., Local 604, IFT/AFT,8 PERI 1011 (IELRB 1991) (strikes that do not satisfy conditions set
forth in Section 13 of IELRA violate Section 14(b)(3)).
Second, there can be no serious claim that public employees possessed a right to engage in
"unfair labor practice" strikes prior to enactment of the IELRA. If such a right exists now, its source
must lie within the text of the IELRA. Yet nothing in the carefully balanced structure of the IELRA
can be interpreted as establishing such a right, and at no point in the 32 years of the Act's existence
has there been a single instance where this supposed "right" has been invoked.
Finally, any "unfair labor practice strike" principle would contradict established, explicit
public policy in Illinois. Section 1 of Article VIII of the Illinois Constitution clearly states that it is
the public policy of the State to "provide a thorough and efficient system of free schools." (Ill.
Const. art. VIII, sec. 1, S.H.A.) The Illinois Supreme Court has held that the proper and efficient
education of children is an "overriding public interest of such importance" as to transcend a public
employee's right to strike. City of Pana v. Crowe, 57 Ill.2d 547, 551-52 (1974). It is the stated public
policy of the State of Illinois that public educational employees only have the ability to strike where
they are statutorily permitted to do so. Id. at 549.
For these reasons, the Executive Director must issue a complaint for hearing with respect to
these allegations and the case should be transferred immediately to the IELRB for a decision on the
merits and on the Board's request for injunctive relief, sanctions and damages.


Injunctive Relief is Warranted

The IELRB must grant the Board's request for an injunction because such extraordinary
relief is warranted. Injunctive relief is appropriate under Section 16(d) of the IELRA where there is
"reasonable cause" to believe that the IELRA was violated and where injunctive relief is "just and
proper." Chicago Bd. of Educ. Dist. No. 299, 3 PERI 1109 (IELRB 1987); Univ. of Ill. Hospital, 2 PERI
1138 (IELRB 1986). Both of these conditions are satisfied in this case.
First, there is more than reasonable cause to believe that the IELRA was violated, and the
Board has more than a significant likelihood of prevailing on the merits of its unfair labor practice
claim. There is an absolute and frank admission from the CTU that its April 1 strike does not satisfy
Section 13(b)'s requirements and therefore violates Section 14(b)(3) of the Act; there is also
undisputed evidence that the parties have not completed the statutory fact-fording process. This
April 1s` strike that does not satisfy the conditions set forth in Section 13 of the IELRA is plainly
National Labor Relations Act provides: "Nothing in this Act [subchapter], except as specifically provided for
herein, shall be construed so as either to interfere with or impede or diminish in any way the right to strike or
to affect the limitations or qualifications on that right." 29 U.S.C. 7/13. Because the CTU represents public
sector educational employees, the NLRA does not govern or apply to its actions.


Mr. Victor Blackwell

April 1, 2016
Page 6

unlawful. Niles Twp. High Sch. Dist. 219, supra. Further, there is no statutory right of educational
employees to engage in an "unfair labor practice" strike. Thus the CTU violated its duty to bargain
in good faith, and Section 14(b)(3) of the IELRA, by engaging in the April 1 strike. Board of Trustees of

Joliet Junior College, Commty. College Dist. No. 525, supra.

Second, injunctive relief is just and proper under these circumstances. There is undisputed
evidence that the strike by the CTU fails to satisfy the prerequisites set forth in Section 13(b), and
thus is contrary to the express, clear purpose and language of the IELRA "to allow strikes only
under specifically limited circumstances." Joliet Junior College, 8 PERI 1011 (IELRB 1991). As the
IELRB held long ago:
The carefully crafted provisions governing strikes are a central part of the [IELRA].
An untimely strike improperly skews the collective bargaining process by giving the
union a weapon to which it is not legally entitled. Strikes that do not comply with
the statutory prerequisites flout the General Assembly's determination that strikes
are legal only if specific procedures are followed.

Further, the harm brought about by the CTU's unlawful strike cannot be meaningfully
remedied by the IELRB's unfair labor practice proceedings, because the CTU's blatant and flagrant
conduct constitutes "a direct and immediate challenge to the collective bargaining process and the
general public interested defined by the General Assembly." Id. This public interest is even more
clearly defined in the case of the Board and the CTU's bargaining relationship, which has been
continuously subject to legislation curtailing the CTU's ability to strike. An injunction is required to
ensure that the CTU does not render the IELRA and the IELRB's processes totally ineffective.
Injunctive relief of prospective unlawful strikes by the CTU is entirely warranted given the serious
and extraordinary violation of Section 14(b)(3) that the CTU has committed.
The CTU has done its best to place both CPS and the IELRB in a bind by authorizing this
illegal strike with what amounts to a moment's notice. The IELRB's process does not anticipate or
provide for obtaining injunctions at the drop of a hat against last-minute strikes that blatantly defy
the law. Regardless, overarching public policy interests demand the most aggressive possible
approach by the IELRB. The IELRB should immediately issue a complaint and seek an injunction
against all future instances of illegal strikes by the CTU, because if anything is clear it is that the
Union will not hesitate to play this card again. To ensure against future illegal strikes, injunctive relief
must be accompanied by a demand for prompt payment by the CTU, with interest, for all economic
losses CPS will suffer as a consequence of this baldly illegal strike, costs associated with serving the
students on April 1, and the Board's attorney's fees and costs.

The CTU is engaging in a blatantly unlawful strike because it believes it can with impunity.
But there must be consequences for its action in defying the law and, even more significantly,
depriving 340,000 students of a day of education. The best course of action is an injunction to
ensure that the CTU never again engages in an unlawful strike and the children, parents and teachers
are never in this precarious position again. The CTU must be clearly and bluntly told that this



Mr. Victor Blackwell

April 1, 2016
Page 7


conduct is reprehensible and that the IELRB's processes will not and cannot be manipulated. Only
an injunction prohibiting future conduct can do that. This is why the Board respectfully requests
that the Executive Director issue a Complaint for Hearing with respect to all of the allegations raised
in the Charge and that the case be transferred to the IELRB immediately for a decision on the
merits and the request for injunctive relief.
Please contact the undersigned if any additional information is required.
Very truly yours,

James C. Franczek, Jr.



The Board of
Education of the City
of Chicago

Chicago Teachers
Union Local 1,
American Federation
of Teachers,
This collective bargaining agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago
(hereinafter referred to as the BOARD") and the Chicago
Teachers Union, Local No. 1, American Federation of
Teachers, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as the
"UNION") on the 24th day of October 2012 to become effective on July 1, 2012.


to the date of this Agreement; provided further, that nothing herein shall affect the rights of the UNION or any employee under Article 3. The BOARD, however, shall be
required to bargain collectively with the UNION with regard to policy matters directly affecting wages, hours and
terms and conditions of employment as well as the impact
thereon upon request by the UNION.


49-1. Duration. This Agreement shall commence on July
1, 2012 and expire on June 30, 2015. If the BOARD determines that it has sufficient funds to grant the bargaining
unit a minimum of a three percent increase in wages and
salary for Fiscal Year 2016, the BOARD may, up to April
30, 2015, offer to extend the Agreement for one year to
June 30, 2016. The UNION shall have thirty days to accept or reject the offer, and no further notice obligation
for bargaining or contract termination shall be required.
49-2. Amendments or Modifications. In the event either
party wishes to modify or amend this Agreement, written
notice thereof shall be given to the other party at least
twenty days prior to the consideration of said modification or amendment and, if said modification or amendment is thereafter mutually agreed upon, this Agreement
will be so amended.
49-3. Complete Agreement. Neither the BOARD and its
representatives nor the UNION and the members of the
bargaining unit shall take any action violative of or inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement. The parties
agree that, if either has made a proposal not included
herein, such proposal has been withdrawn in consideration of the making of this Agreement. All terms and conditions of employment for future years, including without
limitation, salaries, benefits and pension pick up, are the
subject of negotiation for those years.

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One Day Strike to Focus on Revenue Solutions

for Schools, City & State
For Immediate Release: March 24, 2016
Contact: Stephanie Gadlin (312) 329-6250

CHICAGO The Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates voted overwhelmingly last night to
authorize an April 1, 2016, unfair labor practice (ULP) strike to bring attention to the need for critical
revenue solutions to stabilize the city's school district and protect students and their families. The
vote passed by a tally of 486-124, or 80 percent, which means that on the April 1 "Day of Action," the
CTU will join a larger coalition of labor, student groups, community-based organizations and activists
who are standing in solidarity against Chicago's "business as usual" politics by staging a variety of
non-violent actions throughout the city. CTU members will begin picketing at their schools as early as
6:30 a.m. and throughout the day before joining tens of thousands in a 4:00 p.m. rally at the
Thompson Center.
The strike is a call for increased revenue for Chicago Public Schools and its students, and a direct
response to continued attacks and efforts toward union-busting from Gov. Bruce Rauner, Mayor
Rahm Emanuel and the mayor's handpicked CPS CEO, Forrest Claypool. For the past year, the
district has stalled contract negotiations with the CTU, threatened and mandated furlough days, cuts
and layoffs, and removed step and lane increases for educatorsthe latter of which is the legal basis
for the April 1 strike. Gov . Rauner, while unable to pass a state budget and putting the welfare of
thousands of his constituents at risk, is on record in his desire to break unions and is currently
starving city and state schoolsat elementary, high school and university levelsunless downstate
legislators accept his "turnaround" agenda.
April 1 will highlight proposals from the CTU and its education and community partners for winning
school funding and funding for other important services. The only solution that doesn't involve a
complete downgrade of the teaching profession and teachers' standard of living, and that protects
quality public education, requires new revenue sources in the form of progressive tax reform that

XHIBIT . 3/25/2016

Chicago Teachers Union I One Day Strike to Focus on Revenue Solutions for Schools, Cit... Page 2 of 3

would get the super wealthy (top 5 percent) to pay their fair share in state taxes. This could generate
up to $6 billion in new revenue for education and other social needs. In addition to progressive tax
reform, the Union continues its demands about toxic swaps and tax increment financing (TIF)swap
terminations cost the district $240 million this year alone, and the TIFs could put enough money into
the schools to completely reverse this year's cuts. The Union's calls for increased revenue for the
district are now an issue on the national stage, and there is legislation pending in Springfield that
would take TIF control out of the mayor's hands and force the release of these funds to our schools.
In joining with dozens of labor unions and community organizations, the CTU is taking a stand in the
fight for funding for the city of Chicago and its nearly 400,000 public school students. The Chicago
Board of Education cannot continue to cut its way out of CPS' budget problems. The public does not
trust the mayor and the CPS CEO to fix the financial mess they have created, and the Board's only
solution is to force teachers and education support staff to pay in the form of pay cuts and benefit
reductions, to slash school budgets, and to continue to close schools. Unless new revenue is found,
this year's cuts will be followed by additional cuts in subsequent years.

Recent Press Releases (

Mar 24

One Day Strike to Focus on Revenue Solutions for Schools, City & State
(http: / / - strike-to-focus-on-revenue-solutions-for - schoolscity-state)

Mar 24

CTU Responds to Forrest Claypool's statement on legality of historic

April 1 one-day teachers strike
(http: / / - claypools-statement-on-legalityof-historic - april-l-one - day-teachers -strike)

Mar 10

CTU Reacts to Barbara Byrd Bennett Lawsuit

( nett-lawsuit)

Mar 10

Chicago Teachers go to court to fight arrests by Bank of America


Mar 04

CTU President Karen Lewis: "April 1st will be a showdown for education
(http: // media / press - releases /ctu- president - karen - lewis-april-1 st-will-be-a-showdownfor-education - iustice) . 3/25/2016

Chicago Teachers Union One Day Strike to Focus on Revenue Solutions for Schools, Cit... Page 3 of 3

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CTU President Karen Lewis: "April 1st will be a

showdown for education justice."
For Immediate Release: March 04, 2016
Contact: Stephanie Gadlin 312-329-6250
CHICAGO Today, Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said the following statement during a press briefing at
Union headquarters in response to a CPS announcement of temporarily backing off its threat to enforce a 7 percent pay
cut; and, whether or not educators intend to engage in a work action on April 1st
"The CTU is pleased that CPS today backed down from CEO Claypool's February 2 announcement to discontinue the
pension pickup in 30 days. The pension pickup is part of the status quo that CPS is required by law to maintain during
bargaining, and unilaterally discontinuing the pension pickup would surely be illegal.
"We regret that it took the threat of an unfair labor practice strike to induce CPS to reconsider for now its ill-advised action
of enforcing a 7 percent pay cut on teachers, paraprofessionals and clinicians who have borne the brunt of horrific attacks
against their professional and the students in their classrooms.
"Unfortunately, for us, and many of you---CPS has a credibility problem.
"We do not trust what they say. We only brace ourselves for what they do.
"Mr. Claypool has rescinded his threat today, but he is clear that he will enforce a 7 percent pay cut 'at a future date.' This is
unwise and not productive toward concluding a labor agreementtherefore this unfair labor practice remains un-remedied.
"The working conditions in our schools are directly tied to the learning conditions for our students. We are dealing with
unclean schools and our most vulnerable students are without school nurses.
"High school seniors have no librariansand yet they are to do endless test prep for CPS imposed standardized tests, and
in to prepare for the SAT and ACT.
"Children are exposed ever more to violence and prolific povertyand yet there are few counselors to help guide them
through this trauma. Students exposed to the rising homicide rates, still show up to school. They bring their sorrows, their
fears, their anger and despair with them.
"Principals have been forced to cut their staff to bare bones---and therefore class sizes have ballooned and continue to
"All of these cuts, reductions, and actions by the mayor's handpicked Board of education are punitive. They do nothing to
improve the quality of education we are able to offer more than 350,000 school children each day. These budget cuts,
furloughs, layoffs and a refusal to honor steps and lanes are all short term fixes.


C st-will-be-a -...


Chicago Teachers Union I CTU President Karen Lewis: "April 1st will be a showdown fo... Page 2 of 3

"What about next year? The CTU finds itself inside a scenario similar to the movie 'Groundhog Day' where we keep waking
up to the same mess, every single day. We have to do something different.
"Vulture Capitalist Bruce Rauner purchased the governor's chair. And, he is committed to gutting not only collective
bargaining in Illinois, but specifically to blowing up the Chicago school district. We do not take his threats idly.
"Rauner has already shown us what he thinks of child care workers, low-income parents, working-class families, state
university students, the elderly, the disabled, and the indigent families of the dead. This governor has become a true enemy
of the state.
"While the CTU is buoyed by the Illinois House's successful passing of the Elected Representative School Board
legislation; we hope the Illinois Senate does what is just and passes it as wellmaking Chicago catch up with the rest of
the state. We deserve democracy and we deserve it now.
"With these continued threats to our working conditions, learning conditions, most vulnerable students and our pay and
benefits, the CTU will continue with an April Pt day of action against this austerity agenda.
"April 1' t is a showdown for a fair contract.
"April 1' t is a showdown for progressive revenue for our schools.
"April 1


is a showdown for our students and parents.

"April 1 5t is a showdown for communities.

"April 1 st is a showdown for equitable funding and good governance.
"April 1 5t is a showdown for education justice.
"This is a showdown for every single teacher, paraprofessional and clinician who is dedicated to their craft, who rises each
day to provide instruction and education nurturing to our students.
"And, we will join with anyone who believes, it is time for us to unite, to fight Rauner, Rahm and the Ken Griffin's of our state
who are united in a Trump-like campaign to turn back the hands of progress and destroy public education in Illinoisand
most definitely Chicago."

Recent Press Releases (

Mar 10

CTU Reacts to Barbara Byrd Bennett Lawsuit

(http://ctunet. orq/media/press- releases /ctu-reacts-to- barbara -by rd-bennett-lawsuit)

Mar 10

Chicago Teachers go to court to fight arrests by Bank of America

( releases /ch icago-teachers-go-to-court-to-fight-arrests-by-bank-of-america)

Mar 04

CTU President Karen Lewis: "April 1st will be a showdown for education justice."
(http://ctunet.ora/media/press-releases/ctu-president-karen-lewis-april-1st-wi Il-be-a-showdown-for-education-i ustice)

Mar 04

The Mayor's Handpicked Board issues new 1.6% pay cut to CTU educators and all but
assures teachers will walk on April 1st
(http://ctunet. orq/media/press-releases/the-mayors- handpicked- board- issues- new-1 -6-pay-cut4o-ctu-educators-and-al Ibut-assures-teachers-will-walk-on-april-1 st)

hap :// 1-1 st-will-be-a-... 3/14/2016

Chicago Teachers Union I CTU President Karen Lewis: "April 1st will be a showdown fo... Page 3 of 3

Mar 03
Chicago inches one step closer to an elected school board; pension levy bill passes out
of Illinois House of Representatives
( I inois-house-of-representatives)

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CTU Delegates Vote in Favor of April 1

`Day of Action'

Chicago Tonight

Eddie Arruza (/stories-by-author/eddie arruza) I March 23,


7:13 pm









Just a short while ago the Chicago Teachers Union's House of Delegates voted on a
one-day walkout to happen next week.
This, despite warnings by school officials that any kind of job action righ now is illegal.
The intensifying strain between teachers and the district comes as schools finances
become more desperate and contract talks between CPS and CTU reamain at a
The CTU's House of Delegates is made up of 800 CTU members. The one-day walkout
will happen on April i.

@CTULocal l


After deliberation, CTU delegates voted overwhelmingly to

authorize a strike on April 1, 2016. Additional info is forthcoming.
6:45 PM - 23 Mar 2016



The CTU had originally asked CPS to reschedule one of two upcoming furlough days
that the district has implemented to save $30 million. Those furlough days were to
happen in late June when kids were out of school but teachers had professional
developments days. But CPS said no to that change and clearly the teachers union
wanted to make an impactful statement while kids were still in school.
Earlier today at a Chicago Board of Education meeting, CPS CEO Forrest Claypool
expressed disappointment at the potential for what he called an "illegal strike."

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CTU Delegates Vote in Favor of April
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CTU Delegates Vote in Favor of April 1 `Day of Action' I Chicago Tonight I WTTW

"In January we reached a tentative new labor contract with CTU leadership, so we
believe that a final contract can be reached if both parties continue to negotiate in good
faith," Claypool said. "But rather than focusing on reaching an agreement, it is
disappointing to see CTU's leadership promoting this illegal strike that would take a
critical day of instruction away from our students, to say nothing of encouraging
teachers to break the law."

Thanks to our sponsors:

CTU Vice

President Jesse Sharkey said the walkout vote would have to be approved by
what he called a substantial margin. We are told that 486 members voted in favor of
the walkout and 124 voted against it.
In a letter to members ( emailed on March 14, CTU President Karen Lewis called the April 1
event a "showdown":
"The CTU, which had been seriously considering an unfair labor practice strike on April
1, is not prepared to stand down on that daywe do not trust the Board and we intend
to organize a showdown on April 1 over the question of school funding and educational

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Lewis is scheduled to appear on "Chicago Tonight" on Thursday, March



'Unaccountable commission'

Earlier today, the district filed suit against the Illinois State Charter School
Commission after the six-member board unanimously overturned a CPS decision
( /2o16/03/02 /state-commission-overturns-cpsdecision-close-3-low-performing-charters) to close what CPS said were three severely
underperforming charter schools. The schools all on the South Side: The Amandla
Charter School ( in
Englewood; Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter School
( 400019) in Bronzeville;
and the Betty Shabazz, Sizemore Campus
( 400074) in West
Claypool has called the panel an "unaccountable commission" appointed by the
governor. In fairness, the commission was established under Gov. Pat Quinn and its
members are a mixture of Quinn and Rauner appointees.
"Not only did the Illinois Charter Commission fail the children of Chicago by allowing
these schools to continue operating without holding them accountable, they grossly
overstepped their authority," Claypool said. "The Charter Commission ignored their
own academic standards to keep these poor-performing schools open, despite their
clear record for failing students who deserve a quality education. We have called on the
General Assembly as well, to reign in this unaccountable commission and restore local
control based on standards of accountability and quality."
The Illinois State Charter School Commission issued this response:


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Claypool said the district will support legislation that would remove the commission's
ability to reverse a school district move to deny or revoke charter school agreements.
Similar legislation was approved by the House last year and is currently pending in the

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stto a
(http:// y a i. r r ~ D
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m i nr1=1Olb-(
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decision-close-3-low-performing-charters)State Commission Overturns CPS

(http: //

Decision to Close 3 Low - Performing Charters

(http :// chicagotonight . wttw . com/2016 / 03/02 / state-commission-



overturns-cps-decision - close-3-low-performing-charters)

March 2: Three Chicago charter schools are celebrating a victory today: a state

commission has ruled they will be able to remain open, despite Chicago Public Schools'
plans to close them for poor performance.

OR - 2]


CTU Delegates Vote in Favor of April 1 `Day of Action' I Chicago Tonight I WTTW

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round-cuts)CPS Teachers Among Those Laid Off in Latest Round of Cuts

( http: // /2oi6/02/29 /cps-teachers -among- thoselaid-latest - round-cuts)
Feb. 29: Chicago Public Schools students could see their teachers on the picket lines
sooner than expected, as the district announces how many employees are being laid off

( /2016/O2/04 /chicago-teachers-union-rallies-against

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( http: // /2o16/02/o4/chicago-teachers - unionrallies-against-cuts)
Feb. 4: Chicago teachers took to the streets Thursday to protest


million in new

cuts being made by the financially troubled Chicago Public Schools that is struggling to
close a


million budget gap.

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::1 Sandy Beach ti r,onw aso

End the public unions and fire any teacher that walks oft! They are nothing but a
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Gov. Rauner calls for Post-Primary


cwnmerrts 3 der" aeo

Theresa Campbell Now we can start
looking toward the next primary season.
What exactly will Rauner run on if he has

Cast Iron Cooking Tips from Lisa

McManus of America's Test Kitchen

Kim Foxx on Primary Win, Broken

Criminal Justice System
comNnenrs a stays .,o
tomeharp Absolutely right Neal. Now
Preckwinkle wants her own police force.
These people have no shame. Just waste



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Youth Employment, Black Youth
1 comment 2 days:xlo
Abdul Hamoed If I may, I would like to
suggest something to the youth who can't
find employment: You must educate

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CTU delegates approve April 1 teacher walkout - Chicago Tribune

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CTU delegates approve April



By Juan Perez Jr. Contact Reporter

Chicago Tribune
MARCH 24, 2016, 7:23 AM

he Chicago Teachers Union's governing body gave its resounding approval Wednesday to a
one-day walkout that would shut down the city's public schools April 1.

"This house is ready and united," CTU President Karen Lewis said after the early evening vote by the
union's House of Delegates. "People are very, very upset and want to do something serious."
Union leaders called for what they described as a one-day strike in an effort to push Gov. Bruce
Rauner and state legislators to create a new funding plan for schools.
"We are dying the death of a thousand cuts," Lewis said. "We need funding from Springfield, we need
Gov. Rauner to get off of his anti-union 'turnaround agenda' and get a budget done. That's what we

http://www.chicagotribune. com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-teachers-union-walkout-v.. . 3/24/2016

CTU delegates approve April 1 teacher walkout - Chicago Tribune

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The need for help from Springfield was the one piece of common ground between the union and
Chicago Public Schools that emerged from Wednesday's vote.
"Chicago's students need their leaders to work together to convince Springfield to provide meaningful
revenue reforms not go on strike," district CEO Forrest Claypool said in a statement after the
union's vote.
"We're particularly disappointed that the CTU leadership has given Gov. Rauner more ammunition in
his misguided attempt to bankrupt and take over Chicago Public Schools," Claypool said.
Claypool said CPS "will provide additional details about contingency plans for families that cannot
make alternate arrangements for April 1."
The district has said the union's action would represent an illegal strike because it isn't in line with
the state-mandated process that must take place before teachers can walk off the job.
CTU leaders have countered that the district's decision to withhold pay raises awarded based on
education and experience hikes that were part of the contract that expired June 30 gives the
union legal authority to walk off the job. The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board has denied a
union effort to challenge the district's move, but the case is not settled.
Lewis acknowledged after Wednesday's vote: "The fact is, this is new territory."
"We feel like we're going to be the first at everything," she said. "So this is not illegal. We're saying
this is not illegal," Lewis said.
The walkout would keep more than 300,000 students out of the classroom for the second Friday in a
row. In a cash-saving move, CPS set this Friday as one of three furlough days for teachers. The
furlough order was one of the issues that precipitated the union's call for an April 1 "Day of Action."
Lewis has acknowledged the proposed walkout has been met with skepticism from some union
members. During a conference call with members Monday, CTU's leaders faced questions from those
opposed to the plan, though other members voiced support.
CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey told members during the call that the legality of the union's
walkout will probably be decided in court.
Lewis sought to reassure members worried about the consequences of not showing up for work. . 3/24/20 16

CTU delegates approve April 1 teacher walkout - Chicago Tribune

Page 3 of 4

"What are they going to do, arrest us all? Put us all in jail? There's not 27,000 spaces in the Cook
County Jail right now," Lewis told members Monday. "The whole key is, we all go out together, we go
back in together. It is united, it is union, it is as one. That is what's really important."
While union leaders have been threatening the walkout for weeks, Sharkey had said the union would
follow through only if an "overwhelming majority" of House of Delegates members agreed to it.
Members are being asked to show up at work sites early on the morning of April 1 to picket, then
congregate at rallies held at local universities before converging downtown during the afternoon rush
Talks over a new contract have been going on for more than a year. The union's full membership in
December overwhelmingly authorized leaders to call a strike if negotiations fail to result in an
agreement. Those talks are in a final, fact-finding phase mandated by state law that won't be
completed until May.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel was asked Wednesday if the city was close enough to a contract with CTU to
prevent an April 1 walkout. He answered with a reference to a four-year proposal from the city that
union leaders took to the union's main bargaining team in January. The offer was rejected.
The city had offered to bar economic layoffs and provide some moderate pay increases. The offer also
put a cap on privately run charter schools. But, importantly, the city also wanted to phase out the
long-standing tradition of picking up 7 percentage points of the 9 percent pension contribution
required of teachers. Claypool later said he would end the pension pickup before a new contract was
approved, which prompted the union's first call for an April 1 walkout. He later backed off that
"We're at the negotiating table, that is where we are responsible and I say 'we,' leaders from
Chicago Public Schools we're at the negotiating table," Emanuel told reporters Wednesday. "The
leadership of the union should be at the negotiating table.
"Our kids should be at their desks in the classroom, and our teachers should be there giving them the
essential education that they chose as a profession. Not a job, as a profession, that they love to do. We
can do and should, as a city do both, and not take out any disagreements, although there was an
agreement, on our kids' education," Emanuel said.
Lewis said the two sides will be at the bargaining table again Thursday.
"I'm going to go try to charm them tomorrow," she said.

http://www. chicagotribune. com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-teachers-union-walkout-v.. . 3/24/2016

CTU delegates approve April 1 teacher walkout - Chicago Tribune

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Chicago Tribune's John Byrne contributed.
Twitter @perezjr
Copyright 2016, Chicago Tribune icago-teachers-union-walkout-v... 3/24/2016

Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 12:38 PM

Subject: Fwd: Fyi- Roosevelt HS Day of Action Plan
Detailed plans for tomorrow from Roosevelt High School CTU members.
Subject: April 1st plan (tentative)
Good Morning ColleaguesRoosevelt will be the center of morning activity on the North Side. This one day strike will be much different than in
2012. The good news is we will have tons of support.
I have a conference call tonight but I will share the details for Friday as they stand after this weekend:
All members will report to the picket lines at RI-IS at 6:30 AM. Please be on time- we will split up into 4 teams and
monitor the entrances to the building.
At 6:30 we will be joined by fight for $15, Communities United, and the Amalgamated Transit Union (CIA). There will
be a press conference connecting education, poverty, and worker's rights. 33rd Ward Working Families will be providing
coffee and donuts.
At 9AM local schools will converge on Roosevelt. APMA, 1-libbard, Edison, and Patrick Henry have committed to being
here. Volta has not gotten the message yet. Von Steuben delegates committed verbally.
At 9:30 we will march north toward Foster/Kedzie. We will stop briefly at the McDonald's where workers will walk off
the job and join us. We will stop by the bus garage to support Erek Slater, ATU union steward was was fired for enforcing
the CTA contract. Then all of us will march to Northeastern to join their mass walkout and parade, which lasts from 1012. Finally we will head toward the brown line and join the rally downtown about 3-4
On March 31st faculty and staff from major state universities including Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western will walk
off the job and board buses to join us in the loop on April 1st, This is going to be a huge event. The whole state is
starving and educational and social service institutions statewide are looking to us for leadership. Everyone is needed to
make this successful!
Did you know that the last shelter for women who are victims of domestic violence in Chicago just closed this month? No
one has gotten revenue from the state in 10 months. Chicago State is slated to close next month, permanently. NEIU is
going on furlough once a week, for a 20% paycut university wide. State universities have sent out thousands of pink slips,
and no one is confident that they can open in the fall. MAP grants, critical to our students' post secondary success, have
been cancelled, and students that got grants in the fall semester are being asked to pay them back!!!
Roosevelt is looking at another devastating cut of $850K-$1 million next fall. CTU cannot get a good contract without
new revenue. Something must be done. The whole state is starving and educational and social service institutions
statewide are looking to us for leadership. Everyone is needed to make this successful!
Wear walking shoes, dress for the weather, bring snacks and a water bottle.
Can someone bring sign making materials?
Union meeting tomorrow, Tuesday at 3 PM location TBD. Hopefully I'll have more details then,
I am here in room 208 if you have any questions please see me.

is out sick today but