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  1. a retweeté
    il y a 28 minutes

    On this, and the perils of a moralistic streak of anti-capitalism that is familiar in this part of the world, see from three weeks ago in Overland.

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  2. il y a 15 heures

    In light of the recent climate strike and other forms of secondary student organising, is there a history of high-school radicalism that we can draw and take inspiration from?

  3. il y a 19 heures

    Tim Briedis shares his research on the history of high-school radicalism in Australia - and calls for readers to send him their stories.

  4. a retweeté
    29 avr.

    I wrote a review of Marvel Studios' brilliant, challenging adaptation of Samuel Beckett's ENDGAME.

  5. 29 avr.

    Giovanni Tiso () reviews Marvel Studios' bold adaptation of Samuel Beckett's ENDGAME.

  6. 26 avr.

    "For a time, the intensities of early motherhood rose up like a dust storm to obliterate the world beyond the nursery. In my fatigue, I stopped thinking about the future altogether." on motherhood, climate change and science fiction.

  7. 26 avr.

    'Third-placed "Surfing at Blackfellas" is demonstrative, perhaps, of how settler-Australians can reckon with the violent past we inherent and are conditioned to forget – by reimagining the horror'

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  8. 26 avr.

    'In "nadelstich", abstractions of language establish how shaped we are by the power structures around us, whether geometric, architectural, legal or social, but then linguistic play opens up to the reader a deeply affecting story'

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  9. 26 avr.

    ‘First-placed “Acacia Land” is a wild and wildly deserving winner. It combines a gnarly car-drive syntax with a suspense-filled narrative; awesome imagery of Country with the ghosts and waste lands of colonial invasion.’

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  10. 26 avr.

    'Having seen the vitality and diversity ... this year, I contend that, even though the threat of the "market forces" is real, regardless, poetry is alive and well.' & Nguyên Tiên Hoàng on this year's Poetry Prize

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  11. 26 avr.

    Alice Robinson () reflects on science fiction, climate reality and the work of parenting.

  12. 26 avr.

    'For millennia, firestick practices have been performed by people with appropriate custodial relationships to the land. Cut-and-pasted from one landscape to another, reduced to a set of procedures, they become severed from their numinous context.'

  13. a retweeté
    24 avr.
  14. 24 avr.

    "What does the ostentatious display of planes and helicopters or the proposed live feed of current Australian Defence Force operations have to teach us about the past? Rather, their function is to project the Memorial into the sphere of public relations."

  15. a retweeté
    24 avr.

    “What I do know is that until we’re actively fighting for the rights and justice of First Nations disabled people, of disabled people of colour, of trans disabled people, there can’t be any disability justice.” Please read this by

  16. 24 avr.

    'When access to public transport is stymied, so too is access to public life.' Millie Baylis () on travelling with an invisible disability

  17. a retweeté
    23 avr.

    "an artist’s impression video on the AWM website shows visitors mingling in the presence of decommissioned Chinook helicopters and strike fighters"

  18. 23 avr.

    "The resurgence of Anzac as Australia’s totalising creation myth was not inevitable but the result of a thorough, bipartisan campaign to place it at the centre of our national identity." on the new plans for the Australian War Memorial.

  19. 23 avr.

    "For some, the money we spend will never be enough." Ben Brooker () on the colossal plans for the Australian War Memorial.

  20. 18 avr.

    Samantha Trayhurn reflects on Australia's immigration policy from the border between Colombia and Venezuela.


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