EFTA Register
The EFTA Register contains references to documents drawn up by the EFTA Secretariat. The documents are either public, and thus directly available for download, or restricted, in which case access to them can be requested. Each document listing is followed either by the ‘download’ icon download icon, or the ‘apply for access’ icon apply for access icon. Clicking on the first directly opens the document, while clicking on the second opens an application form.
Search for documents
You can locate a document on the Register by searching for its title (complete or parts thereof) or its reference number. You can also search by period or date of the document’s placement on the Register.
To search for documents, use the search box below. For example, by entering ‘EFTA Council’ you will get a list of documents that are related to the EFTA Council. By entering a number, you will get the document with that particular number.

In the top menu you have several options. Under ‘Common EFTA expressions’ you will find a list of predefined searches, based on commonly used EFTA expressions and terms. The ‘List of Abbreviations’ contains abbreviations that are used in EFTA, which can be useful when searching for document titles. Under ‘Documents’ you will find the full list of documents uploaded to the Register.