Posts in: Features

Donate to the Freedom Socialist $100,000 Fund Drive!

March 2017

Dear Friend, These are the days of “alternative facts” and nasty tweets as public policy, with the hard right in the catbird seat. They are also the days of tens of millions of people pouring into the streets to push back! Serious times require serious journalism. The Freedom Socialist provides honest news and insightful analysis… Read more »

Reports from Standing Rock

November 2016

Days 6 and 7, November 20-21, 2016 – State warfare intensifies – solidarity builds Our final days representing Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party at Standing Rock were action-packed and compelling. Varied voices of water protectors Patrick Burns and I spent time with the International Indigenous Youth Council and attended a council meeting. The youth… Read more »

Malcolm X: Words to inspire and heal

February 2015

February 21, 2015 marks 50 years since the assassination of Malcolm X—an extraordinary revolutionary leader, organizer and teacher. Malcolm’s clearheaded, uncompromising advocacy of Black liberation armed African Americans with tactics to fight oppression in the mid-1960s and moved this country and the world to new heights of race and political consciousness. Malcolm’s searing analysis of… Read more »

Freedom Socialist Party 10th Anniversary Conference: Clara’s Corner

Summer 1976

“We’re going to have a double editorial page,” said Our Editor, “and we need a column. Who can write one?” “Oh, I can,” I said airily. Omigawd. The beginning is the hardest, as Marx told us; it actually follows from the conclusion. So perhaps if I start from the end, I’ll wind up at the… Read more »

Freedom Socialist poetry: Homecoming

Summer 1976

How your three daughters thought you were dying this time for sure, came home one summer night meeting in the airport at 4 a.m. to catch another flight up the coast. – The airport was nearly deserted and devoid of women except for the janitors and ticket agents. How the men gawked at us and… Read more »

POETRY — The Crazy Operator at the Switchboard

Spring 1977

This must be a bee hive. And we are all busy as bees Filling the little black holes in the comb, Buzzing, buzzing. – These cords extend from our backbones. Current runs through our mouths. Our fingers, open to the tips for information, Operate, operate, – Touching a humming in the lines After the words… Read more »

Clara’s Column

Spring 1977

SIGMUND FREUD once groaned that he would never understand women. Well, Siggy, likewise, I’m sure. There are some men — and I speak particularly about radical men — whom I cannot for the life of me fathom. I cannot understand men who live in the very midst of — but ignore — a giant-sized, worldwide… Read more »

Kathy Saadat guest column

Summer 1977

Dark & White in Color TO PARAPHRASE MARK TWAIN, recent reports on the political insignificance of minority women have been greatly exaggerated. We are not unimportant, not secondary, not mere appendages to the race freedom and feminist movements — nor will we permit ourselves to be relegated to the ranks of an exotic fringe of… Read more »

Doris Lessing: The failure of the personal solution

Summer 1977

Doris Lessing has attracted considerable attention as one of the foremost British novelists. Her books are widely discussed, and The Golden Notebook, her novel about “free women,” is a classic to many feminists. She has gained a dedicated following through her frank depiction of women, addressing the topics of sexuality, marriage and pregnancy from a… Read more »