
Fall of the Berlin Wall, 30 years on

December 2019

It wasn’t really about the “death of communism.” It was about the failure of Stalinism, to which capitalism has hardly been an answer to celebrate.

Hillary Clinton conjures up a new “red” threat

December 2019

On the centennial of the Palmer Raids, Clinton is reviving commie baiting by calling Green Party leader a “Russian asset.” Warning to all lefties — beware of embedding with Democrats!

Take that, Amazon! Sawant wins again

December 2019

Seattle voters said “Hell no!” to red-baiting billionaires, and defeated five of the seven Amazon-backed candidates for City Council! Up-front socialist Kshama Savant was especially targeted — and won.

Free Mumia now!

October 2019

Repressed evidence shows Mumia deserves freedom now and restitution for time served.