
قمت بحظر @thommyorange

هل أنت متأكّد أنك تريد عرض هذه التغريدات؟ عرض التغريدات لن يلغي حظر @thommyorange

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    ٣٠ أبريل


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    Check out my poem “Hover” in the new issue of Ploughshares! 🤘🏽👨🏽‍🎤

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    Creative team for CHICKEN OF THE SEA, a children’s book from in the fall. My son Ellison came up w/story & we sold it when he was 5. I wrote the words. 13 year old Hien is illustrating. His mom is coloring. A model for parent/kid collaboration?

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    ١٨ أبريل

    I can’t wait to share this book with you all. I worked so hard for years on these poems. My goal was to give language and story back to beauty. Being a poet is an incredible but overwhelming responsibility. I am a puddle of emotion today.

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    ١٢ أبريل

    I’m honored to have won the Prize. What was best part about last night’s awards ceremony? Meeting my fellow nominees. Seriously.

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  6. ١٢ أبريل

    Absolutely he’s one of my very favorite artists.

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    “Portrait of The Internet”

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    This is one of the most beautiful, thoughtful pieces on Lost Children Archive. Thank you for dedicating your insight & intelligence to reading this book, Jordan Kisner,

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    ٧ أبريل

    I got carded at a bar. I got a standing ovation. It was a good day. and me at the JFK Presidential Library, where he received the PEN/Hemingway Award for his brilliant novel THERE THERE. I gave the keynote.

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  10. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٨ أبريل

    This essay was selected for Best American Essays 2019. Thank you, Rebecca Solnit. Thank you, , , , all for supporting me while I cultivated the work. Love to everyone.

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  11. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٣ أبريل

    Tonight, I found out I was one of five finalists for the FWISD District Teacher of the Year. This is pretty great. There are a lot of wonderful teachers out there. It was a huge honor to be chosen. (I wore my Tear Dress made by Tonia Weavel.)

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    ٢٨ مارس
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    This book has been with me for years. It's now on for pre-sale. S/O to , Joan Kane, and Santee Frazier, and the . So much thanks to , , and for giving this book space.

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    ٢٥ مارس

    You worked so hard to bring this beautiful work into the world We are all proud of you. Such a great book! A’iłtsòó’ nizhóní’ 🦅 ✍🏽🙏🏽

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    ٢٤ مارس

    You can call me an Asian American/Vietnamese American/minority writer so long as you refer to white writers as white writers. Adjectives for everybody or adjectives for nobody.

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    Thirteen years ago, when he was just 86, a new book of poetry out, I interviewed Lawrence Ferlinghetti. “Publishing a book of poetry is still like dropping it off a bridge somewhere and waiting for a splash, he said. “Usually, you don’t hear anything.”

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    I won a big writer's award ☺. I don't believe there's only room for one Native writer at a time. I believe we can write about trauma & protect each other. We don't need another Native renaissance. We need us to be forever present, reviewed for our craft, our work, period. ❤💙

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    When I first met Terese, more than a year ago, we were standing in the parking lot after dinner w/Tommy Orange & Joan Naviyuk Kane, and she said "All I want is to win a Whiting." So incredibly deserved.

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