Sri Sri Ravi ShankarHitelesített felhasználó


Mission: To See a Smile on Every Face; One World Family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Bengaluru, India
Csatlakozott 2009. július


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  1. ápr. 27.

    About 300,000 people from all over the world joined the Meditation for Peace in Bali, Indonesia through webcast yesterday.

  2. ápr. 21.

    Students of Kamla Mehta Blind School,Mumbai did intuition practise for 40 days led by teachers & . Some can now identify colours,shapes,pictures & also read w/o braille.The Principal sees a difference in their studies,health & soft skills.

  3. ápr. 21.

    While condemning the serial bomb attack in , we express our solidarity with the people of and the families of the victims. Let's pray that they have the strength to move through this tough time.

  4. ápr. 20.

    The foundation stone for 's Himalayan Yoga & Meditation Centre at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, was laid yesterday.

  5. ápr. 18.

    Congratulations to , President of , on the "Exceptional Women of Excellence" Award at the International Women's Economic Forum in New Delhi.

  6. ápr. 17.

    भगवान महावीर ने कोई युद्ध नहीं लड़े पर उन्होंने सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण विजय प्राप्त की - अपने मन पर। उनका जीवन हमें सिखाता है कि अहिंसा और धीरता महान आत्मबल के लक्षण हैं।

  7. ápr. 17.

    Mahavir means one with great courage. He did not fight any wars but He conquered the one thing worth conquering - He won over his own mind. His life teaches us that non-violence & patience are signs of great strength of spirit. Happy

  8. ápr. 16.

    On the eve of Dr. BR Ambedkar's 128th birth anniversary, launched a Skill Development Program in partnership with Social Welfare Dept,AP & it's Director, Mr. Pola Bhaskar,IAS, under "Ambedkar Jeevan Patham" for 4000 economically backward SC students from 13 districts.

  9. ápr. 14.

    Today, the solar New Year is also being celebrated in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Bengal & North East. Happy & Happy New Year. 2/2

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  10. ápr. 14.

    Rama is the light in one's heart. When the light within is born, life is filled with love & completeness. While Rama is wisdom, Lakshmana is awareness, Bharata is brilliance & Shatrughna is one without an enemy. 1/2

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  11. ápr. 11.

    Had a cordial meeting with Poojya Swami Maharaj of Juna Akhada at his Ashram in Kankhal. जूना अखाड़े के पीठाधीश्वर परम पूज्य अवधेशानंद जी महाराज के साथ उनके कनखल आश्रम में महत्त्वपूर्ण भेंट हुई।

  12. ápr. 11.

    स्वामी रामदेव जी ने बहुत आत्मीयता के साथ पतंजलि योगपीठ में स्वागत किया। उनकी अत्याधुनिक शोध प्रयोगशाला भारत का गौरव है। वहां विविध औषधियों का संग्रह और उनके चित्र प्रशंसनीय हैं। 2/2

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  13. ápr. 11.

    Swami Ramdev ji received us with such warmth & hospitality at Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar. The state of the art Ayurveda research lab on the campus is a facility India can be proud of. The vast herbal collection & the paintings of various herbs are really laudable. 1/2

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  14. ápr. 6.

    जैसे प्रकृति हर क्षण नूतन है, बीती बातें छोड़कर आप भी नए हो जाएं। जो अपनी प्रकृति में आनंद लेते हैं, उन्हें सारी प्रकृति में आनंद दिखता है। सभी को , गुडी पड़वा, चेती चाँद, साजिबु चेरोबा और की शुभकामनाएं।

  15. ápr. 6.

    Just as Nature is new every moment, you become new by letting go of the past. One who rejoices in one's nature can rejoice with all of Nature. & best wishes on , Cheti Chand, Sajibu Cheiraoba & .

  16. ápr. 5.

    Inaugurated Nursing Education & Research Center at AIIMS,Rishikesh & addressed the faculty & students. Work by the team & high spirits of the Director, Padma Shri Dr Ravi Kant & Principal Dr Suresh Sharma are commendable. An MoU was signed to conduct programs there.

  17. ápr. 5.

    Inaugurated Student Counselling Services 'SAKHA' with Prof. PK Jain, Director of .

  18. ápr. 3.

    Took a boat ride with teachers on the Ganges in Varanasi, the ancient city of wisdom.

  19. ápr. 3.

    Had an interactive session with artisans and carpet weavers at the Handicraft Institute, Varanasi who were undergoing the program. An MoU was signed to train all the students and faculty in interpersonal skills.

  20. ápr. 3.

    Visited the new Kashi-Vishwanath Temple Corridor in Varanasi. Impressive work is in progress there. Gave some ideas & suggestions to the Project CEO. 's composting machine is converting 300 kgs of temple waste into manure daily.


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