In the realm of violence: The State and law

Overlapping analyses of State violence, with greece as the laboratory …

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Anselme Bellegarrigue: The World’s First Anarchist Manifesto

I have no ancestors! For me the creation of the world dates from the day of my birth; for me the end of the world will be accomplished on the day when I shall restore to the elementary mass the apparatus and the afflatus which constitute my individuality. I am the first man, I shall be the last. My history is the complete result of humanity; I know no other, I care to know no other. When I suffer, what good do I get from another’s enjoyment? When I enjoy, in what do those who suffer detract from my pleasures? Of what consequence to me is that which happened before me? How am I concerned in what will happen after me? It is not for me to serve as a sacrifice to respect for extinct generations, or as an example to posterity. I confine myself within the circle of my existence, and the only problem that I have to solve is that of my welfare. I have but one doctrine, that doctrine has but one formula, that formula has but one word: ENJOY! Sincere is he who confesses it; an impostor is he who denies it.

This is bare individualism, native egoism; I do not deny it, I confess it, I verify it, I boast of it. Show me, that I may question him, the man who would reproach and blame me. Does my egoism do you any harm? If you say no, you have no reason to object to it, for i am free in all that does not injure you. If you say yes, you are a thief, for, my egoism being only the simple appropriation of myself by myself, an appeal to my identity, an affirmation of my individuality, a protest against all supremacy, if you admit that you are damaged by my act in taking possession of myself, by my retention of my own person — that is, the least disputable of my properties — you will declare thereby that I belong to you, or, at least, that you have designs on me; you are an owner of men, either established as such or intending to be, a monopolist, a coveter of another’s person, a thief. There is no middle ground; either right lies with egoism, or it lies with theft; either I belong to myself, or I become the possession of someone else. It cannot be said that I should sacrifice myself for the good of all, since, all having to similarly sacrifice themselves, no one would gain more by this stupid game than he had lost, and consequently, each would remain destitute — that is, without profit, which clearly would make such sacrifice absurd. If, then, the abnegation of all cannot be profitable to all, it must of necessity be profitable to a few; these few, then, are the possessors of all, and are probably the very ones who will complain of my egoism.

Every man is an egoist; whoever ceases to be one becomes a thing. He who pretends it is not necessary to be one is a sly thief.

Oh, yes, I know, the word has an ugly sound; so far you have applied it to those who are not satisfied with what belongs to them, to those who take to themselves what belongs to others; but such people are in accord with human impulse; you are not. In complaining of their capacity, do you know what you do? You establish your own imbecility. Hitherto you have believed there were tyrants. Well, you are mistaken: there are only slaves.

Where nobody obeys nobody commands.

Anselme Bellegarigue

Words that speak for themselves …

We share Anselm Bellegarrigue’s anarchist manifesto, as one of the seminal texts of the tradition. We close with a brief autobiography by George Woodcock.

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For May Day

Reflections on work and the limits of work centred anti-capitalism (from spain)

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And now, a word from our sponsors …

On this, the occasion of May Day (in english and portuguese) …

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From extinction rebellion to desirous rebellion

At the moment when all humanity lives under the menace of possible annihilation, for the very means of this annihilation have ceased to be illusory, then the whole of the real, all at once, descends into fiction.

Marcel Mariën, Théorie de la révolution mondiale immédiate

When the world ends, people come out of their apartments and meet their neighbors for the first time; they share food, stories, companionship. No one has to go to work or the laundromat; nobody remembers to check the mirror or scale or email account before leaving the house. Graffiti artists surge into the streets; strangers embrace, sobbing and laughing. Every moment possesses an immediacy formerly spread out across months. Burdens fall away, people confess secrets and grant forgiveness, the stars come out over New York City…and nine months later, a new generation is born.

CrimethInc. Collective

There is something overwhelmingly simple about the Extinction Rebellion (and sister movements: the student school strikes for the climate, earth strike, climate offensive), its idealism; an idealism that in part explains its resonance in the rapid multiplication and expansion of protests.

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Remembering a revolution: Portugal 1974-5

On this, the 45th anniversary of the portuguese revolution, we share a brief account of the revolutionary events of 1974-75 by Raquel Varela (excerpted from her monograph, A Peoples’ History of the Portuguese Revolution, Pluto, 2019) and published at Roarmag.

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In solidarity with Gaspard Glanz

We have on numerous occasions shared video reports from the independent and politically engaged news collective, Taranis news. The courage and art that they have consistently brought to their work with radical social movements makes them one of the most important sources of news videos in france.

On the 20th of April, the day of Act XXIII of the gilets jaunes insurrection, Gaspard Glanz, one of the collective’s founders, was arrested for “insulting a person representative of public authority”. After two days in prison, he appeared in court to learn that his trial is set for the 18th of October. During the next six months, he is prohibited from entering Paris on Saturdays and on the coming first of May; in effect, preventing him from covering the insurrection in the capital.

His “insulting” crime? Showing the finger to a physically aggressive riot cop.

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In solidarity with the okupied social centres/squats of Athens

In a series of police operations in Athens, over the last ten days, four okupied social centres were cleared, including two that provided autonomous, self-managed housing for migrants.

The objective is clear: to discipline rebellious segments of the population (most notably, anarchists), or those who might think of rebelling, to place under State administration and policed surveillance, migrants-refugees, under a politics of social division and colonisation (and thereby trying to bring to end one of the richest experiences of radical “no-border politics” in recent memory), and to pacify the urban space for “investment and renewal”

In solidarity with the resistance to this State violence, we publish a series of news posts from the “enough is enough” media collective.

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The gilets jaunes: Understanding the resistance of an insurrection

A further reflection on the yellow vests movement, as it continues to defy, on the occasion of Act XXIII …

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Giorgio Agamben: The way of poverty

A reflection on Giorgio Agamben’s work, The Highest Poverty, or on the “way of poverty” against the “way of wealth or enrichment”, by Jacques Fradin. (lundi matin #186, 09/04/2019)

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