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The Simpsons draws criticism for seal-clubbing 'Newfie' scene

Television Earlier today
Sunday night's Canadian-themed episode of The Simpsons is drawing criticism for its treatment of people from Newfoundland and Labrador. In the episode, the term "stupid Newfies" is used just before Ralph Wiggum says "I'm a Newfie!" and clubs the head of a stuffed baby seal.
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The Simpsons is taking fire over this scene that references "stupid Newfies" and seal clubbing. The scene about Newfoundland and Labrador has some people saying the show went too far.

316 replies 287 retweets 1,074 likes

Did The Simpsons take it too far?

145 replies 341 retweets 1,159 likes

"They had to make a tradeoff probably, between a joke that actually said something intelligent and cutting, and a joke that people would recognize as a joke, so I guess that's probably what they went with," said Drew Brown. |

18 replies 19 retweets 90 likes

Was The Simpsons' "Newfie" joke offensive or just lazy? "If you want a good Newfie joke done properly, you need to hire a Newfoundlander to tell it."

320 replies 67 retweets 217 likes

Dear I am a and that was funny

9 replies 22 retweets 380 likes

As a joke, the Simpson's Newfie reference was "meh".... As a way to create publicity, though, it was totally brilliant because we will promote the heck of of it...for free!!

3 replies 7 retweets 93 likes

To be honest, I am not really offended by the whole "Stupid Newfie Simpsons" thing, but removing Apu for racist Indian Stereotypes but then totally being fine with calling the people that helped you during 9/11 stupid, is well, stupid.

13 replies 15 retweets 145 likes

Am I offended by the "stupid newfie" remark on the Simpsons? Not really. I'm a pretty smart guy. I just think it was a missed opportunity to say something that was actually funny. Hope someone got fired over this & they hire better writers. DM for my resume

13 replies 4 retweets 40 likes

Not sure how I would take seal pup scene if I was a Newfoundlander - but I know even now if Homer, Marg, Bart and the writers of the were to Come from Away - and showed up in Gander with no place to stay, they'd be welcomed with open arms, a beer and a sandwich

2 replies 4 retweets 48 likes
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I think regardless of the term Newfie the "stupid" was offensive and mean spirted not even remotely funny. Clubbing the baby seal? seriously. The Simpson's humour is often very clever this was just crude.

11 replies 5 retweets 21 likes

I hate that slang term for Newfoundlander. It depicts an unintelligent, twee laughing-stock. I don’t begrudge Newfoundlanders using it as a badge of pride and can take a joke. But uses of it like on The Simpsons prove it still connotes an outdated, inaccurate description of us.

66 replies 39 retweets 450 likes

oh boy i looked at why newfie was trending bc y'know... home. i'm not super bothered by ppl using the term bc its mostly out of ignorance but boy i really wish they hadn't made the fucking seal hunt joke!!

5 replies 2 retweets 19 likes

Son in Edmonton is watching a Simpsons episode about 🇨🇦. They had to include a scene where a “Newfie” kid kicks the head off a baby seal. Sigh! Here we go again......

3 replies 2 retweets 4 likes

What the fuck did I just see on The Simpsons? Ralph calls himself a stupid Newfie and proceeds to club a stuffed seal to death? Uh what?

10 replies 7 retweets 13 likes

I never saw the Simpsons episode (and likely never will because the show hasn't been entertaining in nearly two decades) but I will add this to The Discourse: "Stupid Newfie" jokes sting a lot more coming from fellow Canadians than they do from a team of stagnant American writers

2 replies 3 retweets 13 likes

Any references bludgeoning whitecoats with a stick needs to fucking stop though, for the sake of the dignity of Canada's indigenous sealers in addition to sealers of Newfoundland.

2 replies 3 retweets 10 likes

RE: the first tweet: Maybe I'm outing myself as Sensitive here but I feel like the stereotype that we are hardworking, but simple, uneducated oafs is pretty prevalent, especially among western Canadians, but as far as I know is non-existent among Americans.

3 replies 2 retweets 3 likes

Overall it's just kind of awkward, forced, and embarrassing but that's been standard fare for Simpsons content for the past 15 or more years.

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This might be a good idea to remind everyone that the word, though originally benign or a term of endearment, was repurposed by stationed forces during wartime to be disparaging. How we should feel about its use by non-Newfoundlanders is a divisive subject.

1 reply 2 retweets 8 likes

Here's a paper about it if you're interested in that kind of thing.

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The latest episode of is chock-full of Canadian references.

16 replies 45 retweets 158 likes