Contribute Documents and Information

How to Contribute

Public Intelligence uses the SecureDrop document submission system developed and maintained by the Freedom of the Press Foundation to accept documents and securely communicate with anonymous sources. For maximum privacy, please consider making your contribution while using a network that is not associated with yourself or your employer. Download and install the Tor Browser Bundle from the Tor Project website at Open the Tor Browser and enter the following URL:


Follow the instructions to contribute documents and information. You will be given a codename consisting of several random words. You can return to the SecureDrop site at a later date and enter this codename to see if we have responded to your submission. You can also respond to our questions or comments and provide more information if necessary. For your own security, please consider the ramifications of discussing your contribution with anyone else. For added security and privacy, consider using the Tails operating system to contribute. If you are knowledgeable about security software, consider encrypting your submission with our public PGP key prior to submission. For more information on how SecureDrop works and how to use it as a source, see the official documentation maintained by the Freedom of the Press Foundation.

Security and Privacy Information

SecureDrop is accessed exclusively through a Tor "hidden service" that is designed to conceal your identity and location from us while allowing for secure connection utilizing end-to-end encryption. SecureDrop does not record your IP address, browser configuration, operating system or and will not utilize persistent cookies to track your activities. Our SecureDrop servers are operated and maintained under the direct physical control of Public Intelligence. We will retrieve your contribution and decrypt it on a computer that has never been connected to the internet with no hard drive installed or wireless communications interfaces. Please remember that while we have made every effort to provide a secure platform for contributing information to this site, we cannot guarantee your privacy or security and make no representations about the service. Ultimately, your security and privacy is your own responsibility.