Lori DornEgiaztatu kontua


Senior writer . Maker of music, jewelry & cocktails. Happily married to . No pitches please.

New York City
2007(e)ko martxoa(e)tik Twitterren


@HRLori blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @HRLori desblokeatuko.

  1. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 4 ordu
    Hauei erantzuten:

    “The WSJ revealed...that a GOP operative named requested and received confidential files stolen from the Democrats by hacker Guccifer 2.0 last year. “

  2. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 8 ordu

    was deemed unconstitutional in 12/18. Dem AG's are working to appeal this case. Oral arguments begin in July. If the appeals case is NOT won, the law of the land will come crashing down. That's 130M w/ protections and the END of expansion!

    Erakutsi haria
  3. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 3 ordu

    Spoke to a great group of about the priorities that are at stake this election like health care and protecting our climate, and how we're going to work together to win.

  4. Duela 3 ordu

    Perkins Square Baptist Church Shooting: ‘7 Wounded’ via

  5. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 4 ordu

    Rabbi Goldstein - you made me proud to be a Jew. Your words are inspiring. I'm glad Trump comforted you, but I feel you have an obligation to teach Trump how to be a mensch and stop persecuting immigrants, African-Americans, and Muslims.

  6. Duela 3 ordu
  7. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 11 ordu

    I was so moved when Rabbi Goldstein called us from the hospital where he just had come out of surgery after his finger was shot off by the gunman. He said it was important to get out the message you’ll hear in this interview. Thank you, Rabbi. You are incredibly brave.

  8. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 11 ordu

    Twitter should not be a sanctuary for white supremacists.

  9. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 5 ordu

    If you’d like to know why I’m angry... This story is not unique.

  10. (e)k Bertxiotua

    if your algorithms can't tell the difference between Nazis and Republicans there is probably a reason.

    Erakutsi haria
  11. Duela 5 ordu

    We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. - Elie Weisel

  12. (e)k Bertxiotua

    Dear Jack, I'm tired of being told references to raping journalists are not a vio. I am tired of being called a baby killer and worse. I'm tired of seeing the hate aimed at Jewish, Muslim and POC. This isn't hard: Ban Nazis, or you become one.

  13. Duela 5 ordu

    The monsters who shoot up synagogues in the U.S. are the same who shoot up Mosques - is peddling a false narrative that's really offensive both to Jews and Muslims.

  14. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 5 ordu

    If Jews really controlled the media you can bet we wouldn’t be putting fucking Meghan McCain up to speak nonsense on our behalf

  15. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 9 ordu
  16. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 9 ordu

    Sally Yates is 100% correct about the : Donald Trump would be indicted TODAY for obstruction of justice if he didn't hold the office of President.

  17. Duela 6 ordu

    Lori Gilbert Kaye - A Woman of Valor אֵשֶׁת חַיִל

  18. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 7 ordu

    Poway Synagogue Rabbi Vows ‘Terror Will Not Win’ The terrorist shot at Rabbi hitting his hand, Lori Gilbert-Kaye threw her body in front of his to shield him. She died saying his life. I’m crying for the worlds loss of Lori- Eshet Chayyil-A Woman of Valor

  19. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 7 ordu

    Lori Gilbert-Kaye did what Trump pretended he'd do facing an AR-15 and she did it without a gun. May she read in peace.

    Erakutsi haria
  20. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 9 ordu

    Lori Gilbert-Kaye is her name. “She sacrificed her own life, throwing herself in the path of the murderer’s bullets to save the life of the rabbi.”


Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
