Art & design | Exhibitions, Galleries & Artists News & Reviews | The Sydney Morning Herald


Art & design

Everyone has a camera in their pocket, but can they create art?

Everyone has a camera in their pocket, but can they create art?

Smartphone cameras are nearing professional grade, so does that mean everyday snaps are, too? A new exhibition suggests yes.

  • by Michael Harry


Review: Plenty of theory but a lack of imaginative and creative will
Visual art

Review: Plenty of theory but a lack of imaginative and creative will

The National promises to show the best and brightest contemporary Australian art. So why does so much seem derivative and depressingly old-fashioned?

  • by John McDonald
Lovingly restored New Zealand garden has enticed the birds back
new zealand

Lovingly restored New Zealand garden has enticed the birds back

In 1972, acclaimed garden Te Kainga Marire was just a barren patch of weeds and clay, but decades of clever planting have seen the return of the beloved tui and other native species.

  • by Robin Powell
Melbourne gets funky with the grandmaster

Melbourne gets funky with the grandmaster

George Clinton worked the audience into a frenzy during a high-energy, two-and-a-half-hour performance.

  • by Nicole Precel
How TB and other diseases helped to shape modern architecture

How TB and other diseases helped to shape modern architecture

A seemingly random connection has long intrigued historian Beatriz Colomina.

  • by Ray Edgar
Remembering five soldiers and the lives that might have been

Remembering five soldiers and the lives that might have been

Monash University is honoring the pharmacy students who were lost to World War I.

  • by Michael Shmith
Installations highlight the cultural importance of indigenous plants

Installations highlight the cultural importance of indigenous plants

Two separate displays in Melbourne represent the vast bounty of Australia's natural ecosystems.

  • by Megan Backhouse
Artist Christian Thompson finds Marina Abramovic was right about VR

Artist Christian Thompson finds Marina Abramovic was right about VR

A place of childhood significance comes alive in Bayi Gardiya.

  • by Gabriella Coslovich
Art can cure the haters, says philanthropist Krystyna Campbell-Pretty

Art can cure the haters, says philanthropist Krystyna Campbell-Pretty

An extraordinary gift has helped to cement Melbourne's status as a fashion mecca.

  • by Janice Breen Burns
I found this great thing: the Beach People Picnic Basket
Home accessories

I found this great thing: the Beach People Picnic Basket

The Beach People Picnic Basket is designed for beach-goers who have had enough of sand wriggling its way into their gouda and camembert.

  • by Portia Conyers-East
The 'crazy and epic' story of John Coburn's Opera House curtain call

The 'crazy and epic' story of John Coburn's Opera House curtain call

A look at the artist and the tapestries intended as major artistic centrepieces of the building.

  • by Helen Pitt