South America | Latest News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


South America

'Beautiful nightmare' crab with cartoonish eyes discovered

'Beautiful nightmare' crab with cartoonish eyes discovered

This species that lived 95 million years ago sported a lobster-like shell, legs flattened like oars, wrench-like claws and huge eyes protruding from its head.

  • by Lindsey Bever


A parrot that tipped off drug dealers to a raid is in custody

A parrot that tipped off drug dealers to a raid is in custody

As police searched for the suspects, it seemed the lime-green bird knew exactly what to do.

  • by Meagan Flynn
Made in China, exported to the world: surveillance states
Technology & democracy

Made in China, exported to the world: surveillance states

Armed with joysticks, Ecuadorian police control the cameras and scan the streets for drug deals, muggings and killings. If they spy something, they zoom in.

  • by Paul Mozur, Jonah Kessel and Melissa Chan
'Inconceivable': Brazil top court backs down on news censorship

'Inconceivable': Brazil top court backs down on news censorship

Brazil's Attorney-General had accused the nation's highest court of violating the constitution in ordering the withdrawal of news articles.

Putin envoy in Caracas rejects US revival of Monroe Doctrine
Venezuela crisis

Putin envoy in Caracas rejects US revival of Monroe Doctrine

Russian Ambassador rejected an assertion this week by US National Security Adviser John Bolton that the 1823 Monroe Doctrine is "alive and well."

  • by Josh Goodman
Peru ex-president Alan Garcia kills himself moments after arrest

Peru ex-president Alan Garcia kills himself moments after arrest

The shocking end for the man who twice ruled Peru but more recently was ensnared in a corruption scandal comes amid a national upheaval over endemic corruption.

  • by Franklin Briceno
'A lot of joy': Humanitarian aid begins flowing into Venezuela
Venezuela crisis

'A lot of joy': Humanitarian aid begins flowing into Venezuela

The aid includes medical supplies and electricity generators, which will be distributed to hospitals around the country.

NY museum says no to honouring Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro
World politics

NY museum says no to honouring Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro has suggested he would pull Brazil out of the Paris Accord on climate change and wants to develop the Amazon rainforest.

Ecuador claims on Assange untrue: lawyer
Assange saga

Ecuador claims on Assange untrue: lawyer

Julian Assange's team denies his actions deteriorated before his arrest and included putting excrement on walls, leaving soiled laundry in the bathroom, and not properly looking after his cat.

  • by Gregory Katz
Venezuela's Maduro orders militia expansion
Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela's Maduro orders militia expansion

The civilian militia, created by Hugo Chavez, reports directly to the presidency

  • by Deisy Buitrago and Mariela Nava
As Ecuador harboured Assange, it was subjected to threats and leaks
Assange saga

As Ecuador harboured Assange, it was subjected to threats and leaks

WikiLeaks and Assange have been in a struggle with his host country Ecuador and its president for some time.

  • by Nicholas Casey and Jo Becker