27 April 2019

Amazon posts record $3.6 billion profit in first three months of 2019

By Niles Niemuth, 27 April 2019

Amazon plans to increase the exploitation of workers in the US and internationally by implementing free one day shipping for Prime subscribers to ensure ever-bigger profits.

GM continues tax avoidance schemes while it slashes thousands of jobs

US military set to loosen rules for troops operating along southern border

By Genevieve Leigh, 27 April 2019

The Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security are clearing the way for Trump to escalate his anti-immigrant program amidst silence from Democrats.

In naked sellout, union announces end to strike by 300,000 Polish teachers

By Will Morrow and Clara Weiss, 27 April 2019

The union is covering up the fact that it is ending the strike without meeting any of the teachers’ demands by claiming the strike is being “suspended.”

As union seeks to end walkout
Polish teachers speak out on why they are striking

Unions scramble to contain Polish teachers’ strike as 40,000 social workers prepare to stop work

Sri Lankan president steps up military crackdown

By K. Ratnayake, 27 April 2019

The all-party conference convened yesterday in the wake of Sunday’s terrorist bombings rubberstamped the draconian police-state measures being rapidly brought into force.

Sri Lankan president calls “all-party conference” to rubberstamp emergency powers

War by other means: US/EU sanctions aimed at crippling Syria

By Jean Shaoul, 27 April 2019

Washington is seeking to crash the Syrian economy to create the conditions for a rebellion so as to impose a pro-US regime in Damascus.

Macron moves to prosecute journalists who revealed French arms sales in Yemen war

Los Angeles universities quarantine 280 as US measles cases reach record levels

By Kate Randall, 27 April 2019

The CDC reports the number of measles cases has spiked to at least 695 so far this year, the highest number since the disease was declared eliminated in 2000.

Trump administration argues in Supreme Court for including citizenship question on 2020 census

By E.P. Milligan and Tom Carter, 27 April 2018

The decision to include the question of citizenship is designed to intimidate immigrants and ultimately to divert resources from working class areas.

Mexican police detain hundreds of Central American migrants during mass raid

“Everyone should have access to great arts education”
Musicians Emma Gerstein and Max Raimi speak on Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike

By our reporters, 27 April 2019

As the CSO strike reaches a critical turning point, musicians Emma Gerstein and Max Raimi speak about the strike and in defense of arts and culture.

Mayor Emanuel intervenes to shut down Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike

Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike
Socialism and the defense of culture

Massachusetts judge and court officer charged with helping immigrant evade ICE officer

By Kevin Martinez, 27 April 2019

Newton District Court Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph and former trial court officer, Wesley MacGregor both face up to 20 years if found guilty of obstructing ICE.

US Navy SEAL officers attempted to cover up evidence of war crimes

By Josh Varlin, 27 April 2019

Navy SEAL officers told lower-ranking soldiers not to report war crimes, including the murder of civilians and a wounded teenager in Iraq.

New study documents over 1,600 killed in US siege of Raqqa, Syria

Half of all land in England owned by less than one percent of the population

By Margot Miller, 27 April 2019

The aristocracy and gentry still own 30 percent of the land, while 18 percent is owned by corporations and a staggering 17 percent is in the possession of oligarchs and bankers.

Economic reversal exposes Australian election myths

By Mike Head, 27 April 2019

Inflation was zero during the March quarter, indicating a rapidly stalling economy that will intensify the corporate offensive against the working class.

Former President Garcia’s suicide exposes desperate crisis of Peruvian bourgeoisie

By Armando Cruz and Cesar Uco, 27 April 2019

Top Odebrecht officials told Peruvian prosecutors that the company had bribed presidents, ministers and potential presidential candidates for nearly two decades.

New in Portuguese

O imperialismo dos EUA ressuscita a Doutrina Monroe

Bill Van Auken, 27 Abril 2019

As repetidas referências ao cânone de quase dois séculos da política imperialista dos EUA são um alerta de que Washington está se preparando para intensificar suas intervenções militares na região.

New in Russian

Избрание Зеленского на Украине и путь вперед для рабочего класса

Клара Вайс, 27 апреля 2019 г.

Комедийный актер Владимир Зеленский победил на президентских выборах на Украине в прошедшее воскресенье. что стало результатом массового недовольства действующим президентом и итогами государственного переворота, организованного империалистами и приведшего его к власти.

Империализм США возрождает «доктрину Монро»

Билл Вэн Оукен, 27 апреля 2019 г.

Повторяющиеся упоминания о доктрине, которая в течение почти двухсот лет образовывала основу американской внешней политики в Западном полушарии, служит предупреждением о том, что Вашингтон готовится к усилению своих военных операций в регионе.

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Парижская конференция одобряет создание Лиги Наций

27 апреля 2019 г.

28 апреля 1919 года на пленарной сессии Парижской мирной конференции, организованной империалистическими державами-победителями по итогам Первой мировой войны с целью стабилизировать мировой капиталистический порядок, был единогласно утвержден специальный «Статут» в качестве основы Лиги Наций, формально учрежденной годом спустя.

New in German

Zehn Jahre Sparpolitik zerstören das britische Bildungssystem

Tom Pearce, 27. April 2019

Lehrer halten den Unterricht unter persönlichen Opfern aufrecht.

„Sozialismustage“ der SAV: Pro-kapitalistische Politik in pseudolinkem Gewand

Johannes Stern, 27. April 2019

Die pseudolinken Tendenzen innerhalb und im Umfeld der Linkspartei reagieren auf das Anwachsen des internationalen Klassenkampfs mit einer scharfen Rechtswende.

„Assange kann nur von einer internationalen Bewegung der Arbeiterklasse verteidigt werden“
Video: Spitzenkandidat der SGP spricht auf Kundgebung zur Verteidigung von Julian Assange

Christoph Vandreier, 27. April 2019

Am Donnerstag sprach der Spitzenkandidat der SGP zu den Europawahlen, Christoph Vandreier, auf einer Kundgebung, die von der Gruppe „Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin“ organisiert worden war, um gegen „die illegale Auslieferung von Julian Assange an die britische Polizei“ zu protestieren.

Macron verfolgt Journalisten wegen Aufdeckung französischer Waffenverkäufe für den Jemenkrieg

Will Morrow, 27. April 2019

Investigative Journalisten, die über französische Waffenverkäufe an Saudi-Arabien für den Krieg im Jemen berichtet haben, werden vom französischen Geheimdienst zum Verhör vorgeladen.

Neue Gewerkschaftsbürokratie oder Arbeitermacht?
Lehren aus der Rebellion der Arbeiter von Matamoros: Fünfter Teil

Andrea Lobo, 27. April 2019

Dies ist der fünfte und abschließende Teil der Artikelserie über die Streikwelle der maquiladora-Arbeiter in der mexikanischen Grenzstadt Matamoros. Die Lehren aus ihrem Kampf sind nicht nur für mexikanische Arbeiter, sondern weltweit für die Arbeiterklasse von großer Bedeutung.

New in French

Macron s’apprête à poursuivre en justice les journalistes qui ont révélé des ventes d’armes françaises dans la guerre au Yémen

Will Morrow, 27 avril 2019

Les services de sécurité français ont convoqué les journalistes de Disclose pour qu’ils les interrogent sur leur reportage du 15 avril concernant les livraisons d’armes françaises à la guerre de l’Arabie saoudite au Yémen.

Des documents fuités impliquent le gouvernement français dans les crimes de guerre commis au Yémen

Kumaran Ira, 27 avril 2019

Les documents fuités des renseignements montrent que les dénégations des hauts responsables français que la coalition militaire saoudienne se sert contre les civils du Yémen d’armes fabriquées par la France, sont des mensonges éhontés.

Une nouvelle étude montre qu'il y a eu plus de 1600 morts lors du siège américain de Raqqa en Syrie

Bill Van Auken, 27 avril 2019

Les tueries à Raqqa, tout comme celles de Mosoul en Irak, ont constitué des crimes de guerres massifs perpétrés au nom d'une guerre prétendument menée contre l’EI.

La finance internationale soutient le Parti socialiste aux élections du 28 avril en Espagne

Alejandro López, 27 avril 2019

Des sources de l'Union européenne mettent en garde contre une instabilité politique prolongée et attendent une réponse du PSOE et de Podemos.

Québec: Legault mène la charge contre les employés d’ABI et vise toute la classe ouvrière

Laurent Lafrance, 27 avril 2019

L’appui ouvert du premier ministre Legault pour la compagnie signifie que le gouvernement de la CAQ prépare une confrontation avec la classe ouvrière dans son ensemble.

Il y a 50 ans: en France De Gaulle démissionne après avoir perdu un référendum

27 avril 2019

New in Norwegian

Hillary Clintons McCarthyistiske tirade

Joseph Kishore, 27. april 2019

I en artikkel publisert i Washington Post på onsdag gjenoppliver Det demokratiske partiets forhenværende presidentkandidat konspirasjonsteoriene som var fast kost for Den kalde krigens antikommunisme.

Bedrageriet «progressiv kapitalisme»

Nick Beams, 27. april 2019

Opprop om «reform» av den kapitalistiske økonomien, fremmet av milliardærdirektører i USA og støttet av «venstre»-økonomer, er motivert av dypt anlagt frykt for konsekvensene av venstredreiningen i store deler av den amerikanske befolkningen.

FN-representant som gransker Ecuadors illegale overvåkning besøker Julian Assange

Mike Head, 27. april 2019

Konfrontert med verdensomspennende protester og petisjoner følte den britiske regjeringen seg tvunget til å innvilge FN tilgang til den fengslede WikiLeaks-grunnleggeren.

Macrons trekk for å forfølge journalister som avslørte franske våpensalg til Jemen-krigen

Will Morrow, 27. april 2019

Franske sikkerhetstjenester har innkalt Disclosure-journalister for utspørring om deres rapport den 15. april, som dokumenterte franske våpenforsyninger til Saudi-Arabias krig i Jemen.

Borgermester Emanuel intervenerer for å få nedlagt streiken ved Chicago Symphony Orchestra

George Marlowe, 27. april 2019

Som del av sin siste akt på vegne av byens finanselite har utgående borgermester Rahm Emanuel tilbudt seg å gripe inn for å få avsluttet den nesten to-måneder-lange streiken til musikerne ved Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO)

Internasjonal finans bakker sosialdemokratene (PSOE) i Spanias valg den 28. april

Alejandro López, 27. april 2019

EU-kilder advarer for langvarig politisk ustabilitet og ser til PSOE og Podemos for et svar.

New in Spanish

La diatriba mccarthista de Hillary Clinton

Joseph Kishore, 27 abril 2019

En una columna publicada el miércoles en el Washington Post, la excandidata presidencial del Partido Demócrata revivió las teorías de la conspiración características del anticomunismo de la Guerra Fría.

Nuevo estudio documenta más de 1.600 muertes en asedio estadounidense de Raqqa en Siria

Bill Van Auken, 27 abril 2019

La matanza en Raqqa, así como la de Mosul en Irak, constituye crímenes de guerra perpetrados en la supuesta guerra contra el Estado Islámico.

Élites financieras internacionales respaldan al Partido Socialista en elecciones españolas del 28 de abril

Alejandro López, 27 abril 2019

Fuentes de la Unión Europea están advirtiendo sobre un periodo prolongado de inestabilidad y están buscando en el PSOE y Podemos la respuesta.

Policía mexicana detiene a cientos de inmigrantes centroamericanos en redada masiva

Alex González, 27 abril 2019

El arresto masivo, el más grande en años recientes, muestra que la clase dirigente mexicana está implementando servilmente los ataques fascistoides del Gobierno de Trump contra los inmigrantes.

El “giro” de la Reserva Federal aumenta precios de la bolsa de valores

Nick Beams, 27 abril 2019

Mientras los precios de las acciones se disparan, el panorama económico mundial ha empeorado, con signos crecientes de desaceleración.

New in Turkish

Sri Lanka’daki bombalı terör saldırılarında en az 290 kişi öldürüldü

K. Ratnayake, 23 Nisan 2019

Bu iğrenç saldırı, sorumlusu kim ve dürtüleri ne olursa olsun, siyaset kurumu tarafından, polis devleti aygıtını güçlendirmek ve temel demokratik haklara yönelik saldırıyı ileriye taşımak için kullanılacaktır.

Ukrayna devlet başkanlığı seçiminde Zelenskiy ezici bir zafer elde etti

Jason Melanovski, 23 Nisan 2019

Seçim sonuçları, her şeyden önce, 2014’te emperyalist güçlerin Rusya’ya karşı savaş hazırlıklarının mızrak başı bir kukla rejim olarak kurmuş olduğu Poroşenko yönetiminin sağcı milliyetçi ve militarist politikalarına yönelik devasa halk muhalefetini yansıtmaktadır.

New in Bengali

মারুতি সুজুকি ১৩-শ্রমিকদের মুক্ত করো!
এক ভয়াবহ ষড়যন্ত্রে গাড়ি কারখানার শ্রমিকদের ভারতীয় আদালত যাবজ্জীবন কারাদন্ড দেবার দু-বছর

কিথ জোন্‌স্‌, ১৮ মার্চ ২০১৯

ভারত ও পাকিস্তান, দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার দুই পারমাণবিক অস্ত্রধারী রাষ্ট্র, এই মুহূর্তে এক পূর্ণ মাত্রার সামরিক সংঘর্ষের কিনারায় দোদুল্যমান।

ভারত ও পাকিস্তান এক বিধ্বংসী যদ্ধের মুখে দোদুল্যমান

কিথ জোনস্‌, ২ মার্চ ২০১৯

ঠিক দুই বছর আগে আজকের দিনে, এক ভারতীয় আদালত ষড়যন্ত্র করে করা মিথ্যা খুনের মামলায় উত্তর ভারতের হরিয়ানার মানেসারে মারুতি সুজুকির গাড়ি তৈরীর কারখানার ১৩ জন সংগ্রামী শ্রমিকদের যাবজ্জীবন কারাদন্ডে দন্ডিত করে।

New in Arabic

ترامب يعترف بضم إسرائيل لمرتفعات الجولان : ضوء أخضر لحرب شاملة

٢٥ آذار مارس ٢٠١٩

خلال الاختتام المتعجل لاحتفال البيت الأبيض الذي وقع فيه دونالد ترامب مرسوم اعتراف الولايات المتحدة الرسمي بضم إسرائيل غير القانوني لمرتفعات الجولان السورية هو فعل ، يبدو سطحياً أنه يغير القليل من الوقائع على الأرض في الشرق الأوسط لكن لا يجب على شخص ما بخس تقدير تداعياته بعيدة المدى الشاملة.

New in Urdu

نیوزی لینڈ پر دہشتگردی کا حملہ اور فاشزم کا بین الاقوامی خطرہ

ٹوم پیٹر

مسلح شخص نے جو دہشتگردی کی کارروائی کی اْسے تیار کیاگیا تھا جسے فاشسٹوں کے بین الاقوامی نیٹ ورک اور سفید نسل پرستوں کی جانب سے عمل میں لایاگیا ۔

Other Languages


Amid mass beheadings, Wall Street scrambles for Saudi profits

27 April 2019

With the blood of 37 men decapitated in public squares barely dry, top financiers rushed to Riyadh in search of deals with the ruling monarchy.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Online May Day Rally 2019

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International is holding its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Register today!

Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka to hold May Day meeting in Colombo
The new wave of international class struggle and the fight for socialism

26 April 2019

Free Assange and Manning

“Assange can only be defended by an international movement of the working class”
Christoph Vandreier speaks at Berlin rally to defend Julian Assange

By Christoph Vandreier, 27 April 2019

Christoph Vandreier, Deputy National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in Germany and a candidate in the European elections, addressed a rally in front of the Ecuadorian embassy in Berlin in defense of the Wikileaks publisher.

UN official visits Julian Assange, investigating Ecuador’s illegal surveillance

By Mike Head, 26 April 2019

Protest in London’s Parliament Square demands release of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 25 April 2019

Julian Assange was denied access to lawyers, visitors in Britain’s Belmarsh prison

US court orders Chelsea Manning to remain in prison

Legal experts: Assange likely faces espionage charges if extradited to US

“We’re all in this together. That is how I see it.”
Detroit Fiat Chrysler autoworkers defend Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

By a WSWS reporting team, 20 April 2019

Why the defense of Julian Assange is necessary for all workers

By the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »


The Spanish elections and the struggle against authoritarian rule

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, Socialist Equality Party and Parti de l’égalité socialiste, 27 April 2019

A struggle against capitalist reaction can only proceed through the building of a new revolutionary leadership in the Spanish and international working class.

International finance backs Socialist Party in Spain’s April 28 elections

Hillary Clinton’s McCarthyite rant

By Joseph Kishore, 26 April 2019

Former Vice President Biden officially enters Democratic presidential race

By Tom Hall, 26 April 2019

The fraud of “progressive capitalism”

By Nick Beams, 26 April 2019

The election of Zelensky in Ukraine and the way forward for the working class

By Clara Weiss, 25 April 2019

US-backed Saudi regime beheads 37 political prisoners

By Bill Van Auken, 25 April 2019

US imperialism resurrects the Monroe Doctrine

By Bill Van Auken, 24 April 2019

George Galloway declares for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party

India: BJP makes indicted Hindu supremacist terrorist a “star” election candidate

An assembly of political bankrupts: Historical Materialism and Jacobin host “Socialism in Our Time” conference

By Joseph Kishore, 16 April 2019

Who funded the ISO? An analysis of the financial basis of pseudo-left politics

By Eric London, 15 April 2019

Factional provocation, middle-class hysteria, and the collapse of the International Socialist Organization

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

Anzac Day 2019: Conditioning the Australian population for war

By Richard Phillips: SEP Senate candidate for New South Wales, 27 April 2019

The media and political establishment has erected a wall of silence around Australia’s involvement in the US-led preparations for war against China and Russia.

Australian mining magnate renews his fraudulent populist pitch

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 26 April 2019

While feigning sympathy for working people, billionaire Clive Palmer is bankrolling an election blitz by his so-called United Australia Party.

SEP (Australia) to hold election rally and meetings in defence of Assange

22 April 2019

SEP (Australia) election candidates win strong support for the immediate release of Assange and Manning

Support the Socialist Equality Party in the 2019 Australian Federal Election
No to Militarism and War! For Socialism and Internationalism!

By the SEP (Australia), 16 April 2019

The Socialist Equality Party candidates in the 2019 Australian election

By the SEP (Australia), 16 April 2019

Arts Review

Unexpectedly restrained: Italian filmmaker Matteo Garrone’s Dogman

By Emanuele Saccarelli, 27 April 2019

Dogman, which has now opened in the US, is a serious attempt to deal with a difficult, and in this climate not especially promising subject—a notorious and horrific murder in Rome in 1988.

Some films from the 2019 San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 1
Paper Flags, Tehran: City of Love and Belmonte—Alienation, loneliness and other problems

By David Walsh, 26 April 2019

How Did Lubitsch Do It?: Joseph McBride’s engaging study of filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch

By David Walsh, 24 April 2019

An interview with film historian and biographer Joseph McBride, author of How Did Lubitsch Do It?

By David Walsh, 24 April 2019

Singer-songwriter Scott Walker (1943-2019): A gifted and intriguing artist

The stagnation of American poetry: The Best American Poetry 2018

The Fight Against Fascism

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”
David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It
North and Vandreier conclude US tour at New York University

By our reporters, 20 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

More on the fight against fascism »

Workers Struggles

Indian rail workers protest; Bangladeshi food workers demand pay rise; New Zealand doctors to strike for five days
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

27 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

University of Illinois at Chicago faculty announces deal on eve of strike

By George Gallanis, 26 April 2019

Rutgers University faculty union blocks strike by professors and teaching assistants

More on the defense of public education »

After contract rejection, Dow Chemical locks out 230 workers in Texas

By Jerry White, 25 April 2019

Ontario Tory government intensifies assault on workers’ rights

By Penny Smith, 26 April 2019

Australian construction workers facing massive fines for striking

By Terry Cook, 26 April 2019

UFCW orders New England Stop & Shop strikers back to work without seeing contract

By Kate Randall, 23 April 2019

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

25 years ago: Raboteau massacre ignites renewed threats of US military action in Haiti

On April 22, 1994, soldiers and paramilitary forces raided the Raboteau neighborhood of Gonaïves, Haiti, executing residents thought to be in support of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was ousted in a 1991 military coup.

More »

50 years ago: De Gaulle resigns after losing French referendum vote

On April 28, 1969, the 78-year-old former general Charles de Gaulle ended his ten-year rule as president of France.

More »

75 years ago: Churchill crushes uprising in Greek Middle East Army

On April 23, 1944, an uprising of the Greek Middle East Army and Navy in Egypt against the return of the Greek king to power ended in violence.

More »

100 years ago: Paris conference supports League of Nations

On April 28, 1919, a plenary session of the Paris Peace Conference, the conference staged by the victorious imperialist powers after the First World War to restabilize the world capitalist order, unanimously approved a Covenant as the basis of a League of Nations, to be formally established the following year.

More »

Book Review

Assembly by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: A compendium of pseudo-left and anti-Marxist politics

By Emanuele Saccarelli, 22 April 2019

Assembly is saturated with reactionary postmodern conceptions, recycles worn-out anarchist recipes as innovative and progressive experiments and endorses virtually every political dead end of the recent and not-so-recent past.

Yabu Bilyana

Twenty years since the death of Australian Trotskyist and Aboriginal worker, Comrade Yabu Bilyana

Message of condolence from David North
“He based his life on the ideals of justice, equality and human solidarity”

Yabu Bilyana addresses ICFI World Conference: “Genocide of indigenous peoples is still practiced throughout Australia”


First imagery of black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 11 April 2019

The results from the planet-wide array of radio telescopes are the first direct measurements of the structure of a black hole and its surrounding environment.


One hundred years since the formation of the Communist International

By Peter Schwarz, 20 March 2019

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018