Dr.Mahesh D M #useMask4all be6ftaway


DOCTOR & Savarkar FAN Vivekananda-Guru Believe in Integral humanism सांस्कृतिक राष्ट्रवाद & अंत्योदय Anti Mao-Stalin Left illiberals

Bengaluru of Bharath
Csatlakozott 2018. november


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    2019. aug. 5.

    History created by Sardar 2.0 Modern Chanakya The greatest HM of India Salute

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  2. 21 órával ezelőtt

    Or Indian model

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  3. 21 órával ezelőtt

    If and want to further lower mortality of USA people with COVID-19 Follow Brazil model of using HCQs at low dose like 200mg twice a day instead of running for Remdesvir and steroids which is reserved for very sick patients

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  4. júl. 22.
  5. júl. 23.
  6. júl. 23.

    Rajdeep Sardesai casts aspersions on Justice Arun Mishra after SC order on Rajasthan political crisis, deletes tweet

  7. júl. 23.

    Former Congressman Charged with Ballot Stuffing, Bribery, and Obstruction

  8. júl. 23.

    ये कांग्रेस के बड़े-बड़े वकील Supreme Court और High Court में क्या बैंगन बेचने जाते है?

  9. júl. 23.

    After 500 years, the construction of Ram Temple needs to see the light of the day: , Spokesperson, BJP tells Padmaja Joshi on AGENDA. |

  10. júl. 23.

    India's envoy to Russia, Venkatesh Varma to : While seeks to resolve these problems through dialogue, we have made it clear that we will not do business w/ as usual until there is a complete disengagement of military forces along & de-escalation...

  11. júl. 23.

    Let’s make this simpler. -based should not be allowed to own . The federal government should reverse the sale

  12. júl. 23.

    And hand washing, not touching your face/eyes, and boosting your immune system (vit D3).

  13. júl. 23.

    "After this, many will not be re-elected & republican candidates will most likely have a shot in cities that have had a democratic stronghold." GOP House candidate thanks rioters for "exposing" Democratic mayors.

  14. júl. 23.

    Minnesota Attorney General in favour of using law to shutter businesses, but not to help victims of rape

  15. júl. 23.

    Biden’s agenda would DECIMATE the energy industry: There would be “NO” place for coal or fracking. “No one’s going to build another coal-burning [plant]. We’ve got to shut the ones down we have.” “I guarantee you, we’re going to END fossil fuel.”

  16. júl. 23.

    Bannon: It's time to stop playing games. If the doesn't open their labs and turn over all evidence within 72 hours, we must cut them off completely & sanction them.

  17. júl. 23.

    You have to wear a mask to stop the spread which has been spreading since the first mask mandate that had 99.999% compliance. Also, u have to wear a mask so you dont infect others who are wearing masks because masks work to stop the spread, but someone can still get it with mask!

  18. júl. 23.

    Dear , if you wake up .. do check how many of 9/11 operators had connection ? Perhaps know it as well ..

  19. júl. 23.

    The Govt. of India today amended the General Financial Rules 2017 to enable imposition of restrictions on bidders from countries which share a land border with India on grounds of defence of India, or matters directly or indirectly related thereto including national security.

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  20. Here's your reminder 1000x that teachers' unions are an awful influence on our politics.

  21. júl. 23.

    If they don’t get a state wealth tax (stealing money that tax has already day been paid on) they won’t teach your kids! How progressive! (Plus stopping school choice, defunding the police etc.) 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


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