Recent Updates from Vimeo

  • Kotlin Coroutines @ Vimeo: A Case Study, Part 1

    Mar 26, 2019

    For the past couple of months, I’ve been battle-testing coroutines in simple and complex uses cases in our app and our open-source SDK. These use cases are bridging our callback-based SDK to coroutines, uploading videos, polling in our player, and interacting with our internal RxJava-based libraries.In…

  • Uncovering PHP bugs with @template

    Jan 30, 2019

    This guide discusses functionality available in two PHP static analysis tools: Psalm (from Vimeo), and Phan. PHPStan has plans to support templated types in an upcoming version.At a former job I wrote a load of C# code, and I really enjoyed playing around with generic classes. You could write code like…class…