Food For Your Senses – Funeral Feast2019-05-20T12:33:53+00:00

This is it.

2019 will be the last edition of the Food For Your Senses Festival.

There will be a limited amount of tickets to attend our Funeral Feast. Yes, we want it to be a feast. A wonderful feast! With everything that you associate with your favourite festival: a diversity in the program comprised of music, arts, workshops, activities, talks, performances and of course a camping. As always, we want this weekend not only to be a fucking brilliant party, but also a possibility to broaden your horizon, and to leave you with a giant smile on your face!

FFYS 2019 will be the edition we and you will remember as the happy ending of a long journey that can best be described as an emotional and unbelievably wonderful rollercoaster ride that lasted more than a decade. From Tuntange to Bissen to Kirchberg.

From a small festival organised by friends – who wanted to make something happen – to a well established open air festival organised by a group of more than 40 people that see themselves as a big festival family. A family that you belong to. FFYS was only possible because you were interested to be part of it. To be part of a weekend that resembled our ideal of a festival.

Thank you.

More information coming soon.


2-Day Festival Pass:
45 euro + fee
The entry for kids under 13 is free, as well as for people over 65.
With a Kulturpass, you can get a day ticket for 1,50 euro at the evening box-office.

Camping Friday – Monday:
10 euro + 5 euro trash deposit + fee

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Chidren & Age Limits

Children are more than welcome to the festival. Many elements of the program will surely appeal to them, mainly the playing area, as well as children friendly concerts, performances and workshops. Special ear protection for kids is available at the Info Point. Kids until 13 will be admitted to the festival free of charge, but only under the supervision of a parent or relative. Visitors under the age of 16 will be admitted to the camping grounds, but only in possession of a signed parental authorisation and under the supervision of an entitled grown up person. Visitors under the age of 18 will be admitted to the festival in possession of a signed parental authorisation. A valid ID will be demanded at the entrance.

Download Parental Authorisation

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Ville de Luxembourg
Pall Center
Neon Marketing Technology