Chowkidar Narendra ModiConta verificada


Prime Minister of India

Participa desde janeiro de 2009
Nasceu em 17 de setembro


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  1. há 6 horas

    On the banks of the Ganga, prayed for India’s peace and prosperity. Glimpses from the magnificent Ganga Aarti in Kashi.

  2. há 6 horas

    Dear sisters and brothers of Kashi, If only words could do justice to the affection I have received from you all. Your blessings give me unparalleled strength to do as much I can for the development of our country!

  3. há 7 horas

    काशी में लोगों का अभूतपूर्व प्यार और आशीर्वाद मिला। समाज के हर वर्ग के लोगों का स्नेह और समर्थन प्राप्त हुआ। काशीवासियों से मिले इस अगाध प्रेम से अभिभूत हूं।

  4. há 7 horas

    To serve Kashi is an honour. Together, we have been able to achieve a lot, especially futuristic infrastructure, more cleanliness and greater ‘Ease of Living.’ I seek Kashi’s blessings for another term so that we can continue working for this blessed city.

  5. há 8 horas
  6. Desfazer
  7. Desfazer
  8. After bumper rallies in Darbhanga and Banda, I am heading to beloved Kashi. There are a series of programmes lined up, which would give me another excellent opportunity to interact with my sisters and brothers of Kashi. Har Har Mahadev!

  9. So many great women and men took part in the freedom struggle. Do we ever ask what caste did they belong to? Do we ever ask what caste did the marchers of Dandi belong to? Let us rise above divisions and work as a team for India’s progress.

  10. मोदी अपने लिए नहीं, अपनों के लिए जीता है, 130 करोड़ भारतीयों के लिए जीता है।

  11. At the rally in Banda, talked about a series of subjects, particularly NDA’s vision for irrigation and ensuring every household has access to clean water. Also emphasised on the need of a stable Government at the Centre, which can realise the dreams of the people of India.

  12. हर गांव में बिजली हर गरीब को घर हर खेत को पानी यह है चौकीदार का काम जबकि कांग्रेस का तरीका है झूठे वादे।

  13. जो पाकिस्तान की पैरोकारी कर रहे हैं, वो आज मोदी और EVM को भी गाली देने में जुटे हुए हैं। ऐसे महामिलावटियों की पराजय तय है।

  14. Campaigned in Darbhanga in Bihar. Highlighted the work done by the NDA Government at the Centre and the Bihar Government under Ji. Also spoke about the need to eliminate the menace of terrorism.

  15. Banda will reject opportunists of SP and BSP. People will vote BJP! Watch.

  16. Desfazer
  17. Retirement…what is that?

  18. Here are details on the films I have seen, and at what stages of my life I saw them...

  19. The many things that I wanted to do in my childhood... (Note-politics was not even a remote consideration!)

  20. A fruit I enjoy eating...


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