Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!

Today, March 28, marks one full year since WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was cut off from the internet and his ability to communicate with the outside world. Assange remains confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was granted political asylum in 2012. There he is subject to constant and invasive surveillance…

March 29 will mark three weeks since Chelsea Manning, who in 2010 provided WikiLeaks with documents exposing US war crimes, was jailed for contempt of court by a federal judge. Manning’s alleged “crime” is refusing to testify in a secret grand jury hearing against Assange. She is being held in solitary confinement, isolated 22 hours a day.

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Vote Socialist Equality Party! No to War and Austerity! For Socialism and Internationalism!
7 May 2019
The Socialist Equality Party has placed at the very centre of its election campaign the demand that the Australia government immediately repatriate publisher and journalist, Julian Assange and courage
The persecution of Assange and Manning is an attack on the working class
7 May 2019
We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 Online International May Day Rally delivered by Oscar Grenfell.
Labor leader makes phony populist pitch at Australian election launch
7 May 2019
Labor is absurdly claiming that paltry funding on health and a miniscule increase in tax collected from multinational corporations, will resolve the deepening social crisis.
Video: At Sydney rally Assange’s father demands Australian government secure son’s release
7 May 2019
Two days after Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in jail, protesters rallied in Sydney’s Martin Place.

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

On October 7, David North, International Editorial Board chairman of the World Socialist Web Site, delivered the following lecture to a well-attended public meeting in Colombo, organised by the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka). The meeting, the second of two held in Sri Lanka, was called to celebrate the 80thanniversary of the Fourth International and the 50th anniversary of the SEP in Sri Lanka. Click here to read the lecture

Assange’s father tells demonstrators Australian government must secure son’s release
6 May 2019
Friday’s protest in Sydney was held two days after Assange was sentenced in a British court to 50 weeks’ jail on bogus bail charges.
Australian youth speak out against climate change
6 May 2019
The climate strikes are part of a growing politicisation of young people in Australia and internationally.
The Labor Party tries to “save capitalism”
3 May 2019
The ruling elite is terrified that the emerging support for socialism can become a conscious turn toward revolutionary Marxism.
Austrian government ties welfare payments to German language skills
3 May 2019
The targets of the cuts are mainly foreigners and those with large families.