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May 1, 2019 - click here for index of articles.

All out on May Day

Make May Day 2019 a show of strength by the working class! Demonstrate your support for the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ (ACTU) Change the Rules campaign. With May Day just weeks out from the federal elections, it is important the Coalition and employers they represent feel the full might of the working class.  more ...

Editorial – The wealth belongs to those who produce it!

The World Federation of Trade Unions, on the behalf of its 97 million members in 130 countries of the five continents, greets the celebration of the International Workers’ Day 2019 with the slogan: “The wealth belongs to those who produce it!”  more ...

CPA statement on May Day 2019

The Communist Party of Australia congratulates workers who have taken militant strike action in Sydney and in cities around the world to celebrate May Day, the international workers day.  more ...

Indigenous voices slam Budget

Last month’s Federal Budget has been slammed by Indigenous organisations but it did include one welcome surprise: $7.3 million to pursue a First Nations Voice to Parliament. Late last year, Prime Minister Scott Morrison rejected an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, incorrectly characterising it as nothing more than a “third chamber” of power.  more ...

The failure of privatisation

Just by only using one of Labor leader Bill Shorten’s proposals on vehicle emissions shows incompetence to achieve significant emissions reductions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in-line with the European Union.  more ...

Statement – The Cuban Revolution and Solidarity

April 17 is the anniversary of the launching of the United State’s 1961 military invasion at Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs). The Cuban people’s resolute response in defence of the Revolution and socialism, within only 72 hours, produced the first military defeat of imperialism in America.  more ...

Promise and betrayal – Iran’s 1979 revolution

In the fall of 1978, massive waves of unrest and strikes – led largely by Iran’s oil workers – swept that country. By early 1979, the tyrannical government of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was pushed from power. The Revolution of February 1979 was the work of a wide range of class and social forces, united on a program of democracy and anti-imperialism.  more ...

The Values of April

April 25, 2019, marks the 45th anniversary since the April Revolution in Portugal when a mass democratic uprising overthrew the fascist dictatorship that had ruled the country for nearly five decades. What started as a coup by anti-fascist army officers quickly morphed into a revolt of the whole Portuguese people. As she walked the streets of Lisbon that day, restaurant worker Celeste Caeiro started placing red carnations into the barrels of soldiers’ rifles and tanks, giving the 25th of April its other name – the Carnation Revolution. Below is an excerpted speech delivered in the Assembly of the Republic, the country’s parliament, by Portuguese Communist Party member Diana Ferreira.  more ...

US seeks to strangle Cuba ... again

“The Trump administration has declared the most severe new sanctions against Cuba since President John F Kennedy imposed an economic embargo banning all trade with the communist island in 1962.” That was the assessment of William M LeoGrande, a widely respected Cuba analyst, in reaction to announcements on April 17 by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton concerning new economic sanctions being imposed on Cuba.  more ...

An ongoing Soviet inspiration

Socially and politically, the impact of the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and creation of the USSR cannot be overestimated. Yet the impact of Soviet art on its British counterpart in the inter-war years and beyond has been undervalued for, while it directly inspired only a minority of British artists and was disparaged by many, the aesthetic and social issues it raised still provoke much debate in art circles.  more ...

Quote of the Week

It is necessary to unite, to connect, to combine the general principle of development with
the general principle of the unity of the world, of nature, of movement, of matter.

Lenin, on dialectics

This web page was last updated: Wednesday, May 1, 2019.

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