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שלם, اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم,Peace

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Interfaith peace meting at The Capital of Connecticut room 210 today about hatred and jealousies against religious people and minority’s. Christian, Jewish and Muslim views as always we believe according to The Book of Rabi , Quran and Torah.

1. We believe all people are entitled to freedom, peace and justice. We will do all that we can to see these rights are promoted and protected in the current century.

2. We believe any kind of negative discrimination such as racism, sexism and religious persecution are crimes against humanity. We cannot endorse sole progression of man from animal as it rejects spiritual evolution. We will respect all human kind.

The People Party of Connecticut

Human Faith Project

Mehdi LLC

Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 30, 2019 at 5:59 pm

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The Secret of Pyramids

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The Secret of Pyramids

According to the book of Rabi, the pyramids were created to control the ecosystem to enhance human brains for knowledge. Since god does not have hands or face, he had to create humans and have them create the pyramids to control the environment through some areas on earth. When god created this earth, the sound was extremely loud, which caused many creatures to not survive and die at the time of birth. To control the speed of sound, the ozone layer was pushed away from the surface of earth. That is the one reason every region has a different ecosystem and different feeling when we travel. According to the book, human brain is a miracle of the supreme being and the pyramids are the reminder that human life is enhanced over time.

The People Party of Connecticut

Human Faith Project

Mehdi LLC

Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 29, 2019 at 3:16 pm

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Refugees and Asylum

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Today’s civil rights and human rights conference at the Legislative building in Hartford looks upon the road of freedom and liberty for Asylum seeker which is barred beyond imagination. America is the philosophy of the future by love of humanity and wisdom is the idea that something new must be learnt to fix the problems of civil rights, human rights, immigration and population. Therefore the machine of Jeffersonian democracy must be upgraded to a new doctrine of humanity according to 21st century . In most advanced societies knowledge has been the center point in which public is the authority of its government. Perhaps More exactly a doctrine as to the nature of the universe and “ We the people “ placed in it with individual freedom. The reason people wants to come to America is the religious and political freedom . America is one nation unfortunately divided into politicians and parties which has created hostile condition for common sense. We must understand soul of democracy is in diversity.

What is Asylum and Refugees.

Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the Country or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.

As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

The people party of Connecticut

Human Faith Project

Mehdi LLC

Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 26, 2019 at 3:10 am

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The Electoral College

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The Electoral College

The United States presidential election of 2020, scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020, The people party of Connecticut will be submitting paperwork to the Secretary of State office in Hartford Connecticut, if given opportunity by the masters of time who control our freedom and future with technology by keeping us broke and busy in minor problems . Once again we will ask citizens to open the doors for new ideology and change America . At the same time a new president and vice president through the electoral college will be elected with the system that is old and complicated to blame Russia but greed.

The Electoral college and nominating process was valid until 1876 according to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson whom were worried that the few will takeaway whole process of presidential elections, , Thomas Jefferson American President, authored the Declaration of Independence and under George Washington at the time he was the Secretary of State while they discussed complications of voting system and time that from 1776 to 1876 selecting a slate of delegates to a political party’s nominating convention would be valid. The whole process of our democracy has become game of throne. Independent thinkers and minorities are pushed on the side and punished for the opinion and ideology.

The throne of the White House starts from the Camp David which many presidents did not used at all once Presidents Harry Truman thought its boring and wanted never to go there. The cost of Camp David runs to about a million dollars a year. Now imagine George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams ran the Presidency between seven to twelve employees and President salary was $25000 .

Compare to the payroll for the executive branch which includes all positions and departments is 2,750,000 people comes to nine and half billion dollars not including President salary. The White House staff is about 385 at a cost of $ 1,640,000. Including a helicopter, Air Force One with a fleet of thirty five limousine. The White House has a swimming pool, tennis court, gymnasium, bowling alley and a jogging track as well as two movie theaters, recording facilities and small library which is empty most of the time.

There are ridding horses supplied , private armored plated Pullman car and thousands of security agents. President family lives rent free annually maintenance and operations of the house runs to eight million dollars along with hundreds of maids, cooks, butlers, gardeners, and electricians. There are directors of management, gifts, wine, smoking, drinking, among others .

I personally believe that its time to upgrade democracy by a new system of Government called Human Fealty. A system of Government in which realty and problems are discussed with equal representation of humanity without biases for morality, rule of laws, future and justice according to 21st century.

Humanity never advances unless it has the Pen of Moses that comes to us by inheritance a transparent law. Law explain that there is no fixtures in nature its fluid and volatile. Law improves according to nature step by step and climb mysterious ladder. The steps are our actions and new directions is power perhaps sometime results is threatened and judged by the people.. Perhaps that pure democracy by which I mean as an example society consisting of diversity of conscious citizens with languages to improve life.

Small steps are the reasons that the official services of America from national, State and municipal with all of its branches and departments are almost free from corruptions.True democratic ethics makes a just society by investigating the truth and injustice. The Constitution State is an example state when it come to codes of ethics Title 1, chap 10 of G Statues there have been no major issues since it creation in the Constitution State because of two major parties rule with same ideologies.

Except The people party of Connecticut . Mehdi’ s appellate court case was argued for open Government policies and Connecticut Citizens Election Program (CEP) the case was forced closed. CEP ethical issue was to allow Minor Political party to receive assistance from Citizens Elections Program for Minorities. Federal Ethics report shown that in 2016 Election Republican president runner spent $ 1.7 Billion and Democratic runner $ 1.5 Billion with the total cost of presidential and congressional elections almost 7 Billion dollars is unethical. While The People Party of Connecticut wasn’t allowed to submit papers for Election and devoted members are living in fear for safety and security is unethical in 2019.

Certainly, the ability to envision results and knowledge of the methods involved Ethics are among those things that depend on the capacity for rational inquiry and Justice.If this capacity is fully developed, then work of our democracy will turns out in the pure civilization , the benefit of the outcome is peace and justice.

Written by Ajmal Mehdi

The people party of Connecticut

Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 21, 2019 at 6:07 am

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Caste System of America

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Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 20, 2019 at 3:11 am

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Who is Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammed (Peace Be Upon Him)

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Who is Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammed (Peace Be Upon Him)

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was born in the city of Mecca in A.D 570. When the Prophet was born, the majority of Arabs didn’t believe in one God, perhaps several Gods. Many of whom were made of stone, wood, gold, and silver. Prophet Mohammed didn’t see his father Abdullah, who passed away before his birth, and mother Amina passed away at the age of six. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib (PBUH) took the responsibility to look after him. Grandfather Abdul Muttalib was a monotheistic believer and also an important leader of Banu Quraish tribe. He got sick and just before his death handed over Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) responsibilities to his son Abu Talib (PBUH) according to the book of Rabi.

Abu Talib was a merchant who bought and sold goods and the young Prophet helped him in his business. As he got older he grew up to be an upright man with nicknames ‘honest and trustworthy.’ At the age of thirteen he traveled to Syria and Palestine for business, he went with other merchants on trade routes where Khadijah heard of an honest man name Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad (PBUH) her husband had passed away and she needed someone to look after and take care business affairs. She asked Prophet to come and work for her and soon after she fell in love with his work ethic and treatment of other employees. She offered to marry Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ( PBUH) who agreed, for the next 25 years they lived together.

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was very concerned about society because of wickedness and cruelty he saw against slaves, women, and children. Prophet had lost his son Ibrahim and often climbed to the mountain of Hira to be alone with thoughts of changing society most of the day he fasted and in mind kept asking God to give him true guidance and courage to change culture and costume of Arabs. ‎Finally, his daughter Syeda Fāṭimah was born 615 to Prophet and one day a light appeared in the mountain of Hira, the angel Gabriel appeared and said to teach all mankind the way of Adam, Noah, Salah, Ibrahim, Moses, and Jesus (PBUT) who had brought Message of one God you can complete the religion Islam and your help is born in the Kaaba for protection. Prophet knew who was born in the Kaaba next to the graves of Hajrah and Ismail in the Book of Rabi Hajj begins in the circle of Seven because Hajrah was left in the desert by Prophet Ibrahim to save monotheistic religion.

Prophet Mohammed went home and told Khadijah that Allah had sent his angel and wanted him to be His Holy Prophet. She believed and so did her uncle, they knew that Mohammed (PBUH) spoke the truth.

People started following him, the rich and poor, simply told them that “ there is no God but God and I am his Prophet.” Perhaps his own family members disliked Mohammed (PBUH) because of his new preaching. They refused to give up their old gods of wood and stone and worship the one God wasn’t good for their business. Some offered money to stop teaching new faith and few wanted to kill him, almost all people of Quraishi tribe were angry. The elder of Arabs went to Prophet’s uncle Abu Talib and said unless you stop Mohammed (PBUH) from preaching new faith otherwise he shall be killed. Abu Talib told them he is following the command of God and preaching the truth. The Arabs in Mecca didn’t like the new faith they knew that Islam would spread quickly because of truth cannot be hidden. Army of thousand warriors marched toward Medina to kill Prophet. The prophet heard the news that Meccan’s are coming to attack Medina he was only able to gather together three hundred and twelve soldiers according to the Book of Rabi one came from Desert on the white horse to join Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) against Arabs of Mecca prophet smiled by welcoming him total number reached to 313 against thousand.

The well prepared Meccan’s rode on camels and horses. the Prophet knew if he lost it would be the end of Islam. He didn’t fight but with prayers asked Almighty not to forget your promise. When the battle began Imam Ali and stranger of Desert fought so bravely with others they defeated the Meccan’s. According to the culture prisoners were put to death or sold as slaves but Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) treated them well and return good for evil. A year later the Quraishi tried again with a larger army of three thousand against seven hundred on the hill of Uhud, this time the Prophet fought even got Injuries. Meccan’s lost many soldiers and fled from the battlefield. Finally, Arabs realized and accepted the message of peace.

The death of Abu Talib and Khadija had brought great sorrow to the Prophet, he missed Khadija and many occasions told Syeda Fatima that before Allah, no man ever had a better wife who believed in me when everyone laughed at me. I was poor and alone she helped me and when the time was hard she never complained. Prophet loved Fatima dearly and Syeda Fatima loved her father and principal of Ahl al Bayt. Syeda Fatima was a great comfort to her father in his old age. Once when Syeda Fatima was weeping at the thought that her father was tired resting under the Yamani sheet Prophet said to her do not cry on my weakness we will die and shall soon be returned.

She lived for only six months after father died. The lady of heavens children died in Karbala Iraq fighting for freedom and Islamic moralities .

Dedicated to: Zaheer ul Islam Naqvi and Syeda Kaneez Batool

Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 17, 2019 at 4:47 am

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Political Freedom

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Political Freedom

Thomas Jefferson once described Americas new religious freedom and political freedom guarantees as a honest and fair experiment. The Oath of freedom set out in the new and changing American constitution from old assumptions inhabited from Western Europe.

Jefferson clearly declared human faith is the center point of all faiths in the First Amendment by saying Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of certain old religion or prohibiting the free exercise therefore the burden of political and religion freedom were left to state legislatures and court to resolve with almost none involvement from Congress or the federal courts created discriminating conditions for individual freedom. Perhaps dismayed and bigotry by the local cities and state against minor political and religious ideology created a universal appeal from International Court of Justice (ICJ) and from House of Commons of United Kingdom to enhance international laws for political and religious liberties worldwide.

In my Supreme Court Docket 11-768 the federal court didn’t apply the First Amendment political and religion clauses for The State of Connecticut and local government otherwise the three States the State of Florida , Pennsylvania and Hawaii would have Golden Dome one above the each capital for wisdom and knowledge to enhance America financially and one above City of Bristol Connecticut would help justice system, the 40 Mosques that we requested in Multan Pakistan would have be built to promote religious liberties across the globe .

Sometimes medicine is given to enhance the human body, the same ideology applies to community, country and cultures to enhance minds. The tort claim was filed not to gain personal financial benefits but to benefit for humanity worldwide for environmental, religious and political reasons.


Mehdi LLC

Supreme Court Docket 11-768 Mehdi Vs. America

The Political party of Connecticut

Written by humanfealty/human Faith

March 14, 2019 at 4:09 pm

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