Health News

Updated: 03:10 EDT

Utah twins who have one leg each say they feel the same as everybody else

Kendra and Maliyah Herrin, of Utah, were four years old when they were separated from each other in a 26-hour operation that left them with a leg each. Now, 13 years later, they are thriving. At birth they shared an abdomen, pelvis, liver, kidney, large intestine and two legs. Now, 13 years later, they are thriving, having started at school as juniors.

Grantchester star James Norton on how he uses a strategically placed glucose monitor for

James Norton (left and inset in McMafia and right in Grantchester) 33, who plays Sidney Chambers in Grantchester, has to have a glucose monitor stuck out of sight on his bottom if he is filming a topless scene. He has type 1 diabetes and has complications when performing on stage, with hidden pockets sometimes created in his costumes to stash sugar tablets.

Professor Martin McKee, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, accused Public Health England of 'doing everything it can to promote e-cigarettes' without good evidence.

Nerys Hughes's husband once bought her membership to Diana, Princess of Wales's gym. She bumped into Diana, who said: ‘Let’s go in together.’ Hughes lied and said had just been in.

Felicity Payne from Eastbourne, East Sussex, had been a keen walker who enjoyed running around after her five grandchildren. But now she found herself constantly exhausted.

Studies suggest some frozen produce contains similar nutrients to the fresh version. Kajsa Ernestam, a dietitian for, selects five of the best, including Iceland Mackerel fillets.

Dermatologist Dr Justine Hextall reveals the best treatments that are available over the

Fungal skin infections are usually mild — and, from athlete’s foot to ringworm, most of us will be infected at least once in our lifetime. Here, Dr Justine Hextall, a consultant dermatologist at Tarrant Street Clinic in Arundel, West Sussex, looks at the best over-the-counter options for these everyday infections: athlete's foot, ringworm, fungal nail (pictured) and thrush.

As many as one in five Britons has this chronic gut disorder that can cause stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation.

NHS England says there is growing recognition health is ‘determined primarily by social, economic and environmental factors’ — so GPs are encouraged to refer a patient ‘to non-clinical services’.

A new study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that transgender adults were 30 percent more likely to report being in 'fair' or 'poor' health compared to their peers.

Experts from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology studied more than 870 youngsters aged six to 12, as well as their parents and teachers, to make the finding.

British mother reveals she had no idea chickenpox was so risky until she had to rush child

Jane Beattie (centre), of Hildenborough, Kent, was not overly concerned when she spotted telltale chickenpox blisters developing on her daughter Susannah's (right) back. Yet, whereas Abigail (left) had had at most 20 spots, Susannah was quickly covered in swathes of angry blisters.

The NHS said the rise in the numbers of British people being tested and treated is because of a 'greater awareness of symptoms' and encouraged more people to act on health concerns.

Sufferers can experience swelling and tenderness and a grating sound when they move. Also, I welcome the calls from Cambridge University researchers for more scans in pregnancy.

A new study, led by the Mayo Clinic, found that following Southern diet - rich in fried food and processed meats - raised the risk of being hospitalized with heart failure as high as 72%.

So can any DIY products help with female hair loss instead? Dr Sharon Wong, a consultant dermatologist who specialises in hair loss at London Bridge Hospital, reviews a selection.

When Tim married Primrose he already knew she was dying from terminal cancer

By the time Tim and Primrose Isterling (left and bottom-right), from Nottinghamshire, posed for this picture at their wedding (top-right) in May 2017, they already knew their dreams of having children together would never come true. Just three months after they met in 2016, Primrose, then 24, began to suffer excruciating abdominal pains which doctors diagnosed as a grumbling appendix. Prim, as she was known to family and friends, needed an operation. But she was expected to make a full recovery. To their horror, surgeons discovered the real cause of her pain was advanced bowel cancer which had already spread to her other major organs. At best, they reckoned, she had two years to live.

626 people have been infected this year, the highest number since 2014, when 667 infections were recorded. Most of the new infections (68) were in New York state, which has two current outbreaks.

Bacteria that are difficult or impossible to treat are being spread around the world, fueled by everything from flippant doctors to lax regulation, sewage, anti-vaxxers and international travel, experts warn.

Empathy helps us bond and encourages philanthropy, but people avoid feeling for others out of the 'mental effort' and fear of failure, according to a new Pennsylvania State University study.

New mum reveals how hypnobirthing helped her to have an easy labour

Haylie Middleton, (left with her baby) a first-time mum from Queenscliff, New South Wales, has revealed how using hypnobirthing techniques allowed her to have an easier time in labour and an entirely drug-free birth (right, Ms Middleton's son, Austin). Ms Middleton said hypnobirthing - a practice rumoured to be one being considered by the Duchess of Sussex as she prepares for the birth of her first child - allowed her to view the pain as 'useful' and to remain calm and focused throughout the entire experience.

DR ELLIE CANNON: Neck pain is surprisingly common and often it’s not related to a single moment when an injury occurs. Damage to the soft tissues can occur, and accumulate, over time.

The threshold for high blood pressure in children was lowered in 2017. The new standard predicted nearly 20 percent of heart disease cases later in life, a new American Heart Association study found.

While the government maintains a 'zero tolerance' policy on feces in food, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says that only applies to 'visible' fecal matter.

A new study from the University of Sydney in Australia has found that those who sat more than six hours a day had the highest risk of dying from any cause or from cardiovascular disease.

Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 who had no history of heart disease. They found a connection between no breakfast and heart woes.

Girl, 8, who beat stage 4 cancer in the clear and sends care packages to other kids with

Jenesis 'Jenny' Shaw, eight (left and right), from Rochester, New York, was diagnosed with stage IV Wilms tumor in August 2017. Wilms tumors are the most common type of kidney cancer in children, but often become quite large before they are detected. Jenny underwent surgery to remove her left kidney, chemotherapy and radiation, and was declared cancer-free in April 2018. During her time at the hospital, she saw kids who were there without their parents and decided to assemble care packages for them (inset). She has distributed at least 200 packages, which contain soap, warm socks, coloring books, crayons, toothpaste, toothbrushes and handmade knit beans.

The UK's Department of Health and Social Care will warn people about the risks of dermal fillers which can cause uncontrollable swelling, as happened to Billie Roocroft and Lora Evans (pictured).

A baby in Orange County, California, has died of whooping cough - the first such death in the county in more than a decade. No details were released about the baby's age or sex.

A total of 3,891 foreign maternity cases were recorded in English hospitals in 2017-2018, according to The Sun, and Barts Health NHS trust in London spent £1,714,613 on 232 women.

The number of emergency, planned and day-case NHS hospital patients has soared by more than 40 per cent since 2004, to 17.6 million in 2016-17 as outpatient waiting times jump.

Six-month-old boy defies doctors to survive a grapefruit-sized tumour

Harry Morris, now six months old (pictured in hospital as a newborn), from Wigan, was diagnosed with a non-cancerous teratoma tumour while he was in the womb (inset, an ultrasound scan showing the tumour beneath his bottom) and had to have a nine-hour operation after he was born. His parents Jack and Maria (pictured right, with their now healthy son) refused to go through with an abortion when it was suggested by a doctor and now say they are 'over the moon' their son has recovered.

DR MAX: Though symptoms are often crippling and can dramatically impact people’s lives, many GPs don’t see IBS as a ‘real’ illness and dismiss it as ‘all in the mind’.

'I'm just livin': 108-year-old woman reveals she drinks one glass of wine every Friday 

It's the eve of her 109th birthday, and Annie Wilson is treating herself to a glass of wine - as she does every Friday, and has done for years. That one small, weekly glass has been something of a ritual for Annie, who scoffs at the suggestion that she might follow a strict health routine to stay well. Annie, who has spent her whole life in North Carolina, insists there is no secret formula to living this long. In fact, the one thing she seems set on is taking everything in her stride.

Experts in Missouri and Iowa say syphilis is a growing problem in rural communities because the residents and doctors aren't used to dealing with the sexually transmitted disease.

The head of the NHS Simon Stevens called for a ‘new generation’ of volunteers step forward, pointing out that some roles would undoubtedly lead to future health service careers.

Couple that suffered the same cancer after using Roundup for 30 years tells heartbreaking

Alva and Alberta Pilliod testified this week that they used Monsanto's Roundup for 30 years before - almost as long as the California couple has been married. Alva developed non-Hodgkins lymphoma in the early 2010s, but has since been in remission. Alberta had compared the weedkiller to 'sugar water,' she testified. But in 2015, she developed the same cancer her husband had had, and it nearly killed her. Now, the two believe Roundup was responsible, and testified this week in an ongoing lawsuit against Monsanto.

Hannah Witton, 28, from London, has put her stoma bag on show as part of a major new campaign challenging the way the public perceive sufferers of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Stacey Underwood, 36, got her tubes tied after having her fifth child. Shortly after, she developed night sweats, chills, mood swings and bleeding from post-tubal ligation syndrome.

FILE - This Monday, Feb. 2, 2009 file photo shows a frozen cherry pie in a store's freezer in Palo Alto, Calif. In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration is preparing to propose getting rid of a federal standard for frozen cherry pie, which say the products must be at least 25% cherries by weight. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

Currently, 25 percent of a cherry pie's weight needs to come from cherries, and more than half of them should be 'unblemished', to ensure a quality standard.

Father, 37, gets into the shape of his life after breaking his spine

Chris Arpino (pictured right), from Cornwall, broke his back in 2009 and now says he gets up at 3.30am three times a week to work out (left, Mr Arpino's hard work has paid off and, inset, before his transformation), after fearing he would be left in a wheelchair for the rest of life when he had the accident. He had to be rushed to hospital in an ambulance when 17 eight-feet-long sheets of wood fell on him at work and destroyed one of his kidneys. It took him two years to relearn how to walk because of the devastating ordeal which he says could have 'sliced him in half'.

In excessive sweating, Botox works to block nerve signals that instruct the sweat glands to produce liquid. Dr Rekha Tailor, a GP and aesthetic practitioner from Surrey, offers the treatment.

The sleek monitor (pictured), called Aktiia, is a Fitbit-style band that checks blood pressure round the clock. Early trials show that it is just as accurate as conventional testing kits.

Woman, 21, is diagnosed with a brain tumour the size of a SATSUMA after a roller coaster

Molly White (pictured left, recently), from Paignton in Devon, discovered she had astrocytoma brain cancer after riding on the Colossus roller coaster at Thorpe Park (pictured inset) in 2016. Miss White (pictured right, before her illness) had never had symptoms of the growing tumour in her skull before but, after the visit to the theme park she started to suffer from vision problems and pain in her head. A visit to a doctor confirmed she had cancer which had been growing undetected for years. She has since had two major operations to remove most of the cancer, which is now the 'smallest it has ever been'.

Headlines last week declaring that statins ‘do not work’ in half of patients will have made intriguing reading – for the eight million Britons taking them, and for anyone else considering doing so.

Researchers from Boston University said every extra hour of exercise on top of the recommended 250-minute weekly average could wipe an extra year off someone's brain age.

Woman, 29, has her leg amputated to stop years of pain

Josephine Bridges (pictured left, in hospital after her amputation), from Birmingham, had cancerous bones in her leg removed and replaced with metal implants but they became infected and regularly moved out of place, causing pain. Her family were told to 'say their goodbyes' when she was diagnosed with advanced osteosarcoma at the age of 17 in 2007 (pictured inset, Mrs Bridges as a teenager going through chemotherapy). After years of suffering with a metal shin and knee, Mrs Bridges made the decision to have her left leg cut off above the knee (pictured right) and now hopes she can become a paracanoe competitor.

University of Minnesota experts say enterovirus-D68 could cause acute flaccid myelitis, which struck at least 28 people in the UK last year, including three-year-old Chloe Stevenson (pictured).

The gene, XRCC1, is crucial for sperm development, to ensure a high sperm count, swift motility, normal shape, and solid concentration. Chinese scientists show it is lacking in infertile mice.

Five-month-old twin girls have never left hospital because they're too weak for heart

Natasha and Hermione Sutcliffe (pictured right and inset), from Dundee, weighed just five pounds each when they were born and were found to have ventricular septal defects – holes in their hearts – which need repairing. Their father, Matthew, 30 (pictured left), said he and his wife, Gemma, 32, are finding it difficult to cope because the twins are being kept in a hospital 80 miles from home where they need specialist care. They both have ventricular septal defects which, if left untreated, can lead to heart failure or stroke.

The warnings come as Easter is round the corner. DIY related injuries have risen by seven per cent in the past three years, NHS England figures show.

FILE - This 2011 electron microscope image provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows H3N2 influenza virions. In January 2019, the flu season was shaping up to be one of the shortest and mildest in recent U.S. history. But a surprising second viral wave has just made it the longest, according to the flu statistics released on Friday, April 19, 2019. (Dr. Michael Shaw, Doug Jordan/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via AP)

This flu season has been officially going for 21 weeks, according to reports collected through last week and released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Girl, 11, dies after a severe allergic reaction to TOOTHPASTE that contained a milk

Denise Saldate, 11 (left and right), from West Covina, California, was diagnosed with a dairy allergy at age one. She was prescribed toothpaste on April 4 to help strengthen her tooth enamel. That evening, she went into anaphylactic shock, which is when the immune system overreacts to an allergen. Her parents discovered the toothpaste (jnset) had Recaldent, a milk-derived protein. Denise was in the hospital for two days before she passed away on April 6.

A Consumer Reports investigation found that samples of Whole Foods's Starkey bottled water come dangerously close to federal limits on arsenic in drinking water, and one sample exceded them.

France's National Institute for Agricultural Research raised fears E171 may have detrimental effects in animals. Studies have shown it can cross the intestinal wall into the lungs and liver.

Adam and Laura Parkinsons were charged $3,700 after Laura gave birth to their son last year. The couple had chose an in-network hospital, but got an uncovered anesthesiologist.

Cotter Cunha, then one, from Pawtucket, Rhode Island, accidentally swallowed a laundry pod in July 2017 and was on life support for three days before he managed to recover.

8-month-old girl caught measles before she could get her MMR shot

Shira Goldschmidt, eight months (left and right), from Israel, became infected with measles in December 2018. She was too young to be vaccinated because doctors don't administer the shot until patients are at least one year old. Her parents rushed her to the ER after she couldn't eat or drink and she had to be hospitalized and given IV fluids. Shira's mother, Fainy Sukenik, slammed anti-vaxxers in a Facebook post and suggested they stay in isolation or carry signs saying they're anti-vaxxers. In the US, there have been 555 confirmed cases of measles in 20 states, the second highest since it was considered 'eradicated' in 2000.

Dr Dietrich Egli, a researcher at Columbia University, said Wednesday that he had genetically modified three-parent embryos ready for four pregnancies, once it's legal to implant them.

New studies, from the Weizmann Institute of Science and the University of California, Irvine, found mice that exercised in the evening were 50% more efficient than in the morning.

Professor Sadaf Farooqi, from the University of Cambridge, co-led a study into the MC4R gene, looking at almost half a million British people from the UK Biobank genetic database.

Scientists at the Broad Institute and Harvard University created a $50 genetic test that can give babies an obesity risk score from the time they are born, predicting weight gain by age three.

Michigan woman contracts rare parasitic eye infection from contact lenses

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Traci Lawson, 50 (left), from Lansing, Michigan, was diagnosed with pink eye in September 2017. But her left eye (top right and bottom right) became more swollen, painful and sensitive to light. She was finally referred to an ophthalmologist who diagnosed her with acanthamoeba keratitis, a parasitic eye infection that attacks the cornea. Doctors believe Lawson contracted it by washing her contacts in tap water or swimming in a lake with the lenses in. Lawson was given eye drops that cleared the parasite, but needed two cornea transplants in her left eye to clear the scar tissue and restore her vision.

Rates of depression and suicide are far higher in the rural US than in urban areas. Researchers at the University of New South Wales gave at-home brain stim to rural patients - but experts warn of dangers.

Girl born without a BRAIN defies doctors by reaching her sixth birthday

Lily Wetherall was diagnosed with hydranencephaly, a condition where large parts of the brain are absent, shortly after birth. Parents Sienna King, 37, and Anthony Wetherall, 31, from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, were told their daughter was blind and deaf and would soon become 'incompatible with life'. They were told to enjoy the little time they had with her as people with the condition don't normally live past a year. But remarkably, Lily has beaten the odds to celebrate her sixth birthday at home with her family.

Scientists at University of Aberdeen looked at studies that covered Europe, Australia and the US. Nitrogen dioxide affects the growth of the unborn baby in the last few weeks, findings show.

Eyal Amiel, assistant professor of biomedicine and health sciences at the University of Vermont, researches how our bodies respond to vaccines to generate protective immunity.

Project Runway judge Nina Garcia opens up about her preventative double mastectomy after 'horror' of testing positive for the BRCA gene that raises breast cancer risk 50-85%

Garcia told GMA she felt compelled to share her story, particularly as a woman in the preened fashion world, because it's 'very important to stand up and be like, "You know what? We are not perfect."'

Scientists at the University of Liverpool found people who have dogs are more likely to exercise even if they're not with their pet at the time, and the effects are topped up by regular walks with the pooch.

We all make judgements based on appearances - however off-base they may be. New Harvard University research shows that children start treating people differently based on looks by age five.

Scientists use HIV viruses and DNA editing to cure deadly childhood 'bubble boy disease'

Researchers at St Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, have cured children, including two-year-old Gael Alva (pictured left with his mother, Giannina Alva) of severe combined immunodeficiency. The condition is also known as 'bubble boy disease', which was made famous by David Vetter (pictured right), who was born with the illness in Texas in 1971 and had to spend his 12 years of life inside tanks or bubbles to protect him from germs. Altered genes used to fix the children's defective DNA were delivered into the body using damaged HIV viruses.

Red meat may be safe to eat up to seven weeks after it was produced, research suggests. The UK study could revolutionise the industry by allowing for much longer use-by dates.

Mother with varicose veins so painful she struggled to walk was refused NHS treatment

Shannon Hutchinson, 30, of Telford, Shropshire, claims she kept being 'fobbed off' by her GP for two years. The mother-of-two gained weight because walking was so uncomfortable and she became anxious that people thought she was exaggerating her pain. It comes at a time that the NHS is cutting the number of varicose vein patients referred for surgery. In the end Mrs Hutchinson had 'life changing' private treatment at the Veincentre's London clinic, which cost nearly £2,600, and has since lost two stone (see left, Mrs Hutchinson, and right before, during and after treatment).

The money could be saved because of huge negligence claims paid out by the NHS are to maternal claims. Women aren't being offered the choice to have C-sections despite guidelines.

Beloved mother dies of drug-resistant superbug days after her son's wedding at her bedside

Stephanie Spoor, who first fell ill in November, died on February 11 in Chicago, days after one of her sons Zack married his fiancee Carley at her bedside in hospital gowns (pictured). She had contracted Candida auris, a harmful form of yeast that is resistant to most drugs, with a 60 percent mortality rate.

Oxford University academics calculated the scheme - which aims to cut sugar by a fifth in cereals, yogurts and sweet treats - will significantly cut obesity if it is successful.

Researchers from São Paolo State University in Brazil tracked 113 people who suffered heart attacks. The results were published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT An unnamed 42-year-old woman from Iran visited a dermatologist complaining of overgrown gums. She was diagnosed with a rare condition called 'strawberry gingivitis'.

Mother, fiancée and young son of 30-year-old man who shockingly died in his prime listen to his heart inside the chest of the woman who received it

David Rivera, 30 (right, with his fiancée and son), of San Diego, California, died in October 2017 of a brain bleed due to a rare blood clotting disorder. Because he was a registered organ donor, his lung, liver, kidneys, tissue and heart went to recipients on transplant lists, saving five people's lives. His heart went to Sandra, a mother from Chula Vista, who had been suffering from heart disease for years. On Monday, his mother Susan Amador (top left) listened to Rivera's heart beat in David followed by Rivera's fiancée Kimmy Hoang and their son Josiah, now four (bottom left).

One in two Americans puts off treatment they know they need to try to save money, but that raises risks of an emergency procedure which costs most people $6,000 and takes two years to pay.

Thirteen people have fallen ill in seven states this year after ingesting raw fish. The CDC said all had eaten fish from Jensen Tuna, which sources from Vietnam.

Deborah Norville reveals her recovering neck after undergoing surgery to remove a cancerous lump as she thanks the viewer that spotted it

Deborah Norville revealed earlier this month that an Inside Edition viewer noticed a lump on her neck years ago. It was determined to be benign at the time, but recent scans showed it had turned cancerous. Norville, 60, had surgery to removed the nodule (right) and recovered at home. She returned on Monday to Inside Edition, which she has anchored since 1995. In an interview on CBS This Morning (left), she encouraged viewers to 'be proactive about your health'.

Mondelēz Global recalled 13-ounce packs of Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies after customers found 'an unexpected solidified ingredient' and experienced choking and even dental injuries.

Researchers at the University of Alberta studied more than 2,400 families to find more than two hours per day looking at screens as a toddler could lead to a seven times higher risk of ADHD.

Cystic fibrosis sufferer who had double lung transplant contracted a virus from her donor 

Rima Manomaitis, 29 (left and right), from Pepperell, Massachusetts, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at four months old. In 2015, her lung function declined to the point where she needed an oxygen machine at all times but doctors said she was 'too well' for a transplant. Manomaitis's sister contacted the University of Minnesota Health in Minneapolis, where staff agreed to perform the procedure. In May 2017, after eight months on the list, Manomaitis finally received a double lung transplant. What doctors didn't know is that her donor had CMV, a virus which can remain dormant and causes health problems in immunocompromised people. Manomaitis ended up in the hospital for a week in spring 2018 in need of a blood transfusion because of the virus, but is now recovering.

Proteins bind to RNA molecules in the body to accelerate cancer growth. Scientists at Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed molecules that trick proteins to stick to them instead.

Baby girl was left fighting for her life after 'catching measles from the child of an

Jilly Moss (left) claims her daughter Alba (pictured right in hospital) spent more than a week fighting for her life at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London earlier this month. The youngster - who turned one on April 1 - was rushed to A&E; after she became floppy, failed to respond to her parents and developed a sky-high fever of more than 40°C (104°F). After more than a week in hospital on oxygen and antibiotics, Alba is home but still suffers with a bad cough. In a Facebook post (inset) that has been shared 27,000 times, Ms Moss slams anti-vaxxers who inadvertently spread infections by refusing to let their children be vaccinated.

A study by McGill University found the children of women who had gestational diabetes are up to 77 per cent more likely to develop type 1 or 2 diabetes before they turn 22.

A study by the University of Leicester and Imperial College London looked for mutant DNA released from dying tumours in the blood of 49 breast-cancer patients over several years (stock)


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