Q & A Shows

The Stress Blog

Walter Jones Interviews

The great antiwar Republican Walter Jones died last Sunday. Eric Garris has a write up at AWC. Kelley and Jim Antle give him a nice send off over at TAC. Here are my five interviews of him. And here Ron Paul and Dan McAdams give their man his due....

Recent Episodes of the Scott Horton Show

4/19/19 Max Blumenthal on Assange, Manning, and Venezuela

Max Blumenthal talks whistleblowers, the middle east, and regime change in Venezuela. In particular, he and Scott lament all the journalists who are critical of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange, in which case their mentality must be “if the government doesn’t want me to know this, I don’t have any right to”—not the proper role of a journalist, needless to say. Blumenthal also describes the region-wide catastrophe that could result if the U.S. intervenes in Venezuela, and is shocked that anyone seriously considers that a good idea.

Discussed on the show:

Director and writer of “Killing Gaza,” Max Blumenthal is a senior editor of the Grayzone Project and the author GoliathRepublican Gomorrah, and The 51 Day War. Follow Max on Twitter @MaxBlumenthal.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.comRoberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.; Tom Woods’ Liberty ClassroomExpandDesigns.com/Scott; and LibertyStickers.com.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


4/19/19 Matt Taibbi on This Generation’s ‘WMD’

Scott talks to Matt Taibbi about his new book, Hate Inc, written in the aftermath of the media malfeasence around Russiagate. But the media’s problems go much deeper, explains Taibbi. Mainstream discussion used to take place in a tightly controlled middle ground between two “extremes”, which were actually both very moderate and centrist. Today, internet and cable journalism allows the opposite: a specific set of views highly catered to what each of us wants to see on TV, on our Twitter feeds, and from our favorite writers. This has created an atomized and unpersuadable America of people who would rather retreat to their bubble than confront any opposing views.

Discussed on the show:

Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and winner of the 2008 National Magazine Award for columns and commentary. He is the author of numerous books, including I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street and Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus. Follow him at taibbi.substack.com or on Twitter @mtaibbi.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.comRoberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.; Tom Woods’ Liberty ClassroomExpandDesigns.com/Scott; and LibertyStickers.com.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


4/19/19 Jason Ditz with an Update on Libya

Jason Ditz, news editor at antiwar.com, joins the show for an update on Libya and lots of other recent foreign policy news.

Discussed on the show:

  • “Libyan Unity Govt Bombs, Then Recaptures Tripoli Airport” (Antiwar.com)
  • “Qatari official: Afghan talks postponed indefinitely” (AP News)
  • “Iran’s Rouhani: US Should Suspend Sanctions Because of Flooding Crisis” (Antiwar.com)

Jason Ditz is the news editor of Antiwar.com. Read all of his work at news.antiwar.comand follow him on Twitter @jasonditz.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.comRoberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.; Tom Woods’ Liberty ClassroomExpandDesigns.com/Scott; and LibertyStickers.com.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


4/12/19 Philip Weiss on Right-wing Politics in Israel

Scott talks to Philip Weiss about Israeli politics in light of Netanyahu’s recent victory in the election for prime minister. Israeli society, explains Weiss, leans heavily right wing, especially the young people, and this creates serious barriers to negotiations for peace with the Palestinians. In yet another setback, President Trump recently “promised” the Golan Heights to Israel, something that is not his to give. We are reminded of Horton’s Law: A politician will break all of his good promises and keep all of his bad ones. Scott suggests that the best the Palestinians might realistically be able to hope for these days is full citizenship as Israelis, not their own country.

Discussed on the show:

Philip Weiss is the long-time editor of Mondoweiss.net. Follow him on Twitter @PhilWeiss.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.comRoberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.; Tom Woods’ Liberty ClassroomExpandDesigns.com/Scott; and LibertyStickers.com.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


4/12/19 Max Blumenthal on the National Security State’s Manufactured Extremism

Max Blumenthal comes on the show to talk about his new book, The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump. He explains not only the familar narrative of U.S. support for rebel groups in the Middle East creating bloody civil wars and general unrest, but also how mainstream, centrist marginalization of unorthodox views has fueled polarization and allowed for the rise of an extreme and dangerous political right.

Discussed on the show:

Director and writer of “Killing Gaza,” Max Blumenthal is a senior editor of the Grayzone Project and the author GoliathRepublican Gomorrah, and The 51 Day War. Follow Max on Twitter @MaxBlumenthal.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.comRoberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.; Tom Woods’ Liberty ClassroomExpandDesigns.com/Scott; and LibertyStickers.com.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


4/12/19 William Van Wagenen on the Destruction of Yarmouk

Scott talks to William Van Wagenen about his latest article for the Libertarian Institute, “A Brief History of the Destruction of Yarmouk,” which traces the story of the Palestinian refugee camp at Yarmouk. Much of the blame for the horrible conditions there fell on the Syrian government, when in reality much of the fault lies with rebels, who were killing refugees and deliberately preventing food and aid from getting in. This skewed reporting, of course, contributed to the anti-Assad bias of the Western media and U.S. government, and downplayed the government’s own role in backing those same rebels. Scott and Van Wagenen also discuss the many failed regime change tactics of the American military in general.

Discussed on the show:

William Van Wagenen has a BA in German literature From Brigham Young University and an MA in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. You can read more of his writings at the Libertarian Institute. Follow him on Twitter @wvanwagenen.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.comRoberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.; Tom Woods’ Liberty ClassroomExpandDesigns.com/Scott; and LibertyStickers.com.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


Recent Episodes of the Scott Horton Show

4/19/19 Max Blumenthal on Assange, Manning, and Venezuela

Max Blumenthal talks whistleblowers, the middle east, and regime change in Venezuela. In particular, he and Scott lament all the journalists who are critical of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange, in which case their mentality must be “if the government doesn’t want...

4/19/19 Matt Taibbi on This Generation’s ‘WMD’

Scott talks to Matt Taibbi about his new book, Hate Inc, written in the aftermath of the media malfeasence around Russiagate. But the media’s problems go much deeper, explains Taibbi. Mainstream discussion used to take place in a tightly controlled middle ground...

4/19/19 Jason Ditz with an Update on Libya

Jason Ditz, news editor at antiwar.com, joins the show for an update on Libya and lots of other recent foreign policy news. Discussed on the show: “Libyan Unity Govt Bombs, Then Recaptures Tripoli Airport” (Antiwar.com) “Qatari official: Afghan talks postponed...

4/12/19 Philip Weiss on Right-wing Politics in Israel

Scott talks to Philip Weiss about Israeli politics in light of Netanyahu’s recent victory in the election for prime minister. Israeli society, explains Weiss, leans heavily right wing, especially the young people, and this creates serious barriers to negotiations for...

4/12/19 William Van Wagenen on the Destruction of Yarmouk

Scott talks to William Van Wagenen about his latest article for the Libertarian Institute, “A Brief History of the Destruction of Yarmouk,” which traces the story of the Palestinian refugee camp at Yarmouk. Much of the blame for the horrible conditions there fell on...

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