Mother, 24, who is married to a 69-year-old, is shocked to discover she went to kindergarten with his SON – as she hits back at critics who claim she's a ‘gold digger’

  • Stefani, 24, and Don Walper, 69, from Armstrong, British Columbia, are married
  • They met four years ago when Stefani started working in Don's favourite pub
  • The couple now have one-year-old son Lachlan, and are 'happier than ever' 
  • Stefani revealed that people often mistake her for being Don's daughter

A husband and wife who are separated by a 45-year age gap, have revealed how they discovered a connection between them that extended far beyond their four-year relationship.

Stefani, 24, and Don Walper, 69, from Armstrong, British Columbia, are married with a one-year-old son, however they were shocked to learn that they shared a big part of their lives years before even meeting.

'We had been together two or three months and we were laying in bed one day talking and I was like "you should tell me a secret, tell me something nobody knows," she explained.

Don began to tell Stefani about his previous marriage of five years and how he had a son with his ex-wife.

'So Don tells me this story,' she continued. 'And I was like "wait what's your son's name?" And Don repeats it. I was like "oh my god, I know him."

Stefani, 24, and Don Walper, 69, from Armstrong, British Columbia, old son, Lachlan on March 5, 2019, in Armstrong, British Columbia. AN AGE-GAP couple, separated by 45 years, have revealed how they discovered a connection between them that extended far beyond their four-year relationship. are now married with a one-year-old son, but they were shocked to learn they shared a big part of their lives years before meeting. Pictured, Don hugs his 24-year-old wife, while holding the couple's one-year-old son, Lachlan

Stefani, 24, and Don Walper, 69, from Armstrong, British Columbia, separated by 45 years, have revealed how they discovered a connection between them that extended far beyond their four-year relationship. Pictured, Don hugs his wife, while holding their one-year-old son, Lachlan

The age-gap couple had been together two or three months when she discovered she went to kindergarten with his son from a previous marriage. Pictured, Stefani and Don Walper sharing a kiss during a hike

The age-gap couple had been together two or three months when she discovered she went to kindergarten with his son from a previous marriage. Pictured, Stefani and Don Walper sharing a kiss during a hike

Stefani explained that not everyone understands age gap relationships and she's often asked: 'How could she possibly love him?' Pictured, Don kissing his wife's baby bump during the pregnancy

Stefani explained that not everyone understands age gap relationships and she's often asked: 'How could she possibly love him?' Pictured, Don kissing his wife's baby bump during the pregnancy

She continued: 'I knew Don's son right from pre-school. We went to kindergarten, all through elementary school, all through middle school together, and all through high school. We graduated together as well. Our friendship was quite strong when we were little.' 

Don and Stefani aren't currently on speaking terms with Don's son, but last year had a child of their own – one-year-old Lachlan. They also married last year and say they have never been happier.

'A lot of people don't understand that age gap relationships can be genuine,' said Stefani. 'Everybody seems to assume there's got to be something else going on.

'They say "how could she possibly love him?" You love somebody because you love them.' 

The happy couple, who married last year, said they have 'never been happier.' Pictured, taking a selfie during a hike

The happy couple, who married last year, said they have 'never been happier.' Pictured, taking a selfie during a hike

Stefani and Don talk  openly about how they both consider their intimate lives to be the best thing about the relationship. Pictured, Stefani kisses her 69-year-old husband Don as he holds their son Lachlan

Stefani and Don talk  openly about how they both consider their intimate lives to be the best thing about the relationship. Pictured, Stefani kisses her 69-year-old husband Don as he holds their son Lachlan

They admitted facing some challenges due to such a large age gap. Pictured Don hugging Stefani's baby bump

They admitted facing some challenges due to such a large age gap. Pictured Don hugging Stefani's baby bump

The two met four years ago when Stefani started working in Don's favourite pub, and they established an instant connection.

After staying late one night to watch a band play with Don, Stefani went home with her new suitor and the pair haven't looked back since.

They talk openly about how they both consider their intimate lives to be the best thing about the relationship – especially in the early days.

'Definitely the sex has been a great part of it from my perspective,' said Don. 'I have always had a younger state of mind. I have never ever felt my age.'

'I always want to go out and have fun with the younger crowds and then hooking up with somebody young, you get the fresh perspective. It changes when you have a child but we used to have sex literally all the time.'

Stefani added: '2am, 5am, middle of the afternoon, before dinner, after dinner, in the middle of dinner, on the rooftop, on the balcony, on the floor, wherever.'

'I have been with guys a little younger than me and my age, and Don is obviously the oldest. I like that it doesn't last two seconds – he knows what he's doing.'

Stefani revealed that while she has always been with guys a little younger than her, Don is the oldest. Pictured, the 24-year-old taking a selfie of her baby bump during her pregnancy

Stefani revealed that while she has always been with guys a little younger than her, Don is the oldest. Pictured, the 24-year-old taking a selfie of her baby bump during her pregnancy

The couple still come across a lot of judgement from others when out in public, but have learned to not let it bother them. Pictured, Don poses with Stefani and son, Lachlan

The couple still come across a lot of judgement from others when out in public, but have learned to not let it bother them. Pictured, Don poses with Stefani and son, Lachlan

And while the couple remember their early days together fondly, they also recall some of the challenges they faced due to such a large age gap.

'When we first started dating, Don felt a bit weird about it because sometimes when I would hold his hand or kiss him he was a little standoffish or stiff,' said Stefani. 'But I don't care, he is my boyfriend, he is my husband.

'I told my brother after a month or so after we started dating and he didn't take it all that great, and then he told my mother. During the beginning, both my parents would pop up around town wherever we were.'

But Stefani's family soon came around, and now her mother helps by taking care of Lachlan and supporting her daughter's new family. 

The couple still come across a lot of judgement from others when out in public, but have learned to not let it bother them.

'Some people are really mean,' Stefani explained. 'People insult me more than they insult Don because I am the gold digger, I am the one with daddy issues, I am the one who can't support myself, I need a man to save me.'

The married couple are focused on raising their son and are not concerned about the uncertainty surrounding how long Don will be around. Pictured, Stefani stands outside her home

The married couple are focused on raising their son and are not concerned about the uncertainty surrounding how long Don will be around. Pictured, Stefani stands outside her home

'Everyone thinks I'm a gold digger. Where is the gold? Give me the gold, babe.'

Stefani is also often mistaken for being Don's daughter but she doesn't shy away from letting people know that they're wrong.

'It doesn't upset me or make me angry, I just correct them,' she said. 'When it's very obvious we are a couple or we are together in a romantic way, and if you still choose to say obnoxious things, that's when it bothers me. But other than correcting them what do you do?'

For now, the couple are focused on raising their son and are not concerned about the uncertainty surrounding how long Don will be around. 

'At my age I'm not worried about being around later,' Don said. 'Obviously I would like to be, but mother nature plays a role so I am just going to take it as far as I can, be there for him as long as I can, and teach him as much as I can before I get to that point. After that I guess he can push me around in my wheelchair.'

Stefani added: 'Don and Lachlan have an amazing relationship and watching him be a father is so beautiful.'

'I take a lot of pictures and Lachlan is going to know, whether he' five, 10, 15, or in his twenties that his father loved him and would be proud of him and that they had all these special moments together growing up.' 


Mother, 24, who is married to a 69-year-old, discovers she went to kindergarten with his son

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