Cops release bodycam footage of officers shooting at unarmed black couple singing love songs to each other in their car near Yale campus

  • Stephanie Washington, 22, and boyfriend Paul Witherspoon III, 21, were shot at
  • Hamden cop Devin Eaton and Yale officer Terrance Pollack fired at them
  • Neither officer turned on their bodycams as the incident was happening
  • A feature on the camera meant it recorded before it was actually switched on
  • Footage of the incident shot on the bodycam was released by police this week 
  • The couple were sitting in their vehicle and were singing love songs at the time 
  • Authorities believed that the vehicle had been involved in an armed robbery
  • Both officers have been placed on leave while an investigation is ongoing 

Cops have released bodycam footage of two officers shooting at an unarmed African American couple last week.

Despite Officers Devin Eaton and Terrance Pollack failing to turn on their cameras, footage was still recorded because the cameras have a feature that recalls images from the moments before it is turned on. 

The video, which was released Wednesday by authorities, shows officers firing at a man emerging from the driver's seat of a car and shattering the passenger-side window last Tuesday, April 16.

Both Stephanie Washington, 22, and her boyfriend Paul Witherspoon III, 21, who were unarmed, were shot at.

A state official said Tuesday that one of the officers, from Hamden, Connecticut did eventually turn his camera on - but only after the shooting. 

Bodycam footage released this week shows a man getting out of the parked car before police open fire

A window can be seen smashing as the two officers opened fire. Footage was captured by the bodycam's safety feature despite them being switched off

Officer Eaton has been placed on administrative leave while an investigation into the shooting is ongoing
Pollock was also placed on leave, as standard protocol for any instance when a Yale officer discharges their weapon

Officers Devin Eaton (left) and Terrance Pollack did not turn on their bodycams until after the incident

During the shooting, Washington was shot in the face and has since been hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, according to university officials
Witherspoon was left unharmed

During the shooting, Washington was shot in the face and has since been hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, according to university officials. Witherspoon was left unharmed

It does not include audio and will be sent for enhancement as part of the investigation.  

Connecticut State Police Commissioner James Rovella said that 'in a perfect world without the stressors' the bodycams would have been properly employed.

'This is unheard of that we're putting it out so quickly,' Rovella said. 'What's important is transparency and trust.' 

Protests erupted on the streets on Monday after another video surfaced of the police officers opening fire. Demonstrators believe they were shot at because they are black. 

Cops believed the vehicle the couple was driving had been involved in the armed robbery of a newspaper delivery person at a local Hamden gas station around 4am, CBS News reports.

Officers then caught up with the vehicle - which was being driven by Witherspoon. 

Stephanie Washington, 22, and her boyfriend Paul Witherspoon III, 21, were shot at by Hamden police officer Devin Eaton and Yale police officer Terrance Pollack on Tuesday morning last week

Stephanie Washington, 22, and her boyfriend Paul Witherspoon III, 21, were shot at by Hamden police officer Devin Eaton and Yale police officer Terrance Pollack on Tuesday morning last week

Surveillance footage shows the moment the responding officers jumped our of their SUV and fired multiple rounds at the couple last Tuesday.

During the shooting, Washington was shot in the face and has since been hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, according to university officials. 

Witherspoon was left unharmed. 

In the CCTV video, police officer Devin Eaton is seen leaping out of the police car and raising his gun towards the vehicle.

Authorities believed the car the couple was driving had been involved in an armed robbery of a newspaper delivery person at a local Hamden gas station around 4am

Authorities believed the car the couple was driving had been involved in an armed robbery of a newspaper delivery person at a local Hamden gas station around 4am

Additional footage shows the officer bombard the vehicle with bullets
Arguing ensued after the shooting occurred

Additional footage shows the officer bombard the vehicle with bullets and arguing that ensued following the shooting

Video from inside the couple's vehicle shows that prior to the shooting, they had been enjoying each other's company and were singing songs to each other

Video from inside the couple's vehicle shows that prior to the shooting, they had been enjoying each other's company and were singing songs to each other

He then begins to fire multiple shots at the unarmed couple after Witherspoon abruptly gets out of the vehicle before running away from the car towards the end of the street. 

Video from inside the couple's vehicle shows that prior to the shooting, they had been enjoying each other's company and were singing songs to each other. They had been singing 'Nothing In This World' by R&B singer Avant and Keke Wyatt.

Officer Eaton has been placed on administrative leave while an investigation into the shooting is ongoing. Yale officer Pollock was also placed on leave, as standard protocol for any instance when a Yale officer discharges their weapon.

The shooting has led to an outpouring of peaceful demonstrations along the streets from groups such as the Black Lives Matter movement and Yale University students, with protesters claiming the black couple were unfairly targeted. 

The shooting occurred near the university campus. 

Last Thursday, hundreds of protesters took the streets and blocked traffic near the university as community organizer Kerry Ellington addressed more than 200 students outside Yale University's Woodbridge Hall.

Witherspoon's uncle, Rodney Williams, told CBS News that the incident also sheds light on how police in the country are trained. 

On Thursday, hundreds of protesters took the streets and blocked traffic near the university

On Thursday, hundreds of protesters took the streets and blocked traffic near the university

Students held signs that read 'End Police Terror' as they called for the various departments to act on the incident

Students held signs that read 'End Police Terror' as they called for the various departments to act on the incident 

He said: 'You need to look at what's really going on with the police... really look at how the police look at residents period.

'The police could be black, white, Puerto Rican... it's just a police issue... I think we need to be respected as human beings and I feel like they really don't.' 

Connecticut State Police have said they will release further information on their investigations later this week. 

The Mayors of Hamden and New Haven have teamed up with the various police department for a joint Wednesday conference to discuss how to curb such incidents from taking place again. 

Students were also joined by local civil rights groups - including Black Lives Matter - as they convened on the street

Students were also joined by local civil rights groups - including Black Lives Matter - as they convened on the street

Community organizer Kerry Ellington addressed more than 200 students outside Yale University's Woodbridge Hall

Community organizer Kerry Ellington addressed more than 200 students outside Yale University's Woodbridge Hall


Bodycams of officers who shot unarmed black couple on Yale campus were switched off during shooting

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