Pervert Columbia gynecologist is hit with new lawsuit by 25 women - including two underage girls - who claim he licked their genitals, groped their naked bodies, and squeezed one mother's nipples so hard her breast milk came out

  • 17 women first filed a lawsuit against Columbia University over Robert Hadden 
  • This week eight more women have been added to suit accusing him of assault 
  • The women claim Hadden licked and digitally penetrated their vaginas at exams
  • One victim, who was 16 at the time, had been delivered by Hadden as a baby  
  • She claims he had her get naked and 'on all fours' on the exam table before he penetrated her by inserting his ungloved fingers into her vagina
  • One victim who was 15 at the time said Hadden made her take off her clothes, asked her if she masturbated, then gave her unsolicited masturbating tips  

Disgraced Columbia University gynecologist Robert Hadden has now been accused of sexual assault by 25 women, including two who were minors at the time of the exams

Disgraced Columbia University gynecologist Robert Hadden has now been accused of sexual assault by 25 women, including two who were minors at the time of the exams 

A disgraced Columbia University gynecologist has been hit with a new lawsuit by eight more women who have accused him of sexual assault. 

Robert Hadden is now facing allegations from a total of 25 women, including two who were minors when he examined them.  

Seventeen women first filed a lawsuit against Columbia University and its affiliated hospitals in December. 

This week's lawsuit brings a new slew of disturbing allegations from women who claim that Hadden did everything from fondling and groping their naked bodies to licking and digitally penetrating their vaginas. 

One of the alleged victims was just 16 years old when Hadden began abusing her in 2009, the lawsuit states. 

It reveals that Hadden had delivered the girl as a baby and 'used this relationship with both the patient and her mother as leverage' in order to abuse her. 

During the high school student's first visit, Hadden allegedly began subjecting her to a course of 'predatory grooming, boundary violating, mental, emotional, and physical sexual abuse'. 

The gynecologist asked the teen inappropriate questions about her sexual history, ogled and groped her unclothed body, breasts, and vagina, the lawsuit states. 

He also allegedly had her get naked and 'on all fours' on the exam table before he did a prolonged 'medically-inappropriate breast and vaginal exam'. 

The lawsuit claims Hadden rubbed his ungloved hands up and down the girl's body, spread her buttocks and vagina open and 'leered into her private parts', before he penetrated her by inserting his fingers into her vagina. 

A chaperone was present in the room and witnessed the 'physical sexual abuse firsthand' but did nothing to stop the doctor, the lawsuit claims. 

The teen visited Hadden a second time and revealed she had lost her virginity to her boyfriend. 

Hadden then allegedly insisted that she she have a prolonged vaginal exam and pap smear. 

Another minor victim was 15 years old when she began seeing Hadden in 2005.  

Seventeen women first filed a lawsuit against Columbia University and its affiliated hospitals in December. Eight women have since been added to the lawsuit

Seventeen women first filed a lawsuit against Columbia University and its affiliated hospitals in December. Eight women have since been added to the lawsuit 

Hadden likewise subjected the teen to 'predatory grooming', asked inapproriate questions about her sexual history, ogled and groped her unclothed body, breasts, and vagina, and penetrated her vagina with his fingers, the lawsuit states. 

He allegedly once had the teen remove all her clothes and then asked if she masturbated, before giving her unsolicited tips about how she could masturbate herself. 

Hadden also once made the teen take off her pants and expose her bare buttocks to receive her first HPV shot, the lawsuit states. 

When the teen went to the clinic to receive her second shot, she revealed to a nurse how Hadden had administered the shot.  

But the nurse allegedly 'offered no support' to the teen, and made her 'feel like she had done or said something wrong'. 

Disturbing details from the court case abound. One victim claims that Hadden massaged her naked breasts for prolonged periods of time and would 'inexplicably twist, pinch, and tug on her nipples for his own prurient, deviant, sexual gratification'. 

During one office visit, he allegedly took off his gloves - which signaled to the chaperon that the exam was over. But then, while the patient was still in stirrups, he said he needed to 'check something else' and touched his tongue to her vagina.  

Hadden left the room before his patient could 'process or even react to the abuse that had just occurred,' the lawsuit states. 

Marissa Hoechstetter, the only plaintiff named in the suit, said Hadden frequently groped her breasts and licked and touched her vagina without gloves. 

Hoechstetter claims that, after she gave birth to twins, he came to her bedside, exposed her breasts, and told her she looked like a porn star. 

Another mother who visited Hadden for a postpartum visit said he made her remove her clothes and then pinched and squeezed her nipples so hard that it made breast milk run down her breasts. 

Yet another victim, who was pregnant at the time, said Hadden told her he was going to perform a pap smear and then licked her vagina. 

'Everything tongues good, I mean looks good,' he told her, according to the lawsuit. 

During her first postpartum exam, with her newborn in tow, the victim claims that Hadden once again made her undergo a vaginal exam and put his tongue on her vagina yet again in the presence of her child. 

Hadden was previously charged with sexually abusing six pregnant patients, including one who was HIV positive, in 2016. 

He pleaded guilty to a charge of a criminal sex act in a third degree and forcible touching and agreed to give up his medical license. He was given no jail time.

The new lawsuit claims that Columbia allowed Hadden to apply for disability benefits, meaning he is now enjoying a 'paid, early retirement'. 

It also alleges that Columbia not only concealed Hadden's sexual abuse, but conspired and enabled it to happen for decades.  

'Medical chaperones, nurses, supervisors, administrators, doctors and other hospital personnel were aware of the sexual exploitation and abuse - dating back to at least the 1990s - but they still actively and deliberately - and inexplicably - concealed Hadden's sexual abuse for decades,' the lawsuit reads. 

It alleges that Columbia allowed Hadden's behavior to go unchecked in an attempt to protect the university's reputation, trustees, financial interests, and standing among other Ivy League institutions. 

The lawsuit also states that Hadden's actions constitute gender-violence, meaning they were motivated by gender. This means that the statue of limitations does not start to run until the conclusion of a criminal action that results in a conviction, which in Hadden's case would be 2016. 


New York gynecologist now accused of sexual assault by 25 women, including two minors

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