I COME IN PEACE..But with a warning. Look where they don't want you to! FOCUS LOOK UP! Follow the MONEY The sleeping Giant Slumbers no more AND he is not happy!

Planet Earth
Připojil se červen 2011


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  1. před 8 hodinami

    The whole, & only reason you were born, is to work from dawn till dusk chasing bits of paper that can be printed from thin air, working the best parts of the day, for 60+yrs to enrich a TINY few, only to be kicked to curb when youre no longer economically viable. Think about that

  2. před 8 hodinami

    The largest distraction is just around the corner...the bread and circuses watching a man kicking a ball, its usually at this time they sneak through 'policies' that steal your wealth, remove your rights, sell off the country etc...but thank the gods hairdressers are open!

  3. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 19 hodinami

    Everything you need to know about illegal invasions..

  4. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 9 hodinami

    WARNING!!! GRAPHIC We must educate & raise awareness of brutal dog meat trade. Dogs skinned alive, boiled alive, after lives of abject misery. Please retweet to as many people as possible. NO more dog&cat meat.; cannot allow this to continue. Be Their Voice!

We must educated and raise awareness of the brutal dog meat trade. Dogs skinned alive, boiled alive, after living lives of abject misery.
  5. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 15 hodinami
    Odpověď uživateli
  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 9 hodinami

    Five Days of Facts about Clive Palmer. Day Two: Queensland Nickel couldn’t pay its workers wages, but transferred $135 million to a $2 company called “China First”. The only director of China First was Mrs Anna Palmer 👇

  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 9 hodinami

    red shoes peeps, when the rest find out, you boys are fooked

  8. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 9 hodinami
  9. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 11 hodinami

    The best campaign ad I’ve seen yet

    Tato média mohou obsahovat citlivý obsah. Další informace
    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem

    🦅 If you are not a brain-washed Liberal and understand what abortion is..🦅 🕊 RT this Tweet 🕊 Leave your @ name 🕊 Follow all that RT 🕊 Follow 👉 👈

  11. Retweetnuto uživatelem

    Lets not forget that when covid broke out of hotel quarantine in Melbourne it didn't kill in all the nursing homes. The state run homes coped. The deaths came in the privately-run, federally-regulated and funded homes. Damning! 683 deaths

  12. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 18 hodinami
    Odpověď uživateli

    Democracy????...ANYONE who thinks we live or have democracy needs immediate drug testing...democracy is a word the CEO's/career parasites posing as politicians use at election time to placate the masses. Chomsky explains

  13. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 19 hodinami
    Odpověď uživatelům

    This pommy 457 is one of the highest paid PUBLIC SERVANTS (That Means TAX PAYER FUNDED) who earns 200K+/MONTH...but hey its finals season, watching a man kicking a ball..thatll fix it

  14. před 19 hodinami

    This pommy 457 is one of the highest paid PUBLIC SERVANTS (That Means TAX PAYER FUNDED) who earns 200K+/MONTH...but hey its finals season, watching a man kicking a ball..thatll fix it

  15. před 19 hodinami

    This fella and others of his ilk, who get PAID BY TAX PAYERS, sit in judgment, of what tax payers who work, rights wages & conditions are! so let me elaborate! A person who gets 450K+/yr from tax payers then vilifys those tax payers for standing up for whats rightfully theirs

  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    20. 10.

    Aunty Naomi Wilfred asked why Origin continues to frack the Beetaloo basin when Traditional Owners have not given their consent.

  17. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 19 hodinami

    ‘Disgraceful’: Australia Post spent $12,000 on Cartier watches for ‘hard-working’ bosses | The New Daily Yes, anything, anything at all to take the heat off

  18. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    21. 10.
  19. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    22. 10.
    Odpověď uživatelům

    🎯 NBN, utilities, telco,s etc no traineeships etc so 457 de unionised fodder. Mid management, head contractor gets 💰whilst english a second language unable to communicate safety, accreditation 😂etc surf conditions wages. Looking like last century English class IR model.

  20. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    22. 10.

    100% correct ! The sad part is people fall for this BS !


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