The Arena Appeal

Become a Friend of Arena

Arena Magazine and Arena Journal play a crucial role in Australian politics and culture, bringing alternative arguments and ideas into the public and academic spheres and influencing discussion and debate about key contemporary issues.

In the present climate of a deteriorating social and environmental crisis, Arena makes a contribution that few other Australian publications ever attempt. With a highly skewed media landscape, in which few if any alternative critical views are put or discussed, and an ever-shrinking democratic sphere in general, we need an arena in which alternative voices contest the dominant visions of life and society in play today.

Australia now stands in a novel historical moment. Arena has for fifty years watched and commented on a profound social transformation that continues into the twenty-first century. With openings to positive change but also carrying the terror of climate change and a more general undermining of the conditions of human existence, we see unabated Development, global insecurity and Australian political reaction.

We need your support to continue our work.

The ‘Friends of Arena’ group has been established, initially with an interim coordinating committee, to seek support in a variety of ways for Arena’s activities.

Arena has never relied upon or received government funding. It has sustained its activities largely through the voluntary work of editors and supporters. If Arena is to continue and to expand its readership, we need your support to do it. Many new developments are underway: an expanded website incorporating podcasts of interviews and public discussions, new public discussion series, the Arena Project Space, and preparation of an e-version of Arena Magazine.

Friends of Arena is a way of showing your support through financial donations and participation in Arena activities. We seek the following targets for 2014:

  1. Contributions to ongoing costs of production: $15,000
  2. Contributions to enhanced wage support: $5,000
  3. Contributions to enhance our website and E-Book: $5,000

We are asking supporters to choose a category of support and to make donations on a once-off or ongoing basis. Becoming a Friend means your support will be noted in Arena Magazine (if you wish), and various benefits will flow from it. Friends will be kept up to date with Arena activities and fundraising goals.

Friends of Arena

Coordinating Committee – Tony Ayres, Marie Brennan, Lindsay Fitzclarence, Beryl Langer, Sue Plowright, Les Rosenblatt.

Can you help by becoming a Friend?

To become a Friend, either by making a once-off or a regular donation, please download and return this form.

You may also use the Donate button below to make a once-off donation. In this case, you will taken to the PayPal site. Enter the amount you would like to donate and then click “Update Total”. If paying by credit card, click the “Continue” link next to the Visa and Mastercard symbols on the Pay Pal page.