

  1. ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selector
  2. ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element
  3. ::selection CSS pseudo-element
  4. :dir() CSS pseudo-class
  5. :has() CSS relational pseudo-class
  6. :in-range and :out-of-range CSS pseudo-classes
  7. :matches() CSS pseudo-class
  8. :placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-class
  9. @font-face Web fonts
  10. Blending of HTML/SVG elements
  11. calc() as CSS unit value
  12. Case-insensitive CSS attribute selectors
  13. ch (character) unit
  14. CSS 2.1 selectors
  15. CSS ::marker pseudo-element
  16. CSS :read-only and :read-write selectors
  17. CSS all property
  18. CSS Animation
  19. CSS Appearance
  20. CSS background-attachment
  21. CSS background-blend-mode
  22. CSS background-position edge offsets
  23. CSS background-repeat round and space
  24. CSS box-decoration-break
  25. CSS caret-color
  26. CSS clip-path property (for HTML)
  27. CSS Conical Gradients
  28. CSS Containment
  29. CSS Counter Styles
  30. CSS Counters
  31. CSS currentColor value
  32. CSS Device Adaptation
  33. CSS display: contents
  34. CSS element() function
  35. CSS Exclusions Level 1
  36. CSS Feature Queries
  37. CSS Filter Effects
  38. CSS filter() function
  39. CSS first-line pseudo-element
  40. CSS Flexible Box Layout Module
  41. CSS Font Loading
  42. CSS font-feature-settings
  43. CSS font-rendering controls
  44. CSS font-size-adjust
  45. CSS font-stretch
  46. CSS font-variant-alternates
  47. CSS font-variant-numeric
  48. CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements
  49. CSS grab & grabbing cursors
  50. CSS Gradients
  51. CSS Grid Layout (level 1)
  52. CSS hanging-punctuation
  53. CSS Hyphenation
  54. CSS image-set
  55. CSS Initial Letter
  56. CSS initial value
  57. CSS inline-block
  58. CSS justify-content: space-evenly
  59. CSS Logical Properties
  60. CSS Masks
  61. CSS math functions min(), max() and clamp()
  62. CSS min/max-width/height
  63. CSS Motion Path
  64. CSS namespaces
  65. CSS outline properties
  66. CSS overflow property
  67. CSS overflow-anchor (Scroll Anchoring)
  68. CSS page-break properties
  69. CSS Paint API
  70. CSS position:fixed
  71. CSS position:sticky
  72. CSS Regions
  73. CSS Repeating Gradients
  74. CSS resize property
  75. CSS revert value
  76. CSS Scroll snap
  77. CSS Shapes Level 1
  78. CSS Subgrid
  79. CSS Table display
  80. CSS text-indent
  81. CSS text-justify
  82. CSS text-orientation
  83. CSS touch-action property
  84. CSS unset value
  85. CSS user-select: none
  86. CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
  87. CSS widows & orphans
  88. CSS will-change property
  89. CSS writing-mode property
  90. CSS3 2D Transforms
  91. CSS3 3D Transforms
  92. CSS3 attr() function for all properties
  93. CSS3 Background-image options
  94. CSS3 Border images
  95. CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)
  96. CSS3 Box-shadow
  97. CSS3 Box-sizing
  98. CSS3 Colors
  99. CSS3 Cursors (original values)
  100. CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out
  101. CSS3 font-kerning
  102. CSS3 image-orientation
  103. CSS3 Media Queries
  104. CSS3 Multiple backgrounds
  105. CSS3 Multiple column layout
  106. CSS3 object-fit/object-position
  107. CSS3 Opacity
  108. CSS3 Overflow-wrap
  109. CSS3 selectors
  110. CSS3 tab-size
  111. CSS3 text-align-last
  112. CSS3 Text-overflow
  113. CSS3 Text-shadow
  114. CSS3 Transitions
  115. CSS3 word-break
  116. CSSOM Scroll-behavior
  117. display: flow-root
  118. display: run-in
  119. Font unicode-range subsetting
  120. getComputedStyle
  121. Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing
  122. letter-spacing CSS property
  123. Media Queries: interaction media features
  124. Media Queries: resolution feature
  125. Rebeccapurple color
  126. rem (root em) units
  127. selector list argument of :not()
  128. SVG in CSS backgrounds
  129. system-ui value for font-family
  130. text-decoration styling
  131. text-emphasis styling
  132. TTF/OTF - TrueType and OpenType font support
  133. Variable fonts
  134. Viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax
  135. Window.devicePixelRatio
  136. #rrggbbaa hex color notation
  137. :default CSS pseudo-class
  138. :focus-visible CSS pseudo-class
  139. :focus-within CSS pseudo-class
  140. :indeterminate CSS pseudo-class
  141. :optional CSS pseudo-class
  142. background-position-x & background-position-y
  143. Crisp edges/pixelated images
  144. CSS @apply rule
  145. CSS Backdrop Filter
  146. CSS Canvas Drawings
  147. CSS color-adjust
  148. CSS Cross-Fade Function
  149. CSS Environment Variables env()
  150. CSS font-smooth
  151. CSS line-clamp
  152. CSS overscroll-behavior
  153. CSS pointer-events (for HTML)
  154. CSS Reflections
  155. CSS scrollbar styling
  156. CSS text-size-adjust
  157. CSS text-stroke and text-fill
  158. CSS zoom
  159. Explicit descendant combinator >>
  160. High-quality kerning pairs & ligatures
  161. prefers-color-scheme media query
  162. prefers-reduced-motion media query
  163. Scoped CSS
  164. selector list argument of :nth-child and :nth-last-child CSS pseudo-classes
  165. All CSS features


  1. accept attribute for file input
  2. async attribute for external scripts
  3. Attributes for form submission
  4. Audio element
  5. Audio Tracks
  6. Autofocus attribute
  7. Canvas (basic support)
  8. Canvas blend modes
  9. classList (DOMTokenList)
  10. Color input type
  11. contenteditable attribute (basic support)
  12. Custom Elements (V1)
  13. Custom protocol handling
  14. Datalist element
  15. dataset & data-* attributes
  16. Date and time input types
  17. defer attribute for external scripts
  18. Details & Summary elements
  19. Dialog element
  20. disabled attribute of the fieldset element
  21. Download attribute
  22. Drag and Drop
  23. Email, telephone & URL input types
  24. Form attribute
  25. Form validation
  26. getElementsByClassName
  27. Hashchange event
  28. hidden attribute
  29. HTML Imports
  30. HTML Media Capture
  31. HTML templates
  32. HTML5 form features
  33. HTML5 semantic elements
  34. indeterminate checkbox
  35. Inline SVG in HTML5
  36. input event
  37. input placeholder attribute
  38. inputmode attribute
  39. Link type "noreferrer"
  40. maxlength attribute for input and textarea elements
  41. meter element
  42. Minimum length attribute for input fields
  43. Multiple file selection
  44. naturalWidth & naturalHeight image properties
  45. Number input type
  46. OffscreenCanvas
  47. PageTransitionEvent
  48. Path2D
  49. Pattern attribute for input fields
  50. Picture element
  51. Ping attribute
  52. PNG favicons
  53. Printing Events
  54. progress element
  55. Range input type
  56. readonly attribute of input and textarea elements
  57. rel=noopener
  58. relList (DOMTokenList)
  59. Reversed attribute of ordered lists
  60. Ruby annotation
  61. sandbox attribute for iframes
  62. Search input type
  63. Selection controls for input & textarea
  64. Session history management
  65. Spellcheck attribute
  66. srcdoc attribute for iframes
  67. Srcset and sizes attributes
  68. Subresource Integrity
  69. SVG favicons
  70. tabindex global attribute
  71. Text API for Canvas
  72. Video element
  73. Video Tracks
  74. wbr (word break opportunity) element
  75. Web App Manifest
  76. WebGL - 3D Canvas graphics
  77. WebGL 2.0
  78. Context menu item (menuitem element)
  79. Custom Elements (deprecated V0 spec)
  80. Offline web applications
  81. seamless attribute for iframes
  82. All HTML5 features


  1. "once" event listener option
  2. AAC audio file format
  3. autocomplete attribute: on & off values
  4. AV1 video format
  5. Brotli Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding
  6. ChildNode.remove()
  7. Client Hints: DPR, Width, Viewport-Width
  8. CSS Paged Media (@page)
  9. Data URIs
  10. document.elementFromPoint()
  11. document.head
  12. document.scrollingElement
  13. DOM manipulation convenience methods
  14. DOMContentLoaded
  15. DOMMatrix
  16. Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH)
  17. Element.closest()
  18. Element.insertAdjacentElement() & Element.insertAdjacentText()
  19. ES6 Generators
  20. EventTarget.addEventListener()
  21. EventTarget.dispatchEvent
  22. FLAC audio format
  23. focusin & focusout events
  24. HEIF/ISO Base Media File Format
  25. HEVC/H.265 video format
  26. HTTP/2 protocol
  27. JPEG 2000 image format
  28. JPEG XR image format
  29. KeyboardEvent.code
  30. KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()
  31. KeyboardEvent.key
  32. KeyboardEvent.location
  33. MathML
  34. Media Fragments
  35. MP3 audio format
  36. MPEG-4/H.264 video format
  37. Mutation events
  38. Node.compareDocumentPosition()
  39. Node.innerText
  40. Node.textContent
  41. Ogg Vorbis audio format
  42. Ogg/Theora video format
  43. Opus
  44. Passive event listeners
  45. PNG alpha transparency
  46. querySelector/querySelectorAll
  47. Resource Hints: dns-prefetch
  48. Resource Hints: preconnect
  49. Resource Hints: prefetch
  50. Resource Hints: preload
  51. Resource Hints: prerender
  52. SDCH Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding
  53. Shadow DOM (V1)
  54. theme-color Meta Tag
  55. WAI-ARIA Accessibility features
  56. Wav audio format
  57. WebAssembly
  58. WebM video format
  59. WebVTT - Web Video Text Tracks
  60. WOFF - Web Open Font Format
  61. WOFF 2.0 - Web Open Font Format
  62. XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml
  63. Animated PNG (APNG)
  64. EOT - Embedded OpenType fonts
  65. HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
  66. KeyboardEvent.charCode
  67. KeyboardEvent.which
  68. Resource Hints: Lazyload
  69. Shadow DOM (deprecated V0 spec)
  70. SPDY protocol
  71. WebP image format
  72. XHTML+SMIL animation
  73. All Other features


  1. AbortController & AbortSignal
  2. Accelerometer
  3. Ambient Light Sensor
  4. Auxclick
  5. Base64 encoding and decoding
  6. Basic console logging functions
  7. Battery Status API
  8. Beacon API
  9. BigInt
  10. Blob constructing
  11. Blob URLs
  12. BroadcastChannel
  13. Channel messaging
  14. console.time and console.timeEnd
  15. Constraint Validation API
  16. createImageBitmap
  17. Credential Management API
  18. Cross-document messaging
  19. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
  20. crypto.getRandomValues()
  21. CSS.supports() API
  22. CustomEvent
  23. DeviceOrientation & DeviceMotion events
  24. Do Not Track API
  25. Document Object Model Range
  26. document.currentScript
  27. DOM Parsing and Serialization
  28. Element.getBoundingClientRect()
  29. Element.insertAdjacentHTML()
  30. Encrypted Media Extensions
  31. Fetch
  32. FIDO U2F API
  33. File API
  34. FileReader API
  35. FileReaderSync
  36. Full Screen API
  37. Gamepad API
  38. Geolocation
  39. getUserMedia/Stream API
  40. Gyroscope
  41. High Resolution Time API
  42. IndexedDB
  43. IndexedDB 2.0
  44. Input Method Editor API
  45. Internationalization API
  46. IntersectionObserver
  47. Magnetometer
  48. matches() DOM method
  49. matchMedia
  50. Media Capture from DOM Elements API
  51. Media Source Extensions
  52. MediaRecorder API
  53. Mutation Observer
  54. Navigation Timing API
  55. navigator.hardwareConcurrency
  56. Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC
  57. Online/offline status
  58. Orientation Sensor
  59. Page Visibility
  60. Payment Request API
  61. Pointer events
  62. Pointer Lock API
  63. Proximity API
  64. Push API
  65. requestAnimationFrame
  66. requestIdleCallback
  67. Resource Timing
  68. Screen Orientation
  69. Scroll methods on elements (scroll, scrollTo, scrollBy)
  70. scrollIntoView
  71. Selection API
  72. Server Timing
  73. Server-sent events
  74. Service Workers
  75. Shared Web Workers
  76. Streams
  77. Synchronous Clipboard API
  78. TextEncoder & TextDecoder
  79. Touch events
  80. URL API
  81. URLSearchParams
  82. User Timing API
  83. Vibration API
  84. Web Animations API
  85. Web Audio API
  86. Web Cryptography
  87. Web MIDI API
  88. Web Notifications
  89. Web Sockets
  90. Web Storage - name/value pairs
  91. Web Workers
  92. WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections
  93. XMLHttpRequest advanced features
  94. Background Sync API
  95. Directory selection from file input
  96. document.evaluate & XPath
  97. Document.execCommand()
  98. Efficient Script Yielding: setImmediate()
  99. Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()
  100. Feature Policy
  101. Filesystem & FileWriter API
  102. Network Information API
  103. Permissions API
  104. Picture-in-Picture
  105. Resize Observer
  106. Speech Recognition API
  107. Speech Synthesis API
  108. Web Bluetooth
  109. Web Share API
  110. Web SQL Database
  111. WebUSB
  112. WebXR API
  113. All JS API features


Did you know?
  • You can import usage data from your Google Analytics account and see exactly how well a feature is supported among your own site's visitors. Look under the Settings panel to get started!

  • Usage data for all countries and continents can be imported via the Settings panel.

  • By default, older browser versions are only shown if they have >= 0.5% usage share. You can increase or decrease this value from the Settings panel.

  • If a feature you're looking for is not available on the site, you can vote to have it included. Better yet, if you've done the research you can even submit it yourself!

  • Each feature support table includes a "Usage relative" button. This will resize each browser version cell to be relative to the amount of support it has for the selected usage source.

Browser scores
  1. Chrome 73: 367
  2. Firefox 66: 348
  3. Safari 12.1: 313
  4. Edge 18: 277



"Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.

The site was built and is maintained by Alexis Deveria, with occasional updates provided by the web development community. The design used as of 2014 was largely created by Lennart Schoors.


May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc?

Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY 4.0 license.

Is there a way to see the support data in colors other than red/green?

Yes, you can enable accessible colors from this link or from the option under Settings. This color scheme will be used again on revisit.

Do you have the data available in a raw format?

Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly.

Could you add feature X to the site?

Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. Because of this I use GitHub issues to manage requests. Feel free to add/vote for your feature there.

If you've done the research yourself already, you can also submit a feature on GitHub.

Could you cover email clients too so I can see what I can use in HTML emails?

That certainly sounds useful, but for now I only intend to take on web browser support.

Which features do you choose to add to this list?

I use the following criteria:

  1. Useful to web designers/developers
  2. Likely to be eventually implemented by the majority of browsers
  3. Not already fully supported in even old browsers. These features can be made searchable but will not include support tables.

Most features are added in priority order from this list.

How do you test support?

I use a hand-crafted test suite to test features, which tests for basic support of each feature.

The test suite is publicly available at

Where do you get your information for upcoming versions?

Most information comes directly from the latest developer/preview/nightly builds.

When is a feature considered "supported"?

When its primary purpose is largely fulfilled. It does not mean it's 100% supported, just that it's usable in most cases.

How often is this page updated?

I try to keep it as current as possible, with new information being usually being processed within a few days. Follow the feed if you'd like keep up with all the changes made.