Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

A Letter From Water Protector Little Feather

submitted to Earth First! Newswire

Little Feather and others face off against the police at Standing Rock in 2016.

To all my Relatives and Akicita,

As I sit here in these decaying walls of confinement my mind goes thru all of my hardships through out and in my life. I’ve been through losing the most important people in my life, my mother, little brother Danny who was dying in my arms and my father. I’ve gone thru the most difficult drug addiction anyone can endure. All these struggles in my life were building blocks of strength and courage. I also witnessed the carnage and pain of my own people being hurt, sprayed and just flat out run over. That tore me up, it shook me to the point of having p.t.s.d. please know I’ve been through years of imprisonment of my own demise and stupidity.

But to witness law enforcement-the army reserves and other law enforcement from all over the states take brutal action against young women, mothers, elders and innocent children enraged me–still does! So while I’m in this prison I’m still fighting for you all. I’m OK knowing that not only did I fight for unci maka, and something that is very important: mni wiconi–life changing, I stood for our children, elders and all relatives who couldn’t be there to stand. For our people who were unprotected who didn’t deserve to be treated like animals. I’ve come face to face with the enemy! And stopped them. Ive been shot, sprayed, beaten– I’m proud to be a Native. I’m proud to be a water protector. I’m proud to be Akicita.

So all my Relatives out there fighting still–who feel in despair, I stand with you in this Fight. If i was there I’d be side by side with you, taking down the Black Snake. My Spirit and Honor is with you. Stay positive and strong.

Have Hope and stay in prayer. My utmost solidarity, love, and honor,

Little Feather

EF!J Editors Note: Little Feather has been an excellent pen pal to us since our move to Grants Pass, OR. He asked that we share this letter to all of you online. Write to him if you haven’t yet!

Michael Giron #25201-075
USP Hazelton
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2000
Bruceton Mills, WV 26525

From his support site
Little Feather is a political prisoner currently serving a 36 month federal prison term pursuant to a non-cooperating plea agreement. He is one of several water protectors federally sentenced in relation to the NoDAPL movement at Standing Rock.


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