
Below is a list of timelines (or diaries) we have prepared – unless specified – these are regularly being updated.


Kurdistan Diary Turkey Diary Labour Diary Prisons Diary Refugee Diary Women, Children, LGBTI Diary Ecology Diary Timeline of Turkey’s Current State of Emergency [Discontinued]


News Feed



  • Support by Feminists to Flormar Resistance

    Support by Feminists to Flormar Resistance

    Feminists have come together with 120 Flormar women workers, who were fired for joining union. Gathering at Petrol-İş (Oil-Labor) Headquarters at 12 p.m. upon feminist organizations’ call, as many as 200 people went to Kocaeli to meet Flormar workers. Launching a social media campaign with the hashtag #KadınlarFlormarİşçileriyle (Women …More »
  • 200 Female Workers Occupy Factory

    200 Female Workers Occupy Factory

    200 Female workers occupy Çerkezköy Prettl Endüstri Factory during negotiations with Union of Turkish Workers concerning sacking of 20 workers, 19 of whom were women. One of the sacked women made the following statement on social media: “I am a female worker at the Prettl Factory and I, along with 19 of …More »
  • Feminist Night March in Beyoğlu Today

    Feminist Night March in Beyoğlu Today

    Women will rally at 16th Feminist Night March to be held in Beyoğlu, İstanbul today (March 8). Slogan of the traditional night march has been set as “Our Life, Rebellion, Struggle: FEMINIZM”. Women will meet in front of French Cultural Center (Fransız Kültür Merkezi) tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The …More »
  • Women to Take to the Street on February 14: Down with Unequal Love

    Women to Take to the Street on February 14: Down with Unequal Love

    Women will be taking to the street with the slogan, “Down with Unequal Love: We Want Life!” on February 14 (Valentine’s Day). Women will gather in front of Hakan Patisserie in Istanbul Beşiktaş at 7:30 pm. The call for the protest is as follows: “‘February 14 (Valentine’s Day)’ is …More »
  • Workers protest poor conditions at construction of massive airport

    Workers protest poor conditions at construction of massive airport

    Construction workers held a protest on February 1 at İstanbul’s third airport project site, showing the reaction against the poor working conditions and non-payments. Around 1.500 thousands of workers protested the working conditions, as their working hours were extended so as to finish the airport project that is still …More »
  • Militants of TKP/ML: The Necessity of the Armed Struggle Has Once Again Been Brought to Light

    Militants of TKP/ML: The Necessity of the Armed Struggle Has Once Again Been Brought to Light

    Reportedly, militants of TKP/ML (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist) carried out an attack with blast bombs and rifles towards a police station in Kıraç of Istanbul, Esenyurt. According to the news we have received on the late night of the 14th of November militants targeted the Kıraç police station. It …More »
  • Cemre’s Action Will Crush The Tyrants

    Cemre’s Action Will Crush The Tyrants

    “In the burning skies, we are the birds of fire. We are everywhere and nowhere.“ On 27th of June, Cemre Heval (Eylem Ataş) comrade was immortalized in Manbij. Today is 9th of September. For 74 days the body of our comrade has been waiting to take its immortal action …More »
  • Aziz Güler Freedom Force Militia Destroyed Store For Sacking Unionized Workers

    Gaziosmanpaşa branch of TEDİ A.Ş who discharged its unionized workers by taking advantage of anti-worker policies of the AKP-ISIS fascism have been destroyed by our forces on 30.08.2016. The fascist party, while performing a political line in parallel with the interests of the capital groups day by day increases …More »
  • Kurds’ Hunger Strike Aims to Open Path to Negotiations: Kurdish Party Co-Chair Tuncel

    Kurds’ Hunger Strike Aims to Open Path to Negotiations: Kurdish Party Co-Chair Tuncel

    Pro-autonomy Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-chair Sebahat Tuncel has called the declaration to start an “indefinite hunger-strike” on 5 September a “historic day”. Below are highlights from Tuncel’s interview with DIHA. “Today is a historic day. The Kurdish political movement and democratic forces have come to a decision to …More »
  • Women Prisoners Set Ablaze Wards Against Increasing Oppression

    As the autocracy of government increases by the OHAL (state of emergency), AKP raises the pressure on political prisoners while reconstructing the bourgeois state institutions. Following the coup attempt, political prisoners who are subjected to increasing oppression, violence and forced displacements, resist against OHAL repressions everyday. In the previous …More »
  • Women Freedom Forces: Cemre Has Fallen, Spring Is Close

    29.06.2016 United Freedom Forces fighter Cemre Heval (Eylem Ataş) has been immortalized in combat in the frontmost trenches during the Manbij assault against the gangs. Eylem Ataş who has fought hand to hand in Siluk Front Internationalist Freedom Battalion, in Tishrin assault and many other military operations, who has …More »
  • A Private Employment Office Was Destroyed in Istanbul: We Will Not Allow Inhuman Laws to Be Implemented

    A Private Employment Office Was Destroyed in Istanbul: We Will Not Allow Inhuman Laws to Be Implemented

    Aziz Güler Freedom Forces Militia Organization claimed responsibility for the destruction of a private employment office in Avcılar of Istanbul. Responsibility claim is as below: “An establishment performing as a worker trade center under the name of “Private Employment Office” in Cihangir neighbourhood of Avcılar, Istanbul was destroyed by …More »
  • Vegan Prisoner Osman Evcan Is on Hunger Strike Once Again

    Vegan Prisoner Osman Evcan Is on Hunger Strike Once Again

    Vegan prisoner Osman Evcan is on hunger strike for the 4th time due to not being served vegan food, being subjected to naked search and restricted access to books and communication tools.  Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan who was forcibly exiled to Silivri No 6 L Type Prison from …More »
  • Gültan Kisanak: Urgent Call for Solidarity and Action

    Gültan Kisanak: Urgent Call for Solidarity and Action

    T.C. Union of Southeastern Anatolia Region Municipalities In the course of armed conflict that restarted in the Kurdish region of Turkey after general elections in June 2015, 186 civilians most of which are women or children have died so far, hundreds of them were injured and thousands of people were …More »
  • YDG-K (Patriotic Democratic Women’s Youth):  Child saved from forced marriage

    YDG-K (Patriotic Democratic Women’s Youth): Child saved from forced marriage

    17 year-old Zeynep K. was rescued in Cizre on her wedding night as she was about to be forcefully wed, this was following her imprisonment in her home for six months after she had initially refused, at which time she was subjected to physical violence from her brother. The …More »
  • Weekly Report 18 -25 October 2015

    Turkey Diary Protests against the Ankara massacre were held countrywide. New footages were revealed showing police gassing doctors who were trying to treat the injured moments after the explosions. State security forces attacked commemoration demonstrations and several demonstrators were arrested.   It came to light that the leader of the …More »
  • Ankara: Massive Explosions at Peace Rally

    UPDATE, October 13, 2015: Turkish Medical Association revised death toll as 105, declared number of casulties as 53 with 30 people in critical condition. Thousands of people have gathered in Ankara to participate in the Labour, Peace and Democracy Rally that is organized by confederations of trade unions and professional …More »
  • Remember 100 Years Of State Terror In Cizre

    While news flow on social media despite the main stream’s blindness, tweet after tweet with photos of demolished houses, hunted children, bodies of civilians in refrigerators, we wonder and ask: ‘Have we done our best to show our solidarity with the people of Cizre?’ Calls for peace, arrested comrades …More »
  • Racist are on a Witch Hunt

    Racist are on a Witch Hunt

    As the tension grows, the Turkish State keeps provoking racist groups. Throughout yesterday day and night, news came from all around Turkey that Kurdish people, their workplaces and HDP were attacked by fascists. The state’s pressure continues in Kurdish cities and every day number of deaths rises. A ten …More »
  • Weekly Report 31 August-07 September 2015

    Kurdistan Diary Special operation police teams attacked the neighborhoods of Esentepe and Esenyurt in Yüksekova district of Hakkari  at night, Auguts 31. A youth named Ali Kaval lost his life as police opened random fire from armored vehicles. HDP Şırnak deputy Ferhat Encü said people in Silopi faced the …More »
  • Weekly Report 24-31 August 2015

    Kurdistan Diary The forests surrounding the village of Gürkavak in the province of Yüksekova were bombed following the ‘human shield’ initiative that has been in place in Hakkari since the 17th of August.  A fire broke out in the region following the bombing.  The region was declared a ‘Special …More »
  • Women of Cizre Guard Their Streets From Police

    Women of Cizre Guard Their Streets From Police

    ŞIRNEX – As the Turkish state increasingly resorts to violence against women and children in Kurdistan, women have started standing vigil in the streets of the Kurdish town of Cizre until the peace they want comes. The town of Cizre is located in Şırnak province. There, 15 women, among …More »
  • Weekly Report 17 – 24 August 2015

    Kurdistan Diary Turkish jets started bombing Qendil in the Guerilla controlled areas, in South Kurdistan on August 20. People’s Defense Forces (HPG) Press Office has reported in a statement that bombardments and the aerial activities of the Turkish military against the guerrilla held areas and Garê area of Medya …More »
  • Weekly Report 10 – 16 August 2015

    Weekly Report 10 – 16 August 2015

    North Kurdistan Diary  The first declaration of ‘self-rule’ came from Silop and the reaction of the government to this was to arrest all of the governing board members of the HDP/DBP (People’s Democratic Party/Democratic Regions Party) and take them into custody.  As soon as the Kurdish people became aware of …More »
  • Weekly report 3 – 9 August 2015

    Weekly report 3 – 9 August 2015

    North Kurdistan Diary  A delegation from the HDP (People’s Democratic Party) has reported that during the Turkish Air Force strikes 8 civilians were killed and 15 seriously injured in Kandil’s Zergele village.  In the statement made by the delegation they declared that there is clear evidence that a massacre …More »
  • State Terror: From Lice in 1993 to Silopi in 2015

    State Terror: From Lice in 1993 to Silopi in 2015

    In 1993, one of the most horrific human rights violations took place in Lice( town in southeast Turkey’s Diyarbakır Province with Kurdish majority) between 20-23 October. Turkish Army using  the assassination of General Bahtiyar Aydın, the regional commander of the Turkish Jandarma in Diyarbakır, as an excuse (which PKK strongly denied), systematically moved throughout the …More »
  • Weekly Report 27 July – 2 August

    Weekly Report 27 July – 2 August

    Kurdistan Diary Turkish Army bombs Kurdish Zap, Metina, Xakurke, Haftanin and Gare while IS attacks Kobanê from Cerablus. Turkey-Iran gaslines sabotaged. Airforce drops flamable chemicals, wildfire in Lice flares up… To follow up day by day till August 2: http://isyandan.org/english/timeline-of-turkeys-current-state-of-emergency/ YPG (People’s Defense Units) Press Office has released the balance …More »
  • Strategies of the Ruling Classes and Resistance of the People

    Based on the reports prepared by the sovereign, it is understood that impoverishment of large masses is aimed at while structural measures are taken in favour of the international capital. Reports prepared by the sovereign indicate that global capitalist system has been in a structural crisis and any kind …More »
  • Weekly Report 20 – 26 July 2015

    Weekly Report 20 – 26 July 2015

    Northern Kurdistan Diary KCK, in its statement concerning the Suruç Massacre, emphasized that the AKP government who supported and fostered ISIS, had first degree culpability in it. (July 20) 5 YPG fighters that have died in the clashes within the Cizîrê Canton were interred with a massive ceromony attended by …More »
  • Timeline of Turkey’s Current State of Emergency

    Timeline of Turkey’s Current State of Emergency

    The bombing in Suruç, Urfa which took place on the 19th of July, has seemingly sparked an as-of-yet undeclared state of emergency in Turkey, which is quite unprecedented, save for the 1980 Military Coup d’Etat and the years of repression that followed it. This is the reason we start …More »
  • Gazi District: Revolutionary Was Executed, Funeral Then Blockaded

    Gazi District: Revolutionary Was Executed, Funeral Then Blockaded

    After Suruç Massacre, as a part of the so called ISIS operation launched by the state on 24th of July, mostly socialists, leftist dissidents are detained. During the operation 1050 people were taken into custody of which only 22 were charged of being related to ISIS. While Turkish State uses …More »
  • Statement of MLSPB/ Revolution Front for #Suruç Massacre

    Revolution Front Portal To the people of Turkey, Kurdistan and Middle East After  Commander Rubar Qamışlo lunge ending up in victory and the reunion of Cizîrê‎ and Kobanê Cantons, the reactionist gang of imperialism and Turkish State oligarchy; ISIS (DAİŞ) carried out a vicious attack against our comrades who …More »
  • Statement of MLKP for #Suruç Massacre

    Statement of MLKP for #Suruç Massacre

    The Central Committee of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party has made the following statement: It’s the MLKP’s duty to bring those responsible for this massacre to account and to heighten the revolutionary struggle. This duty will be fulfilled in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan as well as in Rojava and …More »
  • Bombing in Suruç: Tens of Youth Killed

    A suicide bombing directed at Amara Culture Center in the district  where three hundred members of Socialist Youth Society Federation (SGDF)  departing from İstanbul yesterday to Urfa’s Suruç in order to participate in the reconstruction of Kobane, has claimed 32 lives. The violent attack took place at the yard of the culture …More »
  • Weekly Report 5-12 July 2015

    Weekly Report 5-12 July 2015

    Turkey diary * In Istanbul on the 10th of July a perfunctory operation was carried out against IS.  In spite of this token operation scenes were televised by Dicle News Agency reporters showing IS militants passing with ease into Syria from  the province of Elbeyli which borders Kilis province …More »
  • Green Road Project Resistance Fighter Rabia: Who is the state?

    Green Road Project Resistance Fighter Rabia: Who is the state?

    The Green Road Project that will connect eight provinces in the highlands with its 2600km length is protested due to the damage it will cause to the environment in Black Sea Region. During the women-led protests yesterday, while people standing with sticks in front of the bulldozers, Rabia Özcan who chanted …More »
  • Çilem Doğan: Will women always die? Let some men die too

    Çilem Doğan: Will women always die? Let some men die too

    ‘Will women always die? Let some men die too’ told Çilem Doğan to police after she had been arrested for killing her abusive ex-husband. Self-defense is a right! Çilem Doğan, a young woman at the age of 28 killed her abusive ex-husband at her home in Adana. Despite the fact …More »
  • Weekly Report, 29 June – 5 July 2015

    Weekly Report, 29 June – 5 July 2015

    Kobane Massacre  *It has been confirmed that the IS militants responsible for the Kobanê massacre entered the city from Turkey.  A member of IS, captured alive admitted that an attacking column and armoured division had entered Kobanê via Turkey.  An identification document from the Disasters and Emergencies Ministry was …More »
  • Women form self-defense brigade in Aleppo

    Women form self-defense brigade in Aleppo

    Women have formed a neighborhood self-defense brigade in the city of Aleppo, Syria. In the war-torn and divided city of Aleppo, Syria, women in the neighborhood of Şêxmeqsûd have formed a self-defense brigade, according to the news agency ANHA. The YPJ women’s self-defense forces have trained a group of …More »
  • Teacher on Hunger Strike Has Regained Her Job

    Teacher on Hunger Strike Has Regained Her Job

    Hatice Yüksel who has started a hunger strike after she was suspended from her job due to her attendance to a press conference has returned to the school. An English Teacher in Beylikova Atatürk School in Eskişehir, Hatice Yüksel, was suspended by the governorship because she had attended a …More »
  • International Freedom Battalion: women of the world, defend the Rojava revolution

    International Freedom Battalion: women of the world, defend the Rojava revolution

    SERÊKANIYÊ – The International Freedom Battalion, a new brigade of international revolutionaries fighting to defend the Rojava revolution, has called on women of the world to join their ranks. This week, international revolutionary fighters who have come to Rojava to defend the revolution there announced the formation of the …More »
  • Where Has The Strike of Metal Workers Come To?

    Where Has The Strike of Metal Workers Come To?

    The strike action wave which thousands of workers in Renault’s Bursa facility on the night of 14th May started by halting production with the demand of wage improvement has transformed into a struggle of the right to say, authorization and decision against deception that has been going on for …More »
  • NON-SPACE: The Collapse of the City as Commodity [Short Documentary]

    NON-SPACE: The Collapse of the City as Commodity [Short Documentary]

    The short documentary Non-space – The Death of the City as Commodity, explores the ways in which AKP’s construction-based economic growth strategy has become a mechanism for destruction. While this economic programme has turned our neighbourhoods into investment tools of foreign and domestic capital, it plunders our cities, forests, …More »
  • AGORAPHOBIA – Investigating Turkey’s Urban Transformation [Documentary]

    AGORAPHOBIA – Investigating Turkey’s Urban Transformation [Documentary]

    In October 2012, an international team of architects, urban planners and a small film crew spent five days in Turkey to study the urban transformation process in three cities: Ankara, Bursa and Istanbul. This is their story. Seven months later, a wave of resistance spread through the country that …More »
  • Explosions at HDP Rally in Diyarbakır

    Explosions at HDP Rally in Diyarbakır

    5th of June, HDP was holding a massive election rally in Diyarbakır with hundreds of thousands of people attending. Just as co-leader Selahattin Demirtaş was about to address the crowd, bombs started going off – two successive explosions happened. Shortly after, Police started attacking the mass with tear gas …More »
  • Where Does Metal Workers’ Movement Go?

    Where Does Metal Workers’ Movement Go?

    Strike wave that started as Renault workers halted production on the night of 14th May has transformed into a strike movement in metal sector in which around 1 million 300 thousand workers in Turkey either a member or not a member of a trade union work. This strike movement …More »
  • Weekly Report 24-31 May, 2015

    Weekly Report 24-31 May, 2015

    1) Joint Anti-Nuclear Protests Sunday, 24th of May, in Greece, Cyprus, Georgia and many cities in Turkey, anti nuclear protestors took to the streets with simultaneous demonstrations against the AKP’s nuclear power plant projects.       2) Yet Another Wave of Attacks Targeting Election Offices of the HDP Monday, …More »
  • The Wind of Metal Workers Becomes A Hurricane

    The Wind of Metal Workers Becomes A Hurricane

    The spark that the Oyak Renault workers ignited on 14th of April in the city of Bursa – also referred as the Detroit of Turkey -, has turned into a blazing fire as thousands of determined workers decided to join in. A month after the beginning of protests (14th …More »
  • The Wind of Metal Workers Rises

    The Wind of Metal Workers Rises

    For the past few weeks, the wind is rising for the working class in Bursa, the 4th biggest city of Turkey and the heart of automobile industry of the country. Because the monopolies have a strong relationships with bourgeous media, these events were not much mentioned. The protests grew …More »
  • [Correction] 16 Year-Old Sıla Abalay On 37th Day Of Hunger Strike

    [Correction] 16 Year-Old Sıla Abalay On 37th Day Of Hunger Strike

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to prison conditions, uncertainty over Sila Abalay’s continuing hunger strike and that there are no additional information by her lawyers, we find it necessary to note that this piece of news below is not confirmed.      Following the action in which Prosecutor Kiraz was taken hostage …More »
  • Weekly Report 27 April – 04 May, 2015

    Weekly Report 27 April – 04 May, 2015

    1) Police Brutality Terrorizes May Day Celebrations All over the country, but primarily in Istanbul, people took to the streets to celebrate Labour Day, May 1st. Despite cancelled metro, ferry and metro bus services workers were able to reach Beşiktaş and Şişli and stood firm against police attacks whilst trying to make …More »
  • Weekly Report 20-27 April, 2015

    Weekly Report 20-27 April, 2015

    1) 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Was Commemorated with Various Events On April 21, 2015, Nor Zartonk (“New Awakening” in Armenian) published an open letter concerning the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. In this open letter addressed to “brothers and sisters” Nor Zartonk stated, “As people living …More »
  • Weekly Report 13-20 April, 2015

    Weekly Report 13-20 April, 2015

    1) #Soma Hearing Begins The first hearing of the case regarding the mine disaster in Manisa’s province of Soma, resulted in the death of 301 miners had started on April 13th. The decision to hear testimonies of the 8 jailed defendants through the Sound and Image Informatics System (SEGBIS) was …More »
  • Çağlayan Courthouse: State Breaks Negotiations, Commits Massacre Instead

    Çağlayan Courthouse: State Breaks Negotiations, Commits Massacre Instead

    The State took advantage of the on-going hostage negotiations (which were said to be nearing a conclusion) with DHKC Militants to prepare and launch an assault that ended with the massacre of both the hostage and the militants in Çağlayan Courhouse on the 31st of March 2015. The youth …More »