We Can Block the Wall!

  • Posted on: 15 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

On February 15, we call for a movement from below. It is time to act courageously—together. We need a bold, positive vision of the future in contrast to Trump’s white supremacist fantasy. We need to create a world in which people can move freely, where families can find refuge from danger, and communities are brave enough to welcome newcomers and create a shared sense of belonging.

Updates and Tabler Lineup for Green Scare Anarchist Bookfair May 11-12th Boyceville, Wi

  • Posted on: 14 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

When we first put the call out for table submissions we were overwhelmed. It is good to see so many people were interested in tabling this event. Many didn't get back to us in time before others confirmed. But here is the good news: (unless we get locked up or some shit like that) we doin' this event again next year! Anyone who didn't make it this year and still interested will get first pick for next year. So here is the official lineup!

“Expressive Eyebrows”: Azat Miftakhov Jailed After Secret Witness Testifies

  • Posted on: 14 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

From The Russian Reader February 12, 2019

Azat Miftakhov, a mathematics and mechanics graduate student at Moscow State University, has been remanded in custody until March 7, 2019

Golovina District Court Judge Sergei Bazarov has remanded Azat Miftakhov in custody for a month, until March 7, at the request of police investigators. The police suspect Miftakhov of involvement in a January 13, 2018, incident in which a window in the Khovrino office of the United Russia party was broken and a smoke bomb was thrown inside.

Anarchy Radio 02-12-2019

  • Posted on: 14 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio02122019

Kathan co-hosts. Strikes then & now. Chomsky on "Moral Depravity." More on ASMR. "Becoming Animal." Rentafriend.com. Despair the basis of school shootings. "See something, say something." Latest fashion is post-apocalypse-wear. Surprising allergies rise. "Fauxtography." Resistance briefs, one (nihilist) call.


Russia: Tortured anarchist detained again for ‘hooliganism’

  • Posted on: 14 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

A Moscow court yesterday denied bail to Azat Miftakhov on the charge, which has seemingly been brought because the State was unable to justify earlier terror-related allegations.

Initially grabbed by police on suspicion of being a bomb-maker on February 1st, Azat was released a week later after a violent interrogation failed to make him confess, but immediately detained again on lesser charges.

Italy – Issue 3 (winter 2019) of the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’ is out . EN/IT

  • Posted on: 12 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!

This is the fourth issue of ‘Vetriolo’. Four issues are certainly not a few for a publication such as this. Rather than accumulate and reinforce certitudes, we believe the paper has tried to corrode and crush them, as it posed new doubts and nourished old questions. Certainly not out of a mere taste for rhetoric or polemics, but because we think that there are always a lot of ‘knots to be untied’.


Italy : Presence in court in solidarity with those on trial for Scripta Manent

  • Posted on: 12 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!

The first phase of the Scripta Manent trial, following which seven comrades have been locked up in pre-trial detention for over two years, will come to an end in the early months of 2019, with a first-grade sentence.

UPDATE Eric King 2/12/2019

  • Posted on: 12 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Support Eric King

Update 2/12/2019

We received an update regarding his disciplinary hearing. We think it is important to share Eric’s words rather than us try to explain the trauma that is involved in these hearings. As of right now communication is still restricted between Eric and his partner. Eric has filed a grievance and then two appeals to the grievance. Both times asking why the contact is restricted and to remove the restrictions. The response to each was that they already told him and that he said he understood. If they did indeed tell him (they didn’t) then why should they have a problem informing him and his lawyer again. It is shady business as usual at USP Leavenworth and the BOP regional office.

