Lost on the lane to love? AAA’s offering a unique space to talk

  • Posted on: 21 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Freedom News UK

Previously called #NHS4lefties, Anarcho Agony Aunts is a live-streamed relationship advice show featuring awkward questions and the hosts’ self-deprecating answers, all under the umbrella of radical feminism and anti-fascism. Hosts Rowan and Marijam are attempting to reclaim space from the alt-right in giving people (mostly men) a space to ask tricky questions in a judgment-free zone. Alex Pouget interviews the self-styled experts on how this project came to be and why is it important to talk about sex on the left.

Anarchy Radio 02-19-2019

  • Posted on: 19 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio02192019

Valentine's Day...and self-love(?) Weave: the Social Fabric Project. Pig shootings, mass shooting of the week. Mega-polluted city of the week: Bangkok. Eco-disaster tid-bits. Online instructional videos do not impart skills. Depression impacts, resistance. Email, iPhones misery. Online and failing, anxious. Nihilism not ideological? Wyld North (UK). Actions shorts from here and there.

TOTW: Crisis

  • Posted on: 18 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

Crisis is the flavor of the week for politicians and the news media: opioids, borders, student loans, Venezuelan elections - to name just a few recent ones. Calling something a crisis does a lot of things - it mobilizes people towards a goal, opens up funding streams, allows policies to be implemented in the name of health, defense and democracy, and gets people to click on links. It’s a way to get people talking, and more importantly, to get some of them moving.

Empires Crumble, 10: Anarchy & Art (with Margaret Killjoy)

  • Posted on: 18 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Gods and Radicals

What's the relationship between anarchism and art? How do we create the kind of world we want to see? And how we learn to believe that we are “good enough?"

In this episode, Alley and Rhyd talk with guest Margaret Killjoy and share stories of how they became who they are.

Vermont interview with American YPG volunteer concerning the revolution in Rojava

  • Posted on: 16 February 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Vermont interview with American YPG volunteer concerning the revolution in Rojava

Listen to Mike Alexander, who volunteered as an international fighter with the YPG, discuss the revolution in Rojava on WDEV’s Equal Time Radio by clicking on the below link:

Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in January

  • Posted on: 16 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Sprout Distro

First off, sorry for not publishing one of these round-ups for the past two months.

Second, we’d like to encourage people to get into the habit of producing zines. While the trend towards using the Internet as a primary means of communication (particularly as “outreach”) for the anarchist space has been happening consistently over the past decades, it seems that noticeably fewer zines and publications are being produced. There could be any number of different reasons for it, but we find it to be disappointing. We would hope that the lack of publishing is due to anarchists living in face-to-face communities on their own terms, experimenting in autonomy or perhaps in active conflict with the state. Unfortunately, our hunch is that anarchy is ever more absorbing the both the patterns of communication informed by social media and its underlying logic (performance, a quest for likes, an accelerated pace of tweet/retweets/etc).
