May 20, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : News from the State of Emergency issue 5 – Mural paper from Trentino
May 17, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rovereto, Italy : sabotage of lines in solidarity with the Bologna arrested comrades
Rovereto, Italy : sabotage of lines in solidarity with the Bologna arrested comrades
We learn from the local papers that in the night between Thursday and Friday an anonymous action disabled 5 telephone and web line exchange booths. The result was a “blackout” of part of the city (there is talk of 2000 users).
Translated by Act for freedom now!
May 17, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Poster in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in Bologna in Italy on May 13 2020
Poster in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in Bologna in Italy on May 13 2020
Posted on 2020/05/14 by Sans_Attendre
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Right now
You can’t crush ideas by suppressing them.
You can only crush them by ignoring them.
By refusing to think, refusing to change.
Ursula K. Le Guin
Right now, while humans are staying inside, animals are taking back space, leaving traces and opening up unexplored paths that accomplice spirits can travel to out of the blue, reach interesting places and sensitive points far from prying metal eyes.
Right now, an inspired and inspiring wave is spreading across Europe, from France to the Netherlands, via Germany.
Right now this irrepressible, elusive wave is leaving behind it punctured wheels, burnt antennas, severed cables.
This wave is called: Sabotage. And it continues to surge despite the Fear.
They have dystopia. We have the weapon of utopia.
Accomplices and in solidarity with Duccio, Ele, Stefi, Nicole, Guido, Martino, Otta, Leo, Zip, Tommi, Angelo and Emma!
wild hearts
In Italian Poster in solidarity:
May 17, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo
Italy: From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo
Davide has sent us the following communique which we are pleased to publish, the following has been written together with a companion of his from the isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo.
Unconditionally we will continue to stand by our comrade’s side!
Sardegna Anarchica
Cassa di sostegno per l’anarchico sardo prigioniero deportato Davide Delogu
From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo
We are two prisoners who have been thrown into the isolation section “South” of the Pagliarelli prison (in Palermo) without any judicial measure to justify it. We are Carmine Lanzetta (AS3 [detained in “High Surveillance 3” circuit]) from January in total continuous isolation started with the disciplinary isolation for 10 days that still continues, and Davide Delogu, Sardinian anarchist, from February in continuous isolation for reasons of order and security for which we should not do more than 15 days, held hostage with the revenge of total isolation.
May 17, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Episode number 34 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”
Episode number 34 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”
This is episode number 34 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
Listen or download HERE (Language English)
If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,
This issue is naturally concentrated on topic of corona-virus and it’s influence on our struggles. Unfortunately we have inputs only from one continent this time, but it is special due to the presence of voices of people struggling at Rojava, at Moria refugee camp and prisons in Greece. For us it’s very important to give this voices a chance to be heard.
Content of this edition:
– Free social radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki, Greece
Hunger strike of V. Dimakis
1st of May in Greece
Some words about Grup Yorum, the hunger strikes and the deaths of 3 comrades.
– A-Radio Berlin: Interview on the film “Radical Resilience” about political burnout and how to avoid it.
– FrequenzA: The audio is from two internationalist, which are based in Rojava at the moment, about their thoughts and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the society there and why it makes sense to fight the capitalist system worldwide.
– Radio Fragmata: Updates on situation in Greece and coronavirus (May Day 2020, New environment destructive policy, police brutality, refugees struggles and fascists attacks, anarchist and revolutionary prisoners situation, mutual aid actions)
– Invisible Radio: Voices of people from Moria camp and Last incidents in prisons and camps in Greece
-recommended radios from Chile:
May 16, 2020
by actforfreedom
The existing health crisis and its management from governments until now, globally, has unmasked the real character of authority, which was hiding itself behind the democratic mask. This oppressive system imposed an ultimate control of life, forbidding everything. Now, all civil liberties have become senseless words. This extreme condition that we live in, reveals that the prison-model is the true capitalistic model of society.
Prison is the most extreme form of bio-politics and extermination. Prisoners are under constant surveillance and control, something that, nowadays is happening to the whole society.
In this period of time, prisoners in greek prisons are dying, one after another, from minor causes such as rotten teeth etc. Selim Zerolari and Azizel Demiroglou were two prisoners that we were informed about their deaths, this month. Mass media, of course, managed to conceal or distort these news. Furthermore, the state has grabbed the opportunity, due to the curfew, to move the most active prisoners, anarchists and others, into other prisons. Silence in the streets gives more power to the state to repress the voices of the imprisoned people.
Incarceration has always been, and remains, a form of torture and a tool of submission for authority. If we don’t resist to this modern totalitarianism, we will live in this prison-society, which states systematically impose.
Throughout the planet, in the face of the corona virus threat, prisoners stacked in prisons and migrant concentration camps are shouting: We are prisoners, not death row convicts!
Korinthos migrant concentration camp, Greece: 1,200 migrants go on hunger strike, March ‘20
Italy, March ‘20: 27 prisons in revolt due to the corona virus, many prisoners killed in the clashes
Argentina, April ‘20: revolt in Concordia prison, guards respond with shootings
Palmasola, Bolivia, May ‘20: 2 prisoners left to die from the corona virus, prisoners revolt
Chile: stirke mobilization at high security prison in Santiago, May ‘20
Thebes prison, Greece: prisoners revolt after prisoner dies beause she was not taken to hospital, April ‘20
29-30-31 MAY 2020
comrades, solidarians with prisoners’ struggles
Η παρούσα υγειονομική κρίση και η ως τώρα διαχείρισή της από τις κυβενήσεις, σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, ξεσκέπασε το πραγματικό πρόσωπο της εξουσίας, το οποίο κρυβόταν πίσω από τις δημοκρατικές φανφάρες. Το καταπιεστικό αυτό σύστημα επέβαλλε τον πλήρη έλεγχο της ζωής απαγορεύοντας τα πάντα. Πλέον, όλες οι αστικές ελευθερίες έχουν γίνει κουρελόχαρτα. Σε αυτή την ακραία συνθήκη που ζούμε, αποδεικνύεται ότι το μοντέλο της φυλακής είναι το αληθινό κοινωνικό μοντέλο του καπιταλισμού.
Η φυλακή είναι η πιό ξεκάθαρη μορφή βιοπολιτικής διαχείρισης αλλά και εξόντωσης. Οι κρατούμενοι βρίσκονται υπό συνεχή επιτήρηση και έλεγχο, πράγμα που αυτή τη στιγμή συμβαίνει σε ολόκληρη την κοινωνία.
Αυτή τη χρονική περίοδο, οι κρατούμενοι στις ελληνικές φυλακές πεθαίνουν ο ένας μετά τον άλλον για ασήμαντες αιτίες όπως σαπισμένα δόντια κλπ. Ο Σελίμ Ζερολάρι και η Αζιζέλ Ντεμιρόγλου ήταν δύο από αυτές τις περιπτώσεις που έφτασαν στα αυτιά μας τον τελευταίο μήνα. Φυσικά, τα ΜΜΕ φρόντισαν να θάψουν ή να διαστρεβλώσουν αυτά τα γεγονότα. Επίσης, με την ευκαιρία της απαγόρευσης κυκλοφορίας, το κράτος έχει προχωρήσει σε μεταγωγές αναρχικών και άλλων κρατουμένων, πρώτα-πρώτα των πιό δραστήριων, δηλαδή των πιό ενοχλητικών για το καθεστώς. Η σιωπή που επικρατεί στους δρόμους, δίνει στο κράτος την δύναμη να καταστείλει τις φωνές που βρίσκονται μέσα στις φυλακές.
Ο εγκλεισμός ήταν πάντα και παραμένει βασανιστήριο και εργαλείο υποταγής στα χέρια της εξουσίας. Αν δεν αντισταθούμε στον σύγχρονο ολοκληρωτισμό, θα ζούμε μόνιμα σε αυτή την κοινωνία-φυλακή που το κράτος διαχρονικά διαμορφώνει.
Σε όλο τον πλανήτη, αντιμέτωποι με την απειλή του κωρονοϊού, κρατούμενοι στοιβαγμένοι σε φυλακές και στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης μεταναστών κραυγάζουν: Είμαστε κρατούμενοι, όχι θανατοποινίτες!
Στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης μεταναστών Κορίνθου: 1,200 μετανάστες προχωρούν σε απεργία πείνας, Μάρτιος ´20
Ιταλία, Μάρτιος ´20: 27 φυλακές σε εξέγερση λόγω του κωρονοϊού, πολλοί νεκροί κρατούμενοι στις συγκρούσεις
Αργεντινή, Απρίλης ´20: Εξέγερση στη φυλακή Concordia, οι δεσμοφύλακες απαντούν με σφαίρες
Παλμασόλα, Βολιβία, Μάης ´20: 2 κρατούμενοι αφήνονται να πεθάνουν από κωρονοιό, εξέγερση των κρατουμένων
Χιλή: κινητοποίηση με απεργία στις φυλακές υψίστης ασφαλείας στο Σαντιάγκο, Μάης ´20
Φυλακές Θήβας, Ελλάδα: εξέγερση των κρατουμένων μετά από θάνατο κρατουμένης γιατί δεν μεταφέρθηκε στο νοσοκομείο, Απρίλης ´20
29-30-31 ΜΑΙΟΥ 2020
σύντροφια, αλληλέγγυα με τους αγώνες των κρατουμένων
May 16, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Toulouse, France: Tunnel effect (May 9, 2020) (it-en-fr)
Toulouse, France: Tunnel effect (May 9, 2020) (it-en-fr)
Tolosa, Francia: Effetto tunnel (09/05/2020)
«L’effetto tunnel è una reazione naturale, legata allo stress e dovuta alla focalizzazione dello sguardo su un punto preciso, come se si guardasse attraverso un teleobiettivo».
Nella notte fra l’8 e il 9 maggio [2020], su una filiale della banca Caisse d’Epargne è stata fatta la scritta «Macronavirus, quando la fine?» e i suoi vetri sono stati infranti.
Gli/le autori/e non smettono di descrivere l’attitudine provocatoria e insultante del governo, la sua gestione mediocre della crisi sanitaria e nei confronti della crisi economica che arriverà; come spiegazione, che vorrebbero assolutoria, mettono avanti l’effetto tunnel. Per loro, l’uscita dal tunnel era, quella notte là, l’attacco della Caisse d’Epargne. Questa reazione estrema sarebbe quindi dovuta a un contesto di stress estremo.
E lungo la via del ritorno avrebbero perfino detto «mi ha fatto piacere», cosa che lascia prevedere una seconda ondata.
[Nota: Lo scoiattolo è la mascotte delle banca Caisse d’Epargne].
[Rivendicazione in francese pubblicata in].
Toulouse, France: Tunnel effect (May 9, 2020)
«The tunnel effect is a natural reaction, linked to stress and due to the focus of the gaze on a precise point, as if you were looking through a telephoto lens».
On the night between 8 and 9 May [2020], on a branch of the Caisse d’Epargne bank, the words «Macronavirus, when the end?» were written on the wall and the windows were smashed.
The authors do not stop describing the government’s provocative and insulting attitude and its mediocre management of the health crisis and the economic crisis that is to come; as an explanation, which they would like to absolutely-explain, they put forward the tunnel effect. For them, the exit from the tunnel was, that night there, the attack of the Caisse d’Epargne. This extreme reaction would therefore be due to a context of extreme stress.
And on the way back they would even say «I was pleased», which suggests a second wave.
[Note: The squirrel is the mascot of the Caisse d’Epargne bank].
[Responsibility claim in French published in].
Toulouse, France: Effet tunnel (09/05/2020)
« L’effet tunnel est une réaction naturelle liée au stress due à une focalisation du regard sur un point précis comme si on regardait à travers un téléobjectif ».
Dans la nuit du 8 au 9 mai à Toulouse une caisse d’Epargne a été la cible d’un tag « Macronavirus à quand la fin ? » et les vitres ont été brisées.
Les auteures n’auront de cesse de décrire l’attitude provocante et insultante du gouvernement et de sa gestion médiocre de la crise sanitaire et face à la prochaine crise économique ; en guise d’explication qu’ils voudraient absolutoire, ils brandissent un effet tunnel. Pour eux la sortie du tunnel c’était cette nuit la en attaquant la caisse d’Epargne. Cette réaction extrême serait donc dut a un contexte de stress extrême .
Et sur le chemin du retour ils auraient même dit « ça fait du bien » ce qui laisse prédire une seconde vague.
Translated by insuscettibilediravvedimento
May 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva has been transferred to Spain. New address.
Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva has been transferred to Spain. New address.
Gabriel is being transferred to Spain
We received and are sharing this communication concerning Gabriel Pombo da Silva’s situation. It seems from last night’s news that he was no longer in the prison of Porto that the comrade is presently being transferred to Spain.
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva: imminently being handed over to the Spanish authorities.
Little more than a month has passed since the latest written statement on the legal and prison situation of our anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva. The latest news published speaks of a final sentence issued by the Supreme Court of Lisbon in which the intention to hand over our comrade to the Spanish State was confirmed despite the evident illegality of his very detention (he does not have to do any residual sentence!).
The next step after this ruling should have been an appeal to the Constitutional Court, but over the past few weeks several things have happened to confirm that the obedience of the Portuguese “rule of law” puppets to Court 2 of Girona has not ceased to exist.
In summary: a) the annulment of the final sentence issued by the Supreme Court of Lisbon has been requested because of certain irregularities including: the number of judges who signed it (which should have been at least three and not two as actually happened); the lack of answers to some legal contradictions; the belief that the “specialty principle” can be freely interpreted based on the country of belonging (this is really a fundamental principle of Community law subject to a single and homogeneous interpretation for all European Union countries and is not subject to arbitrariness!). On this request the Supreme Court corrected itself by declaring the nullity of its own disposition to then, without even passing it on to another court as should happen when the nullity of a legal act is declared, repair to its own vices … in short, the same Court has issued two sentences (!!!).
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on EN/IT,Italy: «Ritrovo» repressive operation. Seven anarchists arrested
EN/IT,Italy: «Ritrovo» repressive operation. Seven anarchists arrested
Actforfree received on 13.5.20
During the night of May 13, 2020, seven anarchists were arrested between Bologna, Milan and Tuscany, five others were required to reside in the municipality of residence and the anarchist documentation space Il Tribolo in Bologna was searched. The repressive operation, called «Ritrovo», was coordinated by the public prosecutor Stefano Dambruoso and the Carabinieri of the ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale), who carried out the arrests and searches jointly with the provincial command of the Carabinieri of Bologna.
The seven arrested are charged with article 270bis of the penal code (subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order), the other charges relate to articles 414 (incitement to commit a crime), 639 (defacement and soiling) and 635 (damage). One person is accused of article 423 (fire) for the incendiary attack of December 16, 2018, against some telecommunications antennas located in Monte Donato in Bologna and intended for the transmission of national and local television networks. On the site was left the writing «Turn off the antennas, awaken consciences. Solidarity with the anarchists detained and under surveillance».
The repressive forces affirm that the arrested anarchists are accused of having created a subversive-terrorist association having «the objective of affirming and spreading the anarchic-insurrectionalist ideology, as well as instigating, with the diffusion of propaganda material, the commission of acts of violence against the institutions». Furthermore, the public prosecutor’s office of Bologna, with the help of the regime’s media, underlined that the precautionary measures assume a «strategic preventive value aimed at avoiding that in any further moments of social tension, arising from the particular emergency situation [linked to the coronavirus epidemic], other moments of more general anti-State struggle campaign can take place».
These are the current addresses of the arrested comrades:
Giuseppe Caprioli
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A
15121 Alessandria
Stefania Carolei
C. C. di Vigevano
via Gravellona 240
27029 Vigevano (PV)
Duccio Cenni
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Leonardo Neri
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A
15121 Alessandria
Guido Paoletti
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Elena Riva
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Nicole Savoia
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Italia: Operazione repressiva «Ritrovo». Sette anarchici arrestati
Durante la notte del 13 maggio 2020 sono stati arrestati sette anarchici tra Bologna, Milano e la Toscana, è stato imposto l’obbligo di dimora per altri cinque anarchici ed è stato perquisito lo spazio di documentazione anarchico Il Tribolo a Bologna. L’operazione repressiva, denominata «Ritrovo», è stata coordinata dal pubblico ministero Stefano Dambruoso e dai carabinieri del ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale), che hanno effettutato gli arresti e le perquisizioni congiuntamente al comando provinciale dei carabinieri di Bologna.
I sette arrestati sono accusati dell’articolo 270bis del codice penale (associazione sovversiva con finalità di terrorismo o di eversione dell’ordine democratico), le altre accuse sono relative agli articoli 414 (istigazione a delinquere), 639 (deturpamento e imbrattamento) e 635 (danneggiamento). Una persona è accusata dell’articolo 423 (incendio) per l’attacco incendiario del 16 dicembre 2018 contro alcune antenne per le telecomunicazioni situate in località Monte Donato a Bologna e destinate alla trasmissione delle reti televisive nazionali e locali. Sul luogo venne lasciata la scritta «Spegnere le antenne, risvegliare le coscienze. Solidali con gli anarchici detenuti e sorvegliati».
Le forze repressive affermano che sono accusati di aver creato una associazione eversivo-terroristica avente «l’obiettivo di affermare e diffondere l’ideologia anarco-insurrezionalista, nonché di istigare, con la diffusione di materiale propagandistico, alla commissione di atti di violenza contro le istituzioni». Inoltre, la procura di Bologna, con l’ausilio dei media di regime, ha sottolineato che le misure cautelari assumono una «strategica valenza preventiva volta ad evitare che in eventuali ulteriori momenti di tensione sociale, scaturibili dalla particolare situazione emergenziale [legata all’epidemia di coronavirus], possano insediarsi altri momenti di più generale campagna di lotta anti-Stato».
Questi sono gli attuali indirizzi dei compagni arrestati:
Giuseppe Caprioli
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A
15121 Alessandria
Stefania Carolei
C. C. di Vigevano
via Gravellona 240
27029 Vigevano (PV)
Duccio Cenni
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Leonardo Neri
C. R. di Alessandria “San Michele”
strada statale per Casale 50/A
15121 Alessandria
Guido Paoletti
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Elena Riva
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Nicole Savoia
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Bologna,Italy: On top of the pandemic, a police state
Bologna,Italy: On top of the pandemic, a police state
Translated by act for freedom now!
You could feel from the start of the state of emergency that health protection had little to do with the implementation of controls put in place in the streets all over Italy.
Through a delirious narrative supported by the complicity of all the organs of the media, they insisted on shifting responsibility for the thousands dead from profit on to individual behaviour, steadily legitimizing a kind of violence and brutality that many of us have known on our own skins from well before the state of emergency was declared. Those who called for the army and the militarization of the country are now satisfied: there’s not one corner of the cities free from the arrogance of uniforms of every kind and grade. To pay the price are the same ones that all those who command consider expendable: the enemies within, the undesirables, the last, all prisoners, right to the elderly in the care homes. Perhaps at the rate they’re seeing the State’s violence from their windows of forced confinement every day, many are finally realizing what its real face is.
Confronted with the umpteenth brutal police sweep involving the violent beating of two men in Corso Giulio Cesare in Turin someone said ENOUGH and decided to take to the streets. Many people came out of their houses and soon 4 of them were pushed violently by the police, thrown to the ground, handcuffed and taken away. They were later declared under arrest for resistance and abetting. The reaction of those around was swift: the street was occupied to make it clear that the use of fear in a more and more repressive way will no longer be tolerated, all the more so when carried out with a sense of impunity and omnipotence by every species of cop. And because, precisely while contagion is spreading in the jails, the State continues to fill them up.
Timidly, some media are beginning to report abuses of power by those in uniform, but saying that “a few members of the forces of order are giving vent to excessive zeal”. As if they were “rotten apples”. How can we think that there is any difference between the torturers of the Bolzaneto barracks during the 2001 G8 in Genoa and those who beat up and humiliated prisoners in Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison when they were demanding health protection in the COVID emergency? Or between the executioners of Cucchi, Aldrovandi, Lonzi, and the 13 policemen who in Catania a few days ago beat a man on a bus with truncheons and sedated him with Taser guns because he didn’t have a ticket? Or between the endless examples of violence perpetrated by cops in police stations, railway police stations, the streets and the silent legalized violence all around at this time of emergency?
We are also seeing this in Bologna, where cops’ intimidation of the unfortunates who happen to be around certainly isn’t lacking. Every day we experience arrests and controls bordering on stalking: there are those who are stopped and accompanied by plain-clothes police in cars, those intimidated and filmed by security guards patrolling parks, those who get fined in their homes for meeting people who don’t live there and haven’t been identified, those who are threatened with house searches through article 41tulps [Italian Consolidated Law on Public Security] in search of weapons and explosives (“no problem, with your precedents, we’ll easily get a warrant”), those who are arrested and handcuffed while they are on the ground.
There are those who had clearly seen, well before this emergency, that the police have no other role than to protect the interests of whoever holds power, and are certainly not in the streets for our safety. For this reason we are not surprised at the vexatious treatment they are inflicting on us and others at a particular time like the present. Instead we ask: when will we realize that we can’t take any more of it? When will be there widespread awareness of the legalized violence that is these individuals’ job? And when this happens, will we be able to react to take back what they are taking away from us if we have become accustomed to bowing our heads?
It’s time to hold our heads up high, to not accept violence being inflicted on someone else in the street and look the other way, to open our eyes to the fact that the military, the police, the carabinieri, the finance police and the prison police in the streets, parks, outside our houses are not there for the protection of anyone’s health at all, but to protect the order and interests of the few.
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : On Anarchist comrade Davide Delogu’s hunger strike
Italy : On Anarchist comrade Davide Delogu’s hunger strike
Today [2nd May 2020] deported Sardinian anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu told us that he ended the hunger strike he had started to respond immediately with the struggle to the renewed abuse of censorship, which added to that of isolation he’s still being inflicted. Davide is well and combative as always.
He sends rebel greetings.
Translated by act for freedom now!
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy – News from the state of emergency (Issue 4)
Italy – News from the state of emergency (Issue 4)
News from the state of emergency (Issue 4) 13nt of April 2020
“Their viruses, our dead”
Every day we are submerged by data on the number of infected, the dead and those who pulled through. Even if the structural causes of the epidemic – the industrial looting of the natural environment and the imbalance in relations with other animal species – never emerge, some things are coming to the surface, for those who can fish them out of the sea of information. Over 70% of the dead had high blood pressure. In 95% of the cases there are risk factors that can lead to its advance, in particular, sedentariness and stress. Prohibition to leave home – with the due precautions – creates the conditions for more multitudes of sick people. Not to mention the devastating psychological consequences for all those who are going through housing and family situations as unbearable as they are being dismissed by the State’s optimism (“Everything will be fine. I’m staying at home”). Moreover, if the importance of sun exposure for vitamin D absorption is “fake news”, why do the protocols handed out to carabinieri and police recommend at least half an hour in the sun a day, and where this isn’t possible, taking vitamin D supplements?
They can be sacrificed
Two coronavirus cases were reported among the warehouse workers of BRT [a logistics company] in Rovereto (one of them is in intensive care). The logistics company, after having hurriedly “sanitised” the offices (not the warehouse), wanted workers to carry on working tranquilly, without even having swab tests. The workers refused and went off sick. Meanwhile the Confindustria [Italian employers’ federation] is pushing for factories to be reopened as soon as possible (they were shut after the wave of strikes that forced the government to block “non-essential production”). Someone is talking about “imbalanced subdivision of risk”. Others, looking at the entire planet and its gigantic injustices, are talking about “differentiated apocalypse”.
We’ll talk about it, and for a long time to come
According to official data, from 2009 to today 37 billion euros have been taken from the Health System. Perhaps it’s because of the eloquence of this figure that local newspapers reported a writing that appeared outside the hospital in Rovereto (“Thank you to health workers, but we’re not forgetting those who cut the Health System”) without the usual string of criminalizing comments? Besides the quantitative fact, there is a qualitative one. If we widen the time span, we’ll see that the Health System was not only cut but also transformed. In fact, up until 1978 there was a relation of exchange between preventive medicine and “Citizens’ committees” (a definition with which they tried to institutionalize the numerous people’s health committees in local areas and workplaces that sprang up everywhere during the struggles in the Seventies). A few years earlier, the most serious and in-depth inquiry into the Icmea environmental disaster in Seveso resulted from the encounter between doctors and popular committees. Given that what we are living is a mass experience which won’t go away fast – the greatest limitation of freedom in the history of Italy – it will be of paramount importance for the future to create spaces of discussion between people and critical health workers so as to analyse, as a whole and in detail, what caused the epidemic and how governments and the State’s scientists tackled it.
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy – News from the state of emergency (Issue 3)
Italy – News from the state of emergency (Issue 3)
News from the state of emergency (Issue 3) 6th of April 2020
Nothing will be as it was before
That is what they are telling us. As industrial society can’t be put in question – an industrial society whose constant headlong rush will produce increasingly lethal and frequent epidemics –, we will have to push the accelerator of technological solutions even more. As deforestation, the frenetic extraction of raw materials, the poisoning of the air and water, intensive agriculture and breeding, artificial food production and the devitalization of human beings can’t be stopped, we will have to get used to cohabiting with pandemics. 75% of the new infectious diseases are transmitted to humans by wild animals whose natural habitat has been destroyed, then the role of “contagion carriers” is performed by the fine dust produced by pollution (as recently written by a member of the Società italiana di medicina dell’ambiente [Italian society of environmental medicine]). So? Shall we give back their space to what’s left of the wild fauna and stop this demented race? No. Full speed ahead, under digital command!
Nothing must be as it was before
That’s what we say. Let’s open up places for discussion and organization from below. In cities, neighbourhoods, towns. And let’s face everything that concerns our lives together, from basic material needs to medicine, from the economic reorganization that will be fierce, to the direction we want to give to society. Don’t let them tell us that we will have to pay for it, yet again. Don’t let them talk to us about Great works to relaunch their economy, about automatization of production, 5G and other rubbish. The virus is not the cause but the consequence of the industrial disease. And that is where we have to start off from, finally.
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece – May 1st we are breaking the ban for the victory of the streets, not terror
Athens, Greece – May 1st we are breaking the ban for the victory of the streets, not terror
If time froze for the hundreds of thousands of people staying home, the State has not lost a second in staging a new attack against the “underdogs”, in order to carry out another redistribution of the common wealth for the benefit of the bosses.
The enemy is not invisible
Let’s not get used to the new reality. Let’s organize the resistance collectively in each neighbourhood and self-organize in neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools, in every social field, to build networks of solidarity and struggle, to take back public space. So that
we, the unemployed, the occasional workers, the unemployed, locals and immigrants do not pay again for another crisis.
To preserve the perspective of a different world, without exploitation and oppression, we are not staying at home on the first of May…
War on the State and capitalism
Let’s build our barricades against the march of modern totalitarianism
Resistance – Self organization – Solidarity
Anarchist collectives and comrades
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Nº9 del periódico anarquista “Aquí y ahora” ,Spain
Nº9 del periódico anarquista “Aquí y ahora” ,Spain
pdf : aqui y ahora n9_
Una pandemia se instaura en nuestras vidas, adueñándose de nuestra libertad más básica, poniendo todo patas arriba, paralizando la economía mundial y avisándonos de que, las consecuencias que tendremos cuando
volvamos a la “nueva normalidad”, las pagaremos a un alto precio. Es una pandemia llamada autoridad, que funciona aumentando poco a poco esta olla a presión que estallará en cualquier momento. Este nuevo número del periódico, no se quedará en internet. Nos veremos en las calles.
1.- La salud como proceso: carta de una enfermera familiar y comunitaria
2.- La pandemia de la represión y el estado de alarma
3.- Huelga internacional de vivienda
4.- Historia y significado del 1º de mayo
Anexo: ¿Por qué okupamos? II
Noticias breves / Convocatorias / Recomendaciones / Proyectos de la zona
Puntos de distribución fijos:
– Local Anarquista Motín, C/ Matilde Hernández, 47
– Casa Auto-gestionada del Barrio de Aluche, La CABA, C/ Quero, 37
– Ateneo Libertario de Carabanchel, 2ª planta del Centro Social Okupado
“EKO”, C/ Ánade, 10
– Espacio Social Liberado Autogestionado EKO. C/ Ánade s/n
– C.S.O.A. (Centro Social Okupado Anarquista) La Gatonera. C/ Antoñita
Jiménez, 60
– Bar Río, C/ Halcón, 6
Otros puntos de distribución:
– En los metros de Aluche, Carabanchel, Carpetana, Oporto y Vista Alegre
– En centros culturales, bibliotecas y demás espacios públicos
– En algunos bares y comercios del barrio
Si quieres distribuir, sugerir, aportar o contactar:
Para descargar todos los números y consultar los artículos:
Actforfree receved on 12.5.20
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Real Estate Agent Evicts Traitorous Competitor (naarm/melbourne – so-called australia)
Real Estate Agent Evicts Traitorous Competitor (naarm/melbourne – so-called australia)
Actforfree Received on 10.05.2020
Late on the night of 4th May 2020, we Barry Plant Preston, evicted our
rival real estate agents Jellis Craig Brunswick from their tenant-loving
We smashed all their windows as retribution for their weak and
sympathetic approach to the disgusting and dirty renters of Melbourne.
Evicting tenants and threatening them with crippling debt, is as far as
Jellis Craig has gone, and we say that this is not enough!!
Only when every miserable renter is living in the streets and we are
spitting in their filthy beggars cups, will we be happy.
We have taken this direct action to remind all real estate agents to not
go easy on these shelter-slaves who are opportunistically taking
advantage of the so-called corona virus, which we at Barry Plant Preston
prefer to refer to as the free loaders disease.
Towards a world of greater authoritarianism, slavery and exploitation,
Barry Plant Preston
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Czech Republic: Fenix 2 Trial – Seventh Hearing
Czech Republic: Fenix 2 Trial – Seventh Hearing
Fenix 2 trial: seventh hearing
On monday the 18th of May at 8:30 a.m. there will take place the next hearing of Fenix 2 at the court in Most. Just for reminding, the trial is against four anarchists and one environmentalist and they face to 3-10 years of prison. Show support to the accused ones by being present at the court or by any other solidarity action.
May 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile: Contra sus Guerras, contra la Paz… Guerra Social! / Against your Wars, Against Peace…Social War!
Chile: Contra sus Guerras, contra la Paz… Guerra Social! / Against your Wars, Against Peace…Social War!
On March 19, a nationwide curfew was decreed, prohibiting traffic on the streets between 10pm and 5am, in order to combat the spread of COVID-19 and protect people’s health. After this measure, the miserable troops of the Army, Carabineros and PDI (Investigations Police) are in charge of implementing this control mechanism.
We understand that having decreed a curfew only responds to the needs of the State and has as its only objective the control and strengthening of the order and institutionality of power. Neither the military nor the police take care of us, they only exercise the oppressive role for which they are prepared.
These days there is an expansion of surveillance, registration, dependence on the state and social control. They show us the friendly side of these repressive measures, however, we must be attentive to the constancy of these tools and prevent them from becoming everyday.
They seek to lock us up, isolate us and above all eradicate any kind of protest in the streets. This is what the Curfew is about, imposing the normality of what is sick, of fear and passivity; let us not allow ourselves to be defeated. In order to put an end to this machinery of control and destruction of our autonomy, we must continue the permanent conflict against what seeks submission.
Today and forever, against the military and the police
Against your Wars, against Peace
translated by anarchistsworldwide.
May 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Bouguenais, France: Break confinement to break the shop windows of the exploiters
Bouguenais, France: Break confinement to break the shop windows of the exploiters
Bouguenais, France: Break confinement to break the shop windows of the exploiters: windows of two estate agencies and an optician, in the night between 7th and 8th April 2020, in Bouguenais.
Real estate agencies, to satisfy their shareholders or to allow access to property, participate in the organisation of a system of domination on the shoulders of the poorest people. In the same way opticians, often seen as respectable companies, are the same as the others, greedy for money behind the cover of a false participation in the health protection of individuals.
«Capitalism carries war within it as the sleeping cloud carries the storm» (Jean Jaurès).
#ADA – Action Directe Anarchiste
Translated from italian by Act for freedom now!
May 11, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: News of Giuseppe, anarchist imprisoned for the “Prometeo” operation from the prison of Pavia