Geelong: hundreds of rabbits freed

January 30: Hundreds of rabbits have been released from captivity at a property outside Geelong.

Police believe the offenders opened an unlocked shed which held about 1200 rabbits in cages on the Anakie property sometime between 6pm on January 10 and 6am on January 11. Several hundred of the animals were let loose from the Ballan Road business.

Police said many of the rabbits were not familiar with how to survive in the wild.

Melbourne: Captain Cook’s Cottage Trashed With Paint for Invasion Day

Sydney’s contribution to Invasion Day can be seen here.

Anarchist News: The monuments and museums that fill this dead city only enrage us.

They impose on public space the supplanting society’s creation myth.

The creation myth of Australian society is that rather than looting, murdering, and displacing the original inhabitants, the Europeans were bringing a higher order of civilisation, economic organisation and religion to savage lands.

The denial of this brutal and revolting history is nowhere more evident than on the 25th of January, the celebration of Australia Day – the date of invasion.

This is why we trashed the absurd shrine to genocide, Captain Cooks Cottage, with paint. Continue reading “Melbourne: Captain Cook’s Cottage Trashed With Paint for Invasion Day”

Sydney: vandalism, banners against Invasion Day

Melbourne’s contribution to invasion Day can be seen here.

Sydney Indymedia: In the early hours of January 26th we tipped a bucket of paint on a statue celebrating the First Fleet in Brighton Le Sands, Botany Bay.

We later threw numerous paint bombs at a massive statue of James Cook in Hyde Park, who according the plaque on the monument “discovered this territory in 1770”.

We sprayed stencils reading: “FUCK AUSSIE PRIDE”, “DESTROY COLONIAL AUSTRALIA” & “PROUDLY UNAUSTRALIAN” throughout the city, Redfern, Newtown, Marrickville, Sydenham and at Bicentennial Park and Carss Park, where ‘Australia Day’ celebrations were to take place. Continue reading “Sydney: vandalism, banners against Invasion Day”

Is Indonesia heading towards Fascism?

Hidup Biasa, translated from Kontinum

Some observations on the crisis and new terror laws.

A series of recent laws are highlighting a political trend in Indonesia. New laws on Dealing with Social Conflict and Intelligence are already ratified, and three other similar regulations are still in the pipeline: concerning National Security, Military Reserve Forces and Societal Organisations. Not only are these laws terrorising civil liberties and social movements, but they are also laying the basis for the growth of fascism in Indonesia.

The terror of ‘terrorist legislation’.

In the proposed law on societal organisations, when civil society forms groups or alliances, they are viewed as a threat to security and national politics. The proposed law would place strict controls on the growth of societal organisations, regulating both their formation and their activities. This is an attempt to restrict the freedom to organise. Under the new law, each organisation would have to be approved by the interior ministry and the law and human rights ministry, obliging them to obtain a permit to operate and make reports on their activities and the funding they receive. Continue reading “Is Indonesia heading towards Fascism?”

Mexico: Open letter of imprisoned comrade Braulio Duran to Felicity Ryder


Felicity: Hello, compañera. First of all, I hope that you’re doing well wherever you are. I know perfectly well this probably isn’t the case, because of everything that has happened in this past period, referring to everything — physically, mentally, and much much deeper in your heart.

You know, I have just decided to write you this letter, and really I don’t have the faintest idea what is pushing me. It’s simply something deep within me that says do it and, well, I hope that one day you can read it and somehow you can feel my support. Perhaps I’m being compelled by solidarity, comradeship, friendship, I don’t know, because I have never met you and I don’t have the faintest idea who you are or what you like to do in your ‘free’ time. But, well, all that aside, here I am, compañera. I am with you in much more than in simple letters that can be read as ‘beautiful’… Continue reading “Mexico: Open letter of imprisoned comrade Braulio Duran to Felicity Ryder”

Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide

Fight Now: We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.

But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world.

Even though the recent onslaught of the Greek State against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian spectrum was the initial spark for writing this call, several examples around the globe show us that the police and municipal authorities along with giant corporations are cooperating excellently with each other, attacking solidarian structures and pacifying societies at a transnational level. During the past few weeks and months, in parts of the world, where people suffer from the systematic impoverishment and extended gentrification plans, it increasingly came to State/Capital’s attacks on radical movements, including repression against concrete forms of resistance such as land occupations, autonomous projects, company headquarters’ occupations, or strike actions. It thus deems important that we also connect our struggles worldwide, and fight back in the here and now. Action in response to attacks on squatted spaces at your location could be the spark for you. Take action on the streets and let your imagination run wild to spread the message of active resistance. Continue reading “Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide”

Perth: riot in juvenile detention centre

January 21: More than 70 juvenile detainees in Perth have been transferred to Hakea adult prison after a riot at the Banksia Hill Detention Centre overnight.

Corrective Services Commissioner, Ian Johnson, says the detainees armed themselves with makeshift weapons after three climbed onto the roof yesterday evening.

“Initially three detainees were not locked in their cells, it was at that time just prior to lockdown,” he said. “They then got on the roof, that’s then escalated and a number of detainees have obviously joined them and at one stage in the evening we about 60 detainees running amok in the centre.”

“No staff were injured and no detainees were; the exception of some young fellow that got a gash to his leg and got stitched up and he’s fine.”

Mr Johnson says it took 60 police units four hours to get the situation under control. Continue reading “Perth: riot in juvenile detention centre”

Paris (France): Solidarity action for the migrants’ struggle in Australia

On Sunday January 13th, a dozen people went to Quai Branly Museum, in Paris, where an Aboriginal art exhibition was taking place.

The text below was distributed there as a leaflet and a banner was put at the entrance, blockading the access to the Museum for some time. On the banner, it was written «L’Australie traque et enferme / Vive la révolte / à Nauru comme ailleurs», which means «Australie hunts down and incarcerates / Long live revolt / in Nauru and everywhere».

Besides, at the Museum’s 6th floor, the entrance of «Les Ombres» restaurant (see text below) and the elevator leading to the restaurant were decayed by spurts of a fetid mixture (on the beautiful carpeting!) and a large collection of stinkbombs.

The idea was to express solidarity towards the revolt that exploded on September 30th in the Nauru detention centre. On January 14th, some of the migrants who rose up had to go on trial because of the repression of this revolt. Continue reading “Paris (France): Solidarity action for the migrants’ struggle in Australia”

Bowral: police shoot man twice

January 19: A 22-year-old man was shot twice by police in the southern highlands on Saturday morning, police say. The man was shot in the right shoulder and the left side of his chest on Shepherd Street, Bowral, police say. The shooting occurred after the police claim the man made threats.

Paramedics were called at 6.50am and arrived to find a man with gunshot wounds.

A Shepherd Street resident told Fairfax Media she heard shouts and then a gunshot. She saw police swarm around a man on the ground.

The injured man was taken to a Wilton parachute base and flown to Liverpool Hospital by an Ambulance Service helicopter. A spokesperson from Liverpool Hospital confirmed that the man was in a serious condition.

NSW Police have launched an investigation into the ”critical incident”. A crime scene has been established on Shepherd Street. The State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad and the Professional Standards Command are also conducting inquiries.

Brisbane: Solidarity with Squats Raided in Athens

Banners at Anarchist Summer School

Photographs of 2 banners placed at the Brisbane Anarchist Summer School, held from 12-13 January 2013. As far away as Australia we look to the occupied social spaces such as Villa Amalias, Skaramagka, and the ASOEE steki in Greece as a source of inspiration in our struggle against the existent. With solidarity as our weapon we actively resist the isolation this society attempts to impose on us. You are not alone.

Comrades from the other side of the world

– Anarchist News