
Subversion #1312 Anarchist Cat

Subversión #1312 Kick ass anarchist media.

WE STAND FOR: Anarchy, Anti-capitalism, Anti-racism, Anti-authoritarianism, Internationalism, Autonomy, Direct Democracy, Ecology, Self-Organisation, Solidarity, Anti-fascism, Anti-neoliberalism, Anti-nationalism, Atheism, Equality, Freedom.

Subversion #1312 is broadcast on Brisbane independent radio 4ZZZ every Tuesday from 9-10pm.

Subversion #1312 is part of the Channel Zero Network.

Subversion #1312 is currently hosted by Linda Rose. Also involved in the show are Mark, Nathan, Peter, Queen Antyfa and Barbara.

This website is maintained by Linda Rose.



Peace in Mind – a 10 part series exploring the field of Peace Psychology. Available online.

AustcareWinner 2002 Austcare Refugee Media Awards (with Jessie M) – Best Radio Feature – Female Genital Mutilation.

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the area now known as Brisbane – the Turrbul and Yuggera – and the imperial colonisation and subsequent occupation of this country. We pay our respects to elders both past and present and the continuing struggle for justice. Sovereignty was never ceded. We commit to supporting Aboriginal struggles as much as we can.

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” Lilla Watson.

12 Responses

  1. cole says:

    hi there 🙂 anyone know of any groups or meets in Brisbane to just meet up with like minded people or to learn more about anarchism and its applications? or anmy likeminded groups or meets?

  2. Dana Walker says:

    Did you know that Radio4All website is down? Can’t download your show.

  3. FATAL SOUND says:

    Hi there im from philippines and i was (A) I would like to greet my comrades out there Mujuebres libres viva la revolution*lets toast for this site*

  4. Douglas Turnbull says:

    Is the murdering cop, Christerpher Hurley, still at large?

  5. your heart logo is unfortunately colored like the “anarcho”-capitalist flag. intentional? hope not! o.O

  6. Nathan Moore says:

    Hello and solidarity from Eugene, Oregon (USA). I’m a loyal listener of your show. I listen via the A-infos Radio Project. I enjoyed the latest episode and it’s focus on anarcho-syndicalism. My wife Kate and I perform “working-class folk” in a duo called Monday Morning Denial, and we have a new EP out titled, “Scoundrels That We Are.” You can download it for free at: http://mondaymorningdenial.bandcamp.com/releases. The title track is about an 1883 trial of 60 anarchists in Lyon, France, including Peter Kropotkin. We thought you might be interested in checking it out since you play a lot of anarchist music on your show. Thanks for all the work you do. Looking forward to the next episode!

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