Radar Benefit

Monday April 22nd, Radar Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

And this time donations are for https://radar.squat.net
Or if you see this announcement on the Joe’s website or somewhere else: Radar is the website where all Joe’s events are originally posted before they are then automatically imported.

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Dan Kemp and Ash Ludd

Thursday April 18th 2019, Volkseten Vegazulu from 19:00, then around 20:30, music on the stage with Dan Kemp & Ash Ludd, folk punk from Bristol. Free entrance, donations welcome.

Ash Ludd https://ashludd.bandcamp.com/
Dan Kemp https://dankemp.bandcamp.com/

Squatting being criminalized, rare are the squatted spaces left to hold concerts, benefit events or soup kitchens. Joe’s Garage as a squatted social center, is supporting bands, performers, activists, fellow squatters who understand the urgency to support each others, to strengthen our networks. In other words, start networking on something else than facebook, instagram, twitter, spotify and youtube. So rare are the bands these days making the effort to have a decent website, to the point we, at Joe’s Garage, are less and less interested to make space for such bands.

Do you want to perform on the stage, play a concert at Joe’s Garage? Get in touch, we are curious to read on your website, not on corporate facebook, where you’ve been playing in the past, where you’re heading to.

Workshop DIY Natural Cosmetics III

Wednesday 17 april 2019 from 18:00 till 20:30, Workshop DIY Natural Cosmetics III

DIY Natural Cosmetics III is a space where everybody can try and learn how to do your own cosmetics out of natural products. In this 3rd session we are gonna make products based on aloe vera. In the next session we will try as well other products non cosmetics, but still of everyday use.

Please bring your essential oils if you have to use in your products, and own disposables and containers to take your products and samples home at the end of the session.

Cinder Well, haunting folk from Ennis, Ireland

Monday April 15th 2019, door is opening at 7pm with the Volkseten Vegazulu, the weekly people’s kitchen, vegan food on donation, no reservation. Tonight, you’ll be supporting Faso Kele. See event: Steun Faso Kele – ecoboerengemeenschap in Guinée – ! From 8:45 till 10pm, music on the stage with Cinder Well, from Ennis, Ireland, free entrance, donations welcome.

Cinder Well https://cinderwell.bandcamp.com/ is the haunting folk project of Amelia Baker. Her songs are nostalgic and moving, centered around memory, loss, place, and longing. While heavily influenced by traditional American and Irish music and song, Cinder Well is deeply personal and original. Amelia Baker’s mourning vocals are framed with resonator guitar, shruti box, and strings, and her lyrics and cathartic melodies wrap listeners in a surrealist world just adjacent to our own.

Squatting being criminalized, rare are the squatted spaces left to hold concerts, benefit events or soup kitchens. Joe’s Garage as a squatted social center, is supporting bands, performers, activists, fellow squatters who understand the urgency to support each others, to strengthen our networks. In other words, start networking on something else than facebook, instagram, twitter, spotify and youtube. So rare are the bands these days making the effort to have a decent website, to the point we, at Joe’s Garage, are less and less interested to make space for such bands.

Do you want to perform on the stage, play a concert at Joe’s Garage? Get in touch, we are curious to read on your website, not on corporate facebook, where you’ve been playing in the past, where you’re heading to.

Steun Faso Kele, ecoboerengemeenschap in Guinée!

Monday April 15th 2019, Steun Faso Kele, ecoboerengemeenschap in Guinée! Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm, no reservation. Na benefiet dinner is er om 21u een concert van Cinderwell.

In 2010 is een kunstenaarscollectief genaamd Faso Kele – kinderen van één aarde – opgericht in Bamako/Mali. In hart en ziel werken zij aan een wereld zonder grenzen: sociaal, cultureel, religieus en transnationaal. Middels kunstonderzoek werken ze aan thema’s als sociale gerechtigheid, migratie, vrij verkeer, panafricanisme en bescherming van het milieu en grondstoffen. Voor Faso Kele zijn kunst en nijverheid actieve middelen om een diverse en harmonieuze wereld op te eisen. Kunstrichtingen zijn muziek, theater, vertellingen en ecologische nijverheid.

In 2016 stichtte Falo Kele een ecologisch dorp in de Kindia-regio van Guinee, West-Afrika. Op een terrein van 4 hectare (6 voetbalvelden groot) met 4 hutten en 15 bewoners wordt de grond biologisch verbouwd en vindt er herbebossing plaats. De Faso Kele bewoners zijn afkomstig uit Mali, Guinee, Ivoorkust, Gabon, Duitsland en Burkina Faso. Het dorp heeft naast een autonoom bestaan als doel de bestrijding van de plattelands exodus door vertrouwen te kweken bij jeugd en vrouwen aldaar. Volgende fase is de bouw van een groot gemeenschapshuis en een atelier cq opleidingsruimte.

Maar allereerst is het plan: de bouw van een toiletruimte bestaande uit 2 wc’s en 2 douches voor bewoners en deelnemers van de workshops. De vorige wc was door regens weggespoeld. De nieuwe ruimte is van baksteen en heeft een dak die regenwater opvangt voor de wc’s. Vanavond een benefiet voor Faso Kele in Joe’s Garage.

Meer uitleg over dit project en de bouwplannen vind je in (franstalige) bijlage. De kosten van de wc-ruimte zijn begroot op 19.600.000 GNF (~1.866 Euro).
Je kan ook vanuit je luie stoel storten op bankrekening NL94 INGB 0004 8645 27 van All Included ovv Faso Kele.

Faso Kele en All Included zijn beide actief in Afrique-Europe Interact (AEI), een netwerk van Afrikaanse en Europese zelf-organisaties. AEI werkt enerzijds aan gezamenlijke projecten en acties en anderzijds aan onderlinge ondersteuning.
Zo ontvangen wij op maandag 8 april een lid van de Association Togolaises des Expulsés uit Sokodé/Togo (ATE = Vereniging Uitgezette Togolezen) in Amsterdam.
Deze avond in Plantage Dok over activisme in Afrika en wederzijds ondersteuning zal in frans/engels gevoerd worden. Iedereen welkom.

Meer info over Faso Kele en haar activiteiten vind je hier: http://www.fasokele.org/?lang=fr
Meer info over Afrique-Europe Interact: https://afrique-europe-interact.net/?article_id=113&clang=1
All Included, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, 1018 CM Amsterdam http://www.allincluded.nl/

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Blame it on Fidel! (Julie Gavras, 2006)

Sunday April 12th 2019, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Blame it on Fidel! (La faute à Fidel!) directed by Julie Gavras, 2006. 99 minutes. In French with English subtitles. Doors open at 20.00, Jeffrey’s intro and film start at 20.30

This film focuses on a little nine-year-old girl named Anne who has grown up in Paris in the 1960s. Her father is a lawyer and the family is doing fine. But in 1970 everything starts changing. Her uncle has gone to Spain to fight some politician called Franco (the dictator). Anne’s father also starts bringing in activists from Chile into their home, where strategies are debated. As the apartment fills up with people from all over the world, the atmosphere becomes tense and serious, and little Anne finds herself being taken care of by a host of people rather than just her mother and father. She is told that Mickey Mouse is a fascist, and her father decides to share all of his money with everyone, not just spend it on the family. Anne has lost her comfortable Parisian bourgeois life, and her radical parents try to explain the reasons to her, but she understands nothing of it…. which is understandable!

That is the premise of this film, and it is both funny and insightful to see how all this unfolds. As those who frequent my cinemas realize, France is the only country that allows women to make movies on a large scale. Here we have female director Julie Gavras, the daughter of Oscar winning Greek director Costa-Gavras, who made such legendary films as Z and Missing. Since he was a politically-charged filmmaker, one has to feel that director Julie Gavras is drawing on her own experiences as a child. So many films today are just bad copies of other movies. Not this one… this is a poignant, witty, and unique gem.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Aman molli: workshop by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi

Friday April 12th 2019, Aman molli: workshop by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi. Door opens at 19:30.

Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi will be with us for a special workshop full of singing and music playing! In this workshop we will go on step further by practicing in parallel repertoire of east Mediterranean on vocals as well as melodically and rhythmically. In the end we will try to assemble all together! Don’t miss another unique opportunity!
Alexandros Papadimitrakis teaches Turkish Music (Oud & Lavta) at the World Music department of Codarts university in Rotterdam. Vanessa Kourtesi is singing with the Serenade Ensemble, a group of five talented young musicians from Greece and Turkey. Alexandros and Vanessa have been actively participating in the Aman molli workshops and performed a few times at Joe’s Garage.
Alexandros Papadimitrakis with Michalis at a music Sundays Rodos: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=CazagBfmimk
Vanessa Kourtesi The Circle: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VsE6FcP1lk
Somewhere in Athens: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuyJt185ITE

April 2019 at Joe’s Garage