Jonathan Pearlman
is The Saturday Paper’s world editor and the editor of Australian Foreign Affairs.

By this author

World March 02, 2019

Making nuclear summits great again

Trump and Kim hold second summit on North Korea’s nuclear program. Marshall Islands seeks to lift atolls as climate change sees oceans rise. The US plans to send further aid and impose additional sanctions on Venezuela. ISIS brides in limbo.

World February 23, 2019

West losing its grip on the global order

Merkel attacks new ‘home alone’ approach by US, while Pence warns Europe over purchasing Russian arms. China puts limits on Australian coal imports and rebukes New Zealand. UNHCR condemns arrest of Filipino journalist Maria Ressa. Shinzō Abe nominates Donald Trump for Nobel peace prize, at White House's request.

World February 16, 2019

Refugee footballer back in Australia

Turkey condemns mass detention of Uygur people in China, as video is released of missing singer. Soccer player Hakeem al-Araibi returns from Thailand. Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán exempts tax for women bearing four or more children. Germany plans end to all coal-power generation.

World February 09, 2019

Misstate of the Union

Trump's State of the Union address shows no sign of compromise. Turnaround for reputation of Fiji’s Frank Bainimarama. Messaging service used for attacks in India. Trump suspends missile treaty with Russia.

World February 02, 2019

Hunger for change in Venezuela

Huawei caught in US–China fight. West Papua petition presented in Geneva. Venezuela’s leadership crisis. Taliban deal in Afghanistan.

World January 26, 2019

New whirled order

Joko Widodo’s change of heart on Abu Bakar Bashir. Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro addresses Davos. How Brexit may have rekindled the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

News October 13, 2018

The fight to keep the Witness K case secret

The initial focus of the government’s case against Witness K and Bernard Collaery – resuming hearings this month – is on the fight to keep its potentially embarrassing proceedings confidential.

News February 07, 2015

Improved Egypt-Qatar relations help free Peter Greste

Despite Australia’s diplomatic efforts, Peter Greste’s release turned on a rapprochement between Egypt and Qatar.

News July 26, 2014

Life after debt with payday lending

In the booming payday lending sector, dubious new tactics are hooking the poor and the desperate.
