Teacher Dude


'Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.' Elie Wiesel - Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Thessaloniki, Greece
Έγινε μέλος την περίοδο Νοέμβριος 2007


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  1. Καρφιτσωμένο Tweet
    19 Απρ

    "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine". TV version.

  2. πριν από 24 λεπτά
  3. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 2 ώρες

    All power for standing on the right side of history and being a putting his body in front of his convictions do future generations have a chance of a decent life

  4. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 2 ώρες

    : Exactly a year after the violent attack against 200 in Lesvos (incl. children & babies) 26 of the perpetrators (incl. ) aren't even summoned to answer the charges while the victims will be on trial in May accused for occupying a square...

  5. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 23 ώρες
  6. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 10 ώρες

    I send my condolences to the family and friends of Stephen Smith. I also wish to thank the CASA for all the assistance they gave Stephen. Nobody should have to endure what Stephen went through. Too many still are. Let’s get this sorted.

  7. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 3 ώρες

    Fin de la GAV pour le journaliste Gaspard Glanz. Audience (pour outrage) programmée pour le 18 octobre. Interdiction d'ici là de paraître à Paris tous les samedis et le 1e mai.

  8. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 13 ώρες

    Am tweeting this again because it makes me so angry. This can never be allowed to happen again. It's happened far too many times already. If you vote Tory, you're voting for this.

  9. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 4 ώρες
    Εμφάνιση αυτού του νήματος Tweet
  10. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 7 ώρες

    More than 1,000 people arrested at London climate protests. Police say they have made 1,065 arrests and 53 people have been charged.

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  11. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 6 ώρες

    On the 22nd April 2018 on the island of Lesvos, Greece, a crime against humanity was committed in the capital Mytilene, in sapfo square. 127 Kurdish people mostly family's, pitched tents in the square because...

  12. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 7 ώρες

    Northern Ireland police free 2 men held in ’s death

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  13. πριν από 6 ώρες
  14. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 7 ώρες

    This is happening! Extinction Rebellion protestors lying down inside the Natural History Museum in London 📸

  15. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 6 ώρες

    Inside camp toilets dismal on one toilet I walked past shit left on lip of toilet.

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  16. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 7 ώρες
    Εμφάνιση αυτού του νήματος Tweet
  17. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
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  18. πριν από 6 ώρες

    Bogus comparison, as you know full well. The European figure does not cover the amount paid via taxation for a decent state run schooling system.

  19. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 10 ώρες

    Boris Johnson gets paid £275k a year by the tax-dodging Sark-based Barclay brothers who own the Telegraph to write this rubbish - a lot more than his MP's salary. Guess where his loyalties lie. Most of us would call this corruption. It should be banned.

  20. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 11 ώρες

    Across the British media, the social class divide is widening. My colleague discovers one remedial scheme, but argues that much more needs to be done

  21. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    21 Απρ

    Political Editor on the death of Stephen Smith: “No one could believe a man in his appalling physical condition could have been denied benefits, told to look for work - and forced to get a pass out of hospital to fight for support”


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